Tuesday, December 30, 2014

And the Winner Is....

It's official! The man from Alabama has walked away with the crown for the third year in a row! And, once again, with a landslide victory, (grabbing a whopping 32% of the vote... his closest competition, Brad, a distant second, with 12% of the vote). Just what is it about Drew that has captivated so many Kyle's B&B readers and fetched him the crown 3 years in a row? Aside from his stunning good looks & hairy pecs, I believe it's the fact that he's a GOOD MAN. A guy who does the right thing... who's friendly and warm and full of genuine Southern charm. 
And what other man could possibly have landed Lance in an actual relationship? (Something for which he may deserve an award in itself!). He also happens to be the first B&B guy to have a book published devoted solely to him.  (Kyle's B&B Presents: Drawings of Drew, published just this past year). Whatever your feelings about Drew, it's perhaps comforting to know that the award went to a nice guy!

If you're curious about the final results in the election, here's the final standings moments before the polls closed. Congrats to Brad, for winning second place, and to Rudy and Kyle for tying for third place. Sadly, Price appears to have
captured the ignoble last place award with only 1% of the vote, disproving the maxim that "nice guys finish last". Not in this race!

Thank you to everyone who voted...  and if your guy didn't win this year... there's always next year! Start campaigning for him now.... it's never too early!!!

Links to order the Kyle's B&B Books on Amazon are below:

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Ardenwolfe said...

Have to admit, I voted for Drew as well. He reminds me of someone I know.

Mark said...

No tattoos or facial hair in 2015!