Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Episode # 345 - October 30th, 2012

BIG NEWS!!! The new book collection of Kyle's B&B, Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial , has been published and is available right now at Amazon! After you read the new episode, just click on this text link to order: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial .Also, if you'd like an AUTOGRAPHED copy, Book Revue bookstore here on Long Island has some, and can send them anywhere in the world! Just telephone 'em at 631-271-1442 (But first, read the new episode!!!!)

Don't know HOW you're going to SURVIVE until the next episode of Kyle's B&B is posted? YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Join the Kyle's B&B Fan Page on Facebook, to keep in touch with the B&B... get updates & tidbits about the B&B guys, and share comments with other readers!
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Peter said...

Sorry Lance, that's the oldest trick in the book!

Unknown said...

I think this asks an important question: was Lance flirting because he wanted to get into Drew's pants, or just out of habit? We know though that Lance is very straightforward about who and what he wants. I think this is shaping up to become a very interesting lesson for both Lance and Drew.

Cully said...

Hmm.... There's something familiar about panel 7... will Ryan Reynolds play Drew in the movie?

Michelle said...

I'm seeing something long-term here. Lance will appreciate him more after this.

Ridor said...

Red socks? Yuck.


Anonymous said...

Damn, Drew is hot. I can see why Lance wants to get into his pants. I think Drew is just playing hard to get. They'll end up in bed eventually.

Anonymous said...

Good for Drew, not falling for the " I accidentally spilled wine on your pant/shirt routine." That was so predictable. They may make a good couple, but if I remember correctly Lance tried something similar with MATTHIAS ALLEN taking him out to dinner a while back, but was turned down.

Anonymous said...

Maybe finally Lance will be getting a sense of how lame he actually is... clothes, attitude...


Unknown said...

Aww, poor Lance. {snicker} Dude needs to get some new routines.

Greg Fox said...

@Ridor... they're maroon socks! LOL