Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Episode # 385 - May 13th, 2014

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ShaunNJ said...

Love wins after all. Lance is very cute and nicely drawn in panel 7. It's nice to see him not looking angry for a change. I guess Price can be consoled by Richard - when is that obvious couple going to get together?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...they're going to celebrate but he didn't say 'I love you' back.

Anonymous said...

Right, he didn't say 'I love you' back. So does he, 'redneck', love Lance? Who could come between them? Lance is handsome.

Anonymous said...

Will Drew say I love you?

Anonymous said...

unrealistic romantic crap

Unknown said...

I would have NO PROBLEM with Drew on the front lawn in just his undies...... smaller undies would be nice, small, tight, black boxers or a tight black slip or bikini (of course, in nothing is 100% better but :) )

Ardenwolfe said...

To be honest, and as bad as it is, I was hoping for a little more drama. Still, it's nice to see something of a happy ending.

But don't count Price out just yet.

I get the feeling he's not done screwing around, not literally apparently, with these two.

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to go to Drew's room any time. I love his hairy chest and sweet buns.

Anonymous said...

I don't officially agree with Anonymous 3 (I think people also have the right to have fun) but I must say that even as an old visitor of this site (May 11, 1999), I never never never understood a thing in these multiple relationship stories (except the recent one with the skater). I'm not even able to differentiate the characters so much they resemble each others. But still, I really like this bi-weekly rendez-vous with amusing irrationality ;0). (DC)

Anonymous said...

This snuck up on me this week....in more ways than one!

Anonymous said...

Im eating humble pie because I've made some disparaging comments about gay interracial couples. I've owned some people here due to my own previous interracial gay relationships. However, after seeing michael sam kiss and cry tears of happiness to his white lover on espn and seeing Shaun t with his white husband, I've had to rethink my position.

You see man apologizes for his mistakes and moves on. I've stated a lot of hate on here. I totally relate to Lance because it's very difficult to be a black gay male in today's society, let alone have a relationship in one.

That said, Lance and Drew are a good couple, just like jean Paul beaubier and Kyle jinadu from Marvel comics,

Like Lance I've had to be stoic and ambitious and although being handsome is great, I don't get to show the other sides to me. Thus feeling invalidated within both the black and gay communities. You feel invisible!!!! But that's still no reason to expose racial and homophobic angst.....I accept my role in this type of thing and for that I apologize to Greg and other readers here...I was shocked when some of the taffeta here said that Lance was handsome. That was a great surprise.....apologies again to everyone. ...

Unknown said...

Very nicely put "B" - your comment touched me :-)

And I've got the review for this episode, boys and girls. Check it out if you like:


Anonymous said...

I love the look on Lance's face in the "I can't believe I said it myself", panel. He really is a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Lance will get even with Price and his Co worker. Trust me, of all of the house residents, Lance is the most cunning... Could it be that Price has a thing for Lance? Any way, this was a good story line. Far more ingesting than that skating story...

Anonymous said...

Lance will get even with price and his Co worker. I'd bet on that. Lance is far more ruthless. ..But Does Price have a thing for Lance? Anyway, Drew and Lance are far more interesting than Kyle and his lover. You never see them having drama or issues. Brad is just a waste. ....

Anonymous said...

Price will rue the day he messed with Lance. Lances coworker too...

Michelle said...

Price brought up the attempted choke to remind Lance of his past behaviour, I think Price already got whatever satisfaction he was looking for.

Anonymous said...

I would've gotten in his face had he insulted my man too. Especially to my face. That said, when all is said and done, price will rue the day that be messed with Lance. Is it me or does he have a fascination with Lance? That said, Drew and Lance look cute together.....

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that lance was forced to pursue Drew for a change. Also, Lance was forced to admit that he was in love with drew. Is it me or did Lance suddenly become more likable while he's with Drew? Lance was also forced to reassess the situation. ..hhmmm, A kyles bed and breakfast wedding, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

I hope the relationship with Lance and Drew lasts longer than the relationship Lance had with the priest. I think Lance deserves to be happy too. I hope that Drew loves Lance also and is not playing some sort of sick game.

Anonymous said...

No. Lance and drew are a couple. Even I can see that.

asm613 said...

really??? lance practically called (inferred) that Drew was white trash to be with Price_ & in the next breath he's confessing his love ?? & Drew is all welcoming & forgiving to Lance's schizophrenic mood swings/outbursts.

it's way beyond believable- even in a make believe cartoon it's beyond reasonable.

why does Lance constantly get away with being a dick= but everyone is so ready to crucify Price for being dick-ish.
the way lance treated Drew at the advertising dinner was horrible- & then he spent weeks avoiding Drew_ & you have Drew running after him??
you haven't even shown any reasons why Drew would like Lance; much less put up with that kind of treatment & then go running after him for more.
this is just ridiculous- beyond ridiculous.
& if you're gonna constantly make Price the bad guy you might as well have him move out- because it's been done to death. Price deserves to earn his redemption & earn happiness or you should cut him loose.
cause in this situation- he clearly deserves Drew more than Lance does- but you can't seem to let him out of his little box of being the devil.
So give Price a better deal or write him out