Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Episode # 350 - January 8th, 2013

BIG NEWS!!! The first book collection of Kyle's B&B, Kyle's Bed & Breakfast is officially back in print, along with the second volume, Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial, which was published earlier in 2012. They're BOTH  available right now at Amazon! After you read the new episode, just click on this text link to order: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast or, for Book 2: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial .Also, if you'd like an AUTOGRAPHED copy, Book Revue bookstore here on Long Island has some, and can send them anywhere in the world! Just telephone 'em at 631-271-1442 (But first, read the new episode!!!!)

Don't know HOW you're going to SURVIVE until the next episode of Kyle's B&B is posted? YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Join the Kyle's B&B Fan Page on Facebook, to keep in touch with the B&B... get updates & tidbits about the B&B guys, and share comments with other readers!
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Unknown said...

I can't stop laughing about the peaches line. It's corny as hell, but I'd fall for it!

Michelle said...

Glad my boss didn't walk in while I was reading this episode!

Unknown said...

Damn Drew, you never lay on your frelling back?? LOL

I'd like to see ALL his PEACHES, maybe the banana too ;)
almost a fruit salad then LOL

looking like that, I 'd not care about his dialogue, so long as he stayed naked!!!

Anonymous said...

Man, Drew is hot! I love his peaches.

Anonymous said...


Troy Haliwell said...

From dinner to sex. Geeze-doesn't anyone just date? Takes more than just 2 dinner dates to get down my pants--that is the last place you will get to. Some things are just worth the wait, and for once I would like to see a real storyline with that as the result.

Call me sexually conservative if you want, that is fine. But I can honestly say I haven't been used except for the one time I did not follow my own creed.

Ridor said...

I just hope Drew will magically convince Lance to settle down for one.


SC said...

Well, some of us are proud sluts — we like to be represented too...

Dermie said...

Troy, I'm not sure how long you've been reading the series, but there have been several examples of characters who date for a period of time before having sex (Kyle/Breyer, Brad/Vincenzo, etc).