Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Episode # 649 - July 23rd, 2024 🔨

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RBS7079 said...

RUDY: "...what's that noise coming from Price's Bedroom..?!"
DARREN: "...Price & Jason are.... working out together..."

....you mean, 'working IT out' together!!...HA-HAAA!!!

...Ah YES, Price comes back, squeezes his buns into his Lacrosse shorts....and Jason 'squeezes' somethin', into PRICE ...Or, should I say, THUMPS it into him!! ...ha-HAAA!

....I see the Jason / Price 'Love / Hate / F*ck' storyline picks back up, and I'm not mad at it at ALL; the Levi pining for Jeremy story arc became HIGHLY uninteresting (w/ no fault to Levi), but the sparring, horny aristocratic talk between Jase & Price, actually is a bit of a turn -on.....

...I reeeeeally hope the story arc goes into Brad being jealous of Price getting his back(side) blown out, because he wants to it HIMSELF, to Price... I still think Brad & Price are THAT Couple; perfect on Paper, but JUST can't seem to work it out.....

...Brad's (unnecessary) asexuality (& Price's abstinence for him), makes for a dull B&B....there should be F-U-C-K-I-N-G goin' on in these halls, and I thank Jason for making those halls RING again....

....and I meant the B&B 'halls', not the one between Price's CHEEKS! ...ha-HAA!! ...YES, some good Ol' Fashioned THUMPIN' again! ..WHEE!


Jack said...

It'll never work out because they're both *ahem* challenged in the front. That being said, this storyline is still more interesting than Jeremy. WAY too much time was wasted on the storyline. Good to see Darren but when will Greg address why Price, a rich boy, is living in a bed and breakfast?


Luca said...

hmm Price surely enjoys the role of little bottom bitch in bed

Frank said...

I made the mistake of reading this at the office and was unable to stand for several minutes. Thank you Greg - this is the hot follow up scene many of us have been anticipating. It's also hot and realistic that a house with many single, virile fit men would have hookups. We shouldn't look for this to become a relationship necessarily - these two definitely have chemistry and it's nice to see Price get his comeuppance. Rather than make Brad jealous, Brad can be relieved Price is distracted elsewhere and leaves him alone. Brad and Price may make and attractive couple, but Brad has multiple personal issues to resolve which Price would not help or support. There's a competitive streak between Jason and Price - they compliment each other much better (we already know they're a good fit).
Glad to see some real heat and tension added to the strip - and Price is getting something he might not have sought down in Kentucky.

RBS7079 said...

"...I made the mistake of reading this at the office and was unable to stand for several minutes...."

...hell, I ran to XHamster! ..ha-HAAA! ...I'm glad that Price finally got some 'comeuppance' in that rear of his, TOO! ...HA-HAAA!!

jjt said...

Such witty banter.

WranglerMan said...

Go Jason! Pound Price's tight arse!

ComixFan said...

I'll admit I don't get this at all.

I understand it's supposed to be hot, passionate sex. I don't get the attraction between these two at all.

Price is a domineering, loud, arrogant, entitled a--hole. Why would he be a bottom for anyone? He also seems to get into arguments all the time with Lance Powers, another loud, aggressive d-bag.

He seems to like Kyle, the B&B owner, on some level. Kyle seems to appeal to his nicer, less a-holish side. I don't get why he's attracted to Jason Forrest, other than that he is competitive with him, over Ivy League school education and career choice.

I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or some such ?!

RBS7079 said...


....are you KIDDIN' me!? "..Price is a domineering, loud, arrogant, entitled a--hole....." ..that's WHY! ...ha-HAA!

...As stated, Price ALWAYS wanted to be dominated; He tried to take the B&B away from Kyle (when he debuted), but Richard found out he was being schtupped by the CEO of his FATHER'S business, and threatened to tell, if he didn't lay off.....

...THEN, when he got drunk and slept w/ Brad (platonic-ally, to sleep off the booze), he admitted he liked to be tied up....

...AND, he knows he's got a ROCKIN' ASS, which is why he's always in "Risky Business" mode (dress shirts w/ nothing underneath), or in those, '..f*ck these cheeks..' Lacrosse shorts...

...AND, he's a Kentucky Republican, that comes from Family Money...He can't be 'himself' anywhere, BUT at the B&B!

....JASON (on the other cheek), is an assured, strong, smart, edgy, lean, (a tad) arrogant, kinda kinky, go-gettin' TOP (natch), that handles B-I-Z-N-E-S-S...and, he knows a good blowhard, he can conquer.....It makes TOTAL sense that they would wreck mattresses at the B&B!

...Both, Marriage material!? ...NO...Beauty MAY be in the eye the holder, BUTT there's better 'beauty' in the 'eye' of the HOLE, lemmetellya.........


Frank said...

I took a look at many past episodes - one can presently go back to 2009 / episode 250. It's quite interesting to see character development and storylines. Surprisingly, some have been around more than a decade (Rudy 12 years, Price shortly afterwards - even Jeremy arrived 2015). Jeremy has changed from "flighty" queen (who could just die about everything) to the more mature adult, Brad's had various struggles - coming out, being closeted, attraction/bungling a fling with Morgan, Richard betraying Kyle trying to sleep with Breyer (and exhibiting a drinking problem) and redeeming himself exposing Price's scheme, etc. There were several allusions to an aversion to anal, which was assigned to be expressed by Jeremy. Delia has been a loyal friend (and used to be a redhead). I appreciate Greg has kept us entertained for 25 years - the clarity and quality of his artwork is much improved from 15 years ago, and the storylines are still saucy (more so in the past, and turning in that direction again). There seemed to be much more intra-house flings before.

One point of curiosity - we suspend our disbelief in many cases, and time doesn't proceed chronologically according to the calendar. Yet, there are Christmas celebrations every year - clearly the years are ticking by. Rudy should be in his 90s now, most of the residents should be in their 40s-50s (yet we see Brad being groomed to enter Major Leagues at an age when most retire) - what gives Greg?

RBS7079 said...


...well, I agree with the character growth(s)...But, since it's a strip we HAVE to realize the characters are 'suspended in time' (in regards to age)... but, you brought up ONE character that I actually was thinking about....RUDY.....

...I think he should die.

...not NOW, mind you....You brought up that he should be mid-90's by now, but for character growth for most of the B&B'ers, Rudy quietly passing away in a House where an Elder Gay Man lived out his last days, would make him a central point in realizing that (Elder) Death occurs in Gay community, and how it differentiates in each Person.....

I envision it quietly; Rich and Kyle are preparing Breakfast, and ask Eduardo to jot upstairs and give Rudy his Morning coffee....only for Ed to find, that he passed.....

...Mannis is devastated, Lance & Price are conflicted w/ emotions, Darren & Sergei are blunt realists (in regards to Death), a Funeral, etc. ... It would show a topical situation that would hit Home....or, the B&B ....with a stark REALISM.....

...Ironically, Rudy was involved with the ONLY Death at the B&B (Terrence / Robert), and having him 'leave' the B&B would be the BEST send-off an Elder Gay Man would LOVE to have.....

...Even if it's a character. ....MY opinion.... ; ) ....