Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Episode # 358 - April 30th, 2013

BIG NEWS!!! The first two book collections of Kyle's B&B are BOTH  available right now at Amazon! After you read the new episode, just click on this text link to order: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast or, for Book 2: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial .Also, if you'd like an AUTOGRAPHED copy, Book Revue bookstore here on Long Island has some, and can send them anywhere in the world! Just telephone 'em at 631-271-1442 (But first, read the new episode!!!!)

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Paul R said...

Although this is what I figured would happen, I was almost believing that it wasn't going to! I'm glad Rudy is staying.

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet. I'd love to retire to a gay B&B! One's never too old to look at men.

Unknown said...

Good for Kyle and the rest of the gang..... let's now hope Rudy starts to get into the habit walking around in his underwear, maybe even trying "nicer" underwear as he sees the other guys. who knows, maybe Rudy is a silver fox ;) and will pick up an admirer along the way!!
as said above you are never too to look at men, but I'd add that you are never too old to wander around naked either ;)

Anonymous said...

So great!

BTW-Whatever happened to Eduardo? :(


Mark said...

I love the addition of Rudy to the strip, and I'm glad he'll be sticking around the B&B, but I can't help wishing that it had been made clear that he didn't have any specific medical conditions that would have necessitated his staying at a facility equipped to deal with such things. And even if he's perfectly healthy for a man in his 80's, he's still a man in his 80's...is anyone at the B&B properly trained to handle a medical emergency, since Jeff and Matt left? If I were Rudy's niece, I'm not sure I would have agreed so readily, Brad or no Brad.

Anonymous said...

"This doesn't feel right". Words to live by. And act upon. Bravo!

Troy Haliwell said...

I am glad to see this happen, and hope to see more intergenerational interaction. Help the young to grow up and the older to take pride in a life well lived! This is why we have a card group that ranges 20-65 that meets every Sunday!

Peter said...

Age has nothing to do with how you feel. You just have to ask the person and NOT let other people make the decisions for you.

I'm glad Rudy wants to stay.

Anonymous said...

Hurray! :-)

Unknown said...

I really think that's among the most important lesson to take from this comic. The LGBT community is no one gender, race or sexuality. I'm glad that we're getting to see more variety in the strip. Thanks for that!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that happened. I love the chemistry between Rudy and Drew. When the heck is that next book coming out?!

I've miss so much!

Anonymous said...

Kyle, really enjoyed what you did with the segment about Rudy. Best wishes to you and Kyle's Bed & Breakfast.
Rick Chris

Anonymous said...

wonderful..it sounds like the niece wanted this older man to be in a home for herself there was no medical reason for him to be there