Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Episode # 405 - February 17th, 2015

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Unknown said...

Well, the most important thing is that he learned something. Another great comic! Keep up the good work!

Neil said...

He kind of can't win. First, Richard is mad at him for saying he's only attracted to macho man and now that he's willing to consider alternatives, Richard questions whether he can change who he's attracted to.

Ardenwolfe said...

I'm a little of two minds on this topic. But I want to see how it plays out before I comment further.

Anonymous said...

I just wish the hunting date was sporting a "Duck Dynasty" beard…

Behrmark said...

I'm looking forward to seeing a (nearly) naked Jake in the future. Okay I admit it...I'm shallow!

Anonymous said...

so suddenly we're in the fall ?

I realize that time moves at odd paces on a comic strip that comes out every other week, but I was pretty sure we were in the winter during the last post.

Anonymous said...

Not the last one, but the one before. Good catch.

Anonymous said...

Oups, correcting myself. Yes, even in the last one, we were indeed in winter. It was even written. (DC)

Unknown said...

GREAT! Breyer's in the masthead!

Greg Fox said...

To anonymous: thank you for your attention to detail, but, I'm not clear how you're interpreting this episode as taking place in "the Fall". The trees are bare and there is snow on the ground, (at least, in the outdoor scenes). Just curious how that translates as Autumn to you? Because it was most definitely intended to be Winter when I drew it! If it has to do with the fact that they're hunting.... does that only happen in the Fall? I would think some places allow hunting year round. Thank you in advance for your answer, and yes... I really do appreciate the input

Dan S said...

Love it, Greg! One grammatical error - Jake says, "I've never went hunting...". It should actually be "I've never GONE hunting...", or even "I never WENT hunting...". Both would be acceptable, but the way it's written is grammatically incorrect. Just sayin'. :)

Ardenwolfe said...

I noticed the snow too, Greg. But maybe it's the green grass and the shrubbery that's throwing a few people.

Regardless, I love the work. :)

Unknown said...

I'll resrve total judgement till later but this is going better than expected but I still feel Richard is partly wrong.
It show when he says "can you change who your attached to?" He's trying to much to change jake and can't seem to accept him as he is (something he berated jake for earlier)
Hopefully they'll both come out of this more apreciative of the other but only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's a problem with opening yourself up to possibilities you were once closed to, though -- and clearly you CAN change who you are attracted to, enough of us guys start out liking one type and end up with another, so anyone who thinks this stuff is "set in stone" is kind of fooling themselves.

Richard is trying to open Jake's mind, which isn't quite the same as trying to change something "fundamental" about Jake.

And Jake seems to have gotten Richard's point, so second-guessing Richard at this point would seem moot. Richard had an insight into Jake's earlier reactions which seems to have been accurate. And Jake has learned something. That's all to the good.

And I think it's a good thing for Jake to consider redefining what he thinks of as a "masculine man", given how limited and kind of sophomoric his original thoughts on the issue were.

And there's even something better -- when someone constantly complains about their dating life, good advice has always been to get them to *expand* their dating pool. Remember this all started because Jake was UNhappy with his romantic life.

What Richard has done is break him out of old patterns that weren't leading him to what he wanted. That means that Jake has a better opportunity of finding success -- making a change rather than continuing to do the same old thing that wasn't working for him in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I’m not the original « Anonymous » who catched the Winter/Fall discrepancy, but, yes, hunting, of course, and the amount of snow on the ground in comparison to 403. That being said, it is just a funny occurence, nothing more. (DC)

Troy said...

I am unfortunate enough to have been married to a rage-a-holic for 17 years before I had enough sense to divorce him (yeah, as in real divorce with attorneys and courts and almost $4,000 in costs).

Thanks be to God I found and married a man who is just the opposite of what my first husband was!

But I would note, both of us are masculine men-the type that Jake is looking for. We don't discriminate against our femme brothers-not at all--I just happened to have met John before I met a femme male that was as interested in me.

Anonymous said...


hunting season is almost always in the Fall. deer, duck, whatever they may be shooting.

that, with the lack of snow led me to determine that the comic was moving backward in time.

Anonymous said...

a little research and it appears that year-round hunting by license happens in, of course, texas

otherwise, the only hunting I know of takes place in the fall