Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Episode # 324 - January 10th, 2012

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Jeffrey said...

I was hoping Eduardo and Kristian would hook up, but I guess it's cool that Richard finally is getting some action. How long has it been for him? Hope he has the good sense to not mess things up with Kristian.

Peter said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Finally someone sees the qualities of Richard.

Luca said...

Don't understand this development, probably because we didn't see the steps of how Kristian could see the bright, good-natured and captivating side of Richard.

I don't like too much when events "just happen", I prefer when we see how things lead to that.

Unknown said...

I am very happy for Richard to find someone who appreciates him. Often we can't see our own positives.

Geroen Stein said...

Normally I'd be all for someone getting some but in this case ,I'm sick of Richards' broken record self pity whining. Every time there is this so called new hot guy , Richard always has to try and get with him and then whines when it doesn't happen. As if being rejected is solely limited to him. That's why I don't like this convenient get together here after he does another pity act. I just dont see the connection here between these two and I'm not talking about just the physical aspect.

Anonymous said...

last five or six episodes have beens about five or six different relationships. anything going to develop in any of them ?

I agree with Luca above, want to see stories develop and not just arrive at some moralistic point (that sometimes isn't even comfortable - like Richard got this HOW ?)

Greg Fox said...

To Anonymous.... trust me, the last few episodes, (prior to the Holiday episode featuring Steve), are ALL going to be developing into something! Nick & Dave's living arrangement, Breyer's job situation, Richard & Kristian... I think you're going to like where all of these various threads are going to wind up!

Anonymous said...

i so wanted to see Brad and Kristian together :(((

feline256 said...

:D :D :D oh my goodness!

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg, I am very curious to see where everything will lead to..!

Already enjoying your comic for over two years,

Hugs from Amsterdam,


Cory said...

That's great Kristian has taken an interest in Richard.
I just hope Richard doesn't screw it up.

Name O Rama said...

I think Richard's "development" started back when he was kicked out, then helped save the B&B, yes, he's still playing the pity card, but something in him is changing and learning. Perhaps whatever comes next will help these changes come into full bloom.... or

Anonymous said...

You know what? I like that Richard is flawed and get's a chance at love. No matter how imperfect. I know a lot of men like him, and we might all consider the Brads (as sex symbols) and the Lances (ice cold fuck shops with cash) as the status/sex symbols of the gay community---but I'll wager Richard hits closer to home for many as an honest representation. I like the development between Nick and Dave. Also bring back Morgan. xox