Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Episode # 655 - October 15th, 2024 🧺

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RBS7079 said...

...forgive, because I haven't had my Coffee seep into my system yet but.....are we still going with this, "..Levi & Jeremy leaving for Hawaii..." thing!?

....interest in this strip picked up again w/ Price getting banged (& Lance getting riled up that he wants his turn), and we're still gettin' the finishing touches on something we didn't care about, being 'finished'!?

...I LOVE the Levi character and STILL don't want him to go, but ship Jeremy off on the Concorde, lickety-SPLIT!

....And, we didn't need Richard's apology (or reasoning) for the 'makeover', because we didn't CARE; Levi's lust for Jeremy was SO out-of-the blue, no One cared about the end result! ....well, at least Levi's shag is growing back in......

....and I've STILL yet to see Levi's ASS in motion, since that debut of those JUICY BUNS at the trash bin, and....---- ...well, I guess my Coffee kicked IN! ...ha-HAAA!


ComixFan said...

@RBS7079 - While I understand/somewhat agree that the Levi & Jeremy story wasn't necessarily all that interesting to some readers, it IS good to have resolution.
I took a bigger point here - Richard's "Queens' network" is SCARILY effective at working their wiles and advancing Richard's agenda behind the scenes! As Kyle noted, Richard DELIBERATELY screwed up Levi's makeover to force Levi to acknowledge his real self! Awesome therapeutic technique = if that's what if was!
Imagine what Richard would/could do if he set his sights on Price and Lance! He presumably LIKES Levi, so he "helped" him. What would he do to Price and Lance? On the other hand, why does he have to do anything? Price and Lance can self-sabotage and blunder around very well on their own.

Jack said...

@Comixfan: I agree to a point. It's just that with Richard, there doesn't seem to be any real growth. He hasn't had a lover since Kristian left and to be honest with you, I found Kristian WAY more interesting than Jeremy. I don't see any chemistry between Levi and Jeremy. Also, what about the sex issue? Mannis' take on this?...True about Lance and Price.


Jack said...

For once, I agree with you. I just don't find Jeremy interesting at all. He adds nothing to this strip. I'm not quite sure what the motive here.
I don't know about Lance wanting a turn with Price. I see it as this: Lance is in the marketing world and it's ultra competitive and any wrong turn could lead to him being at a disadvantage. That being said: it must not have been good because Price isn't begging him the way that he did with Brad as we all know that CERTAIN people are *ahem* challenged in certain areas. That being said: I'd like to know why a rich guy like Price lives in a bed and breakfast when his family has money. Again, no development for Lance, Price, Richard or Drew. Great strip but I feel as if Greg focuses on the wrong characters. Example, I find Rudy FAR more interesting than Jeremy and when are we going to see more Delia?


ComixFan said...

@Jack - That IS an interesting idea - WHAT ABOUT other people at the B&B, like ---? Rudy? He had a near-death experience a few years back when he was targeted by some scammer, but he survived. It would be interesting to hear what some of his issues/concerns/interests are - How is his kilt shop doing? Is Mannis still working there?

Re: Sex issue - the impression I'm getting - could be majorly wrong -- is that everyone is essentially living their lives, focused on their careers and day to day lives. Their relationships - or lack thereof - seem to be pretty secondary. But, isn't that true for most 40-something people?

What would be interesting would be if someone new to the B&B came and instigated a MAJOR lifestyle shakeup, while still living at the B&B. Like, a male character who wanted to have children, and who wanted that while in a relationship with someone currently at the B&B.

Can you imagine a selfish dolt like Price being a parent? Changing a diaper? Obsessing over the "right" preschool? (Actually, that type of obsession would be right up Price's alley, since it involves status and judgment and ranking - all things he cares about) but I digress...

I can see avoiding politics and religion as plot points - too many minefields there!
How about more career-oriented moves, like word getting out about Lance sabotaging that legal job offer?

Lots of possibilities for different story lines. I don't know anything about Kristian or any of the other prior people who have come and gone, so I can't say what should happen with their story lines.

I do look forward to the bi-weekly developments! Cause I'm a
ComixFan! lol

Jack said...

@ComixFan: Honestly, I thought that Greg would pair Darren with Rudy (no shade to Eduardo) because they seem to mesh well. I would've even accepted Darren with Price (when they had a disagreement, Price was submissive to him)....That being said: I have asked the question as to why Price was even living there when he comes from money. How does his family feel knowing hat he's gay? Etc...We see such little lack of growth regarding Price, Drew, Lance, and even Richard. I don't know why he focuses on Jeremy. I'm sorry but he's such a polarizing and boring character....I don't see Jason having sex with Price as a way of sexual tension between Price and Lance. I see this as a manipulation by Price to get to Lance. That being said: Lance is in an ultra competitive business world and one slip up can be costly and to be honest with you, this is a strategic move on his part...Also, Jason must not have been that good because when Price sexually assaulted Brad, Price went out of his mind (buying him things, etc.) Not so with Jason, so it must not have been that good...I feel that Kristian was written out way too soon like Jeff was. There's just so many more interesting storylines that Greg could explore. That being said: I like the notion of people finding out about Lance not giving Jason the job offer (a lot of gay men LOVE drama and can't live without it...)


Markeece said...

I agree that Levi and Jeremy seemed to come out of the blue , and now it seems like they are getting ready to ship him out. I am trying to remember when they interacted before and when Levi developed feelings for him. I am still team Darren and Levi. From their first interaction their chemistry was evident. I would like to see some type of growth and development with all the characters you mentioned ( Lance, Drew, Price, Richard). I am interested to know more about Price and his history. Maybe then we could at least understand his behavior more better. Does Richard even communicate with Kingston? whats the status between them? there are some pairings i really do questions at times lol. I am still #TEAMDARREN&LEVI (what would their ship name be?)