Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Episode # 652 - September 3rd, 2024 🍾

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ComixFan said...

Interesting to see Lance and Jason in a business setting as corporate client and lawyer. Even MORE interesting to see how gobsmacked Lance is when he finds out that Jason and Price got it on at the B&B!

Someone's retainer may be at stake!
On the other hand, it's not like Lance cares about what Price does - right?

The plot thickens!

RBS7079 said...

...waitaminute....Drew gets horny, and JUST because Lance finds out Price got his BOOTY blown out, he DENIES that 'Georgia Peach' his OWN back(side) getting blown-out!? ....now I KNOW Lance is NUTS! ...ha-HAAA!!

...Oh Lance, Lance, Lance....his hatred for Price is going to skewer his good graces w/ Drew.....He finally started to 'earn' his Power (without using nefarious ways to get it), and is now reverting BACK to it, to keep Jason (who earned HIS the right way), from bettering his career.....and, getting PRICE.....

....Just because Jase knows how to SCREW, doesn't mean he should BE 'screwed'!

...I kinda like this plot, with Drew, Lance, Price & Jase; it's got power-play, Hot guys, a bit O' Comedy, matters of Trust.....I hope Greg has a sexy 'lil storyline cookin' up, because it's BEEN awhile since we seen Drew....

......Jockstrap, ASIDE! ...ha-HAA!! ....CHOW!

RBS7079 said...


....au CONTRAIRE, Comix, Lance DOES care....If he feels Jase gets w/ Price, he may revert to 'sneaky' ways, if Price whispers in Jase's ear, endangering his standing with his (business) Company......

...Jase & Price BOTH know their 'standing' in the Boudoir (Jase: dominant, aggressive, wiry TOP / Price: insatiable, juicy, submissive BOTTOM).... I (personally) don't see an 'emotional' relationship starting with them, but Lance doesn't want Jase's business intermingling with HIS 'Business'....

...which, is why this story arc is shaping up to be a VERY good One, because it can go in SO many directions.....don't let me DOWN, Greg.... ; )

renanthesecond2 said...

Please, don't break up Lance and Drew, Greg. The gays nerd to have a stable couple to follow in the comics, it's very sad to think that all the gays are promiscuous.

RBS7079 said...

....y'know....I agree with Renan's comment about Drew & Lance being the 'stable' couple...I've been saying for YEARS that these Two are the B&B's longest, most mature, & committed couple....

.....But, some changes are needed.

1. ....MORE EMOTION from Lance! ..Greg seems to not really 'like' the character, because he hasn't 'warmed' up to anyone, and showed a more emotive side after ALL this time; even when Drew tried to bring up Marriage (in the B&B livingroom when Brad was discussing Jaime), he was very dismissive...and P.S. , Lance is SMOKIN', why doesn't Greg ever show his Body!?

2....yet, all Drew ever DOES, is show his Body! ..Kilts, jockstraps, Speedos...the sexiest he EVER looked (to me) was when he was in a tie, dress shirt & slacks! (when he consoled Rudy after the death of Terrence/ Robert) ...No more 'Himbo', he needs to show HIS maturity, too, covering UP (a bit) ... ; ) ....

3. ...I've BEEN sayin' it....marriage, marriage MARRIAGE! ...They're committed, it'll warm Lance up, and their sexy Boudior-wear complements them both..... just MY opinion.... ; )

Jack said...

Some things stand out: (1) it's time for Lance to warm up more with Drew (even IF I feel he'd be better with Matt, Kristian). (2) I can see WHY Lance would be upset because Price is a manipulator, (3) when will we see WHY Price is even living there when his family is super rich? (4) I DO wonder about Brad's reaction to Price getting smashed, (5) I DO agree with Drew and Lance getting married but I wonder why Drew doesn't stand up for himself (he IS a therapist).


renanthesecond2 said...

The gays NEED to have

Anthony said...

I rarely post a comment about the goings on in the BNB, but here goes. I hope this episode isn't a precursor of a moment of infidelity for Lance. Hopefully, his admiration of Jason is only for his strength as an attorney and nothing else.

I like Lance and Drew together. I hope this is not going to be another long-term relationship to be dissolved like Kyle's and Breyer's.

RBS7079 said...

@ Anthony:

...hey, welcome, Babe! ...I too, worry that a dissolution may happen for Lance & Drew...but, NOT for Jason; I (personally) feel that Greg (the Artist) may not have the desire to flesh out the 'Lance' character anymore, because he's the LEAST 'evolved' character......even RICHARD had growth!

...he's still in Suits, STILL dismissive & unemotional....yet, STILL with the Hottest Dude in the B&B! ....Lance & Drew had a natural, building relationship, and it should be solidified, in some way..... Unless Drew takes a stand, Viewers will become disinterested in Lance, and it MAY influence a breakup......we'll SEE..... ; ) ....

ComixFan said...

Speaking of Lance--- in his focus on work, and on always appearing "professional" and dressed, and unemotional - doesn't it strike you that Lance is actually more representative of real life gay men in the business and everyday world? They DON'T wear their hearts on their sleeves, they mask their actual emotions and they speak in code, if they speak at all.

Rather than being boring, I think Lance brings a refreshing note of reality to the strip. More readers can identify with the way he conducts himself and how he acts, than they can with someone who is more flamboyant, such as Richard for example.

If you are trying to be taking seriously, as a man in the business world, or by other people in general, you play the game that everyone, straight or gay, plays - you keep your emotions in check, you think and act strategically, and you are very careful with whom you share your inmost thoughts.

Note: One thing that is rarely touched on in this strip - people of different ethnicities, backgrounds and races communicate differently among members of their own group than they do with members of other groups. In the case of Drew and Lance, it doesn't surprise me at all that their level of mutual understanding only goes so far. Being gay men together is still different from being of the same race or ethnicity together. There are common understandings in each of those different combinations that aren't necessarily shared.

Drew, as a white therapist raised in the South has an entirely different life experience and world view than Lance, a black businessman operating in the NY City area. Worlds of difference! They don't really talk about it, because their relationship is based on other shared interests and values.

Good strip!

ComixFan said...

"If you are trying to be taken seriously,..." [correction]

RBS7079 said...


....'tis true, but, to an extent; when Greg debuted Lance, that's EXACTLY what he was to represent...A Gay Man who HAS to hide the emotion(s), to succeed...but, he used his 'Sex savvy', to FURTHER it....

....I'm not indicating Lance has to 'kiki', and 'yaaas Bitch' all over the place, but, if he's with DREW, he should show his emotive side(s), more...and Greg once indicated that he didn't feel Lance (nor Darren, Rich, & Kyle) weren't characters that WOULD show off their Bodies freely (like Brad & Mannis), so I understood that.....

...But, the times Lance DID show his Body, he was HOT! ....The time when he wore the Red silk robe, HOT! ...the spandex jogging shorts & tank top...HOT! ...the ski leggings & Parka...SMOKIN' HOT!

....Lance & Drew's racial standing was NEVER an issue, because they never brought it UP! ...But, Lance 'following' Drew around P-Town (while Drew was being ogled by everybody) seemed more believable, and should've been explored, more.......hell, I just want Lance to get SOME degree of, "...shit, he's HOT...", from time to time, because he IS!

...THIS is why this story Arc is shaping up to be good, because it's bringing it back to Drew & Lance, and HAS to evolve their union in SOME way.....here's hoping, Greg... ; ) ......

Frank said...

Interesting episode and perspective from the comments. I imagine Lance's reaction is more annoyance / anger of Price being adjacent to his business, as happened with the dance company. Perhaps Lance also doesn't want to see a promising young attorney led down a bad path by the likes of Price, though Jason doesn't come across as weak or impressionable. He likely isn't interested in Price's happiness - even if the Jason / Price encounter is probably just two competitive guys sparring and relieving sexual tension. Not sure I would have frozen out Drew - he's just the hot, barely clad messenger lying on the floor doing crunches. I foresee Jason living at the BnB in the near future, having it off occassionally with Price and possibly Brad suddenly being jealous and pining for Price, whose mouth's talent extends beyond stinging insults. Just 5 more days.....

RBS7079 said...


.....well, I steadfastly agree with your comment, Frankie Baby; everything you stated will make the B&B a ROCKIN' place again, with Jase bangin' Price up against the Walls....of the B&B...... ; ) ....

...AND, Brad is bound to be 'salty' (as the Kids say these Days); he was the 1st recipient of that 'talented' Mouth of Price's, yet, acted like he was "R"'d, and acting like a remorseful College chick, during Spring Break....

...and, I also thought of something....... Lance & Price could....COULD.....be sexually attracted to each OTHER! ...It makes TOTAL sense! ..very, VERY similar in their shifty ways, actions, thought process, builds, Dress sense, personalities....

...It would also free up Drew (if Lance breaks up with him), gets Jase to roam the B&B for some new 'tail', and they would make a DEVASTATINGLY sexy Duo...if they don't KILL each other first! ...ha-HAA!! ...Toodles!