BIG NEWS!!! The new book collection of Kyle's B&B, Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial , has been published and is available right now at Amazon! After you read the new episode, just click on this text link to order: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial .Also, if you'd like an AUTOGRAPHED copy, Book Revue bookstore here on Long Island has some, and can send them anywhere in the world! Just telephone 'em at 631-271-1442 (But first, read the new episode!!!!)
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Brad in made my day!
I quite liked Happy Days in the Seventies. Don't know If it portrayed the Fifties in USA accurately, but who cares? It was funny!
Had to use Google to look up Tab Hunter. Wow! He's hot in his young days!
We are living in an age where the young think the world was created on their birthdays. Such ignorance.
The generation-gap is pretty much the point of this installment, guys. Nothing wrong with young kids not knowing so much about what happened thirty years before they were born. I'm 65 and I remember Tab Hunter well. 80-year-old gay guys prob'ly fixated on hotties like Lon McCallister and others of that era. Nice strip, Greg, especially those tighty-whities!
I wss just thinking it's been a while since we've seen Brad in his tightie-whities. This might be my favorite installment yet.
Gayspiritwarrior, you are preaching to the choir. In my day, young and old knew their gay history. At least Ken had the motivation to look it up--most would would continue texting. I'm interested to see how Greg will treat this issue--older gay men--without an unhappy ending or worse, patronizing. Rudy is older and unattractive and he's in a sea of hot young men. I guess the fact that that he'll be there for only a few weeks offers an escape clause. Well, we'll see.
woohoo! Brad in tighty-whities!!!
I did not remember Brad having that sort of rather flat coccyx area and small asscheeks that could never be made up for, no matter how much muscle you pump up elsewhere.
i mean come on , brad is a flake but now hes an idiot. even my nieces and nephews who are teens know happy days and who tab hunter is. id rather do the old guy than brad , looks arent everything and i value someone who has an iq larger than their jock size
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