Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Episode # 306 - May 3rd, 2011


Blue Lightning said...

You know, I wonder why Kyle ISN'T having money problems. Even if he inherited the building it's real easy these days to be under water if you're giving everyone else a break, because the bills won't be doing you the same favor.

Anonymous said...

Kyle is really not too bright and somewhat on the stupid side.

Hiring someone to run your finances with basically a handshake ,not doing at least a background check on them for starters,asking for business references. Just signing documents without looking them over , it's like all those movies you've seen where someone shady gets the clueless idiot to sign papers really fast before they realize they've just signed the deed to the house away.

I mean Kyle doesn't ask for daily reports , Price simply tells him oh your making more money. I mean if I ran a business and someone was managing my lifesblood , damn well im going to know what he's doing on a daily basis - where my money is going and what changes hes made. Price most likely has power of attorney and who knows what else from those papers Kyle signed , all these little increases here and there Price has been making add up - he's probably pocketing most of that. And who knows what else, I mean it wouldn't surprise me if one of those papers Kyle signed was a salary approval for himself. I think this is about to turn nasty. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Agreed 1:46am, but Brad mad me laugh. So in character. Let's say Richard is the one that can put Price in his place? Or Nick or Nick's boyfriend?

Unknown said...

Yes,it's about to get nasty, but for Kyle. When he confronts Price, he will show Kyle what he signed.

Anonymous said...

favorite line: "Can we have sex now?"

Anonymous said...

This particular storyline is getting much better.It looks like Kyle is going to lose the BNB to Price.Breyer is charming as usual and stunning in that red thong.The bath scene was also nice.Which, for me begs the question: why don't we ever see Nick and Dave in various stages of undress while going about their daily business? I'm not interested in the whole Richard plot(making him an antagonist seemed like manufactured drama)but it was nice to see Delia in the last strip though.