Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Episode # 294 - November 2nd, 2010

Just CLICK on the episode image, at left, to view it at FULL SIZE.(Don't try reading it at this size, or you'll miss out on all the detail! ,). Click on the pic! (NOTE: For some browsers, you may need to click on the pic one more time AFTER it opens up in a new window, to bring it up to full size).

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Michelle said...

It's about time someone put Richard in his place!

WranglerMan said...

I still worry that the dastardly dude Price has witnessed Richard's indiscretion. Watch your back, Breyer!!!

Troy said...

Bravo Bryer!

fljsournwlpos said...

Now off to an AA meeting in the morning RIchard.

Anonymous said...

Drama-Lama-Ding-Dong... Dang...


Anonymous said...

im glad he dropped richard on his ass. about time somebody did and if price had seen it so what. id think Kyle would surmise the truth and let richard have it. I think Breyer should tell Kyle for sure so he can see what a using sponge he is and kick him out of the B&B

Louni said...

i actually know people like Richard in my life ...

Anonymous said...

Richard sinks to a new low. He's pathetic.

Luca said...

Richard at the beginning of the strip was nice, he was conveying a light atmosphere with his witty remarks. He was a nice counterpoint to the serious Kyle.
Now, frankly, he has become just pathetic, he doesn't age well.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least this is realistic. He hasn't aged well indeed. Those type of queens usually don't. But there's still a chance for him to change his attitude.