Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Episode # 278 - March 23rrd, 2010

Just CLICK on the episode image, at left, to view it at FULL SIZE.(Don't try reading it at this size, or you'll miss out on all the detail!). Click on the pic! And don't worry... if you prefer the black & white version of the strip, that's here too. Just scroll down a bit, and you can click on the black & white version if that's your preference.

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Greg said...

Awwww. I hope she comes back sooner next time.

Michelle said...

I'm glad she left on a positive note, maybe now Breyer can have closure.

WranglerMan said...

That brought a tear to my eye.

She does have a beautiful son. Does Breyer have a three dimensional, breathing version? Send him my way!!

Anonymous said...

That was really sweet.

diana green said...

Nicely done, if a bit anticlimactic. Still, life's like that sometimes.
A couple things I'd like to see:
1. Overlapping storylines. Things rarely happen to one person at a time, especially when lives are as intertwined as these are portrayed as being.
2. Another TPB anthology. How about it Greg? You sure have enough material, and I loved the first one!

Anonymous said...

This was very well crafted. I liked the dialogue and the way it jumped around but hit all the spots a little, yet left some things open for further work... it was a departure, and a last minute opening up of their communication. Thanks for this one.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's gone.

Anonymous said...

I never cared for his birth Mom.
She was never a real mom to him.
She just shows up when it's convenient or in this case to lay a guilt trip on him. What did she accomplish while she was there, they barely interacted ,she trying to play for his sympathy yet drinking and ending up partying and running off yet again. She says to Breyer "you don't need me" when he's trying to reach out to her ,Breyer she's right ,you dont need her and if she comes back again which probably wont happen anytime soon , i would slam the door in her face.

soulsearcher said...

if my mom is like breyer's mom, im not sure if i would still want to be with her...im not as nice as breyer..breyer is good son..and he's like a big man too..he's like one of those California Muscle...lol..watta big guy

Anonymous said...

whoa @1:57. there were a few tears over here! breyer is well you fill in the blank.

william B. Green Jr. said...

I hope you get this note I really do enjoy all what you have wrote about these wonderful GUYS Keep up the Great Work you are always in my Prayers Thank you so much for Giving us something to look forward to Peace & Blessings, William B. Green Jr.March 30, 2010 Savannah, Ga.2:20am

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I just wanted to point out, for those who might have missed it, that in the last panel, Breyer refers to her as Mom. Heretofore, he had been calling her Gloria. This is a bigger deal than it might seem at first, because of all that the word Mom entails. It took me three reads of the strip to notice (lol), but I'm glad I did!

Anonymous said...

I noticed the mom, I just thought he was using it sarcastically since she was anything BUT.

Anonymous said...

Stupid bitch, a cancer would be just too nice and enlightening for her... or maybe not.

Oh well
