Saturday, April 21, 2012

Autographed Copies Now Available of the New Kyle's B&B Book!

Author-signed copies of my new book, "Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial", are now in stock at my favorite indie bookstore here on Long Island, Book Revue.If you'd like to get a signed copy for yourself, (they can be shipped anywhere in the world), please follow these instructions:

1. Contact Book Revue by telephone at 631-271-1442

2. Ask to check a title, and then give them the exact title of the book, which is Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial, (or, you can give them the ISBN#, which is 9780615627052).  At this point, don't ask about the autograph or about shipping; just let them locate the book first. This store deals with hundred sof signed-by-the-author books, so the particular salesperson may not be familiar with my book.

3. Once they have located the book, then tell them you would like it shipped.
They will take your shipping info at that point. NOTE: These books DO NOT have
the "signed by the author" stickers on the cover, because there was a problem with
those stickers, (they don't peel off), so I opted not to have them applied. If you
want to verify the book is signed, just ask the salesperson to look on the title page
once they have the book in hand, (but it will definitely be signed, because I signed
ALL of  their stock copies).


Karmakat said...

Well just ordered it from myself

i don't think the signed version would have been able to be shipped to france.

am just happy in any case to finally have the second one hehe )

Greg Fox said...

Oh, thank you, Karmakat! Yeah, I'm not sure how easy it would be getting the signed version shipped to France, it might be a bit expensive. Anazon probably has the best deal. Hope you enjoy it, and thanks again!

Samtrak said...

Love both books.