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That really is a nice date between the two of them, whether it becomes an amazing friendship or even a romance. I hope it does not turn into what I see too often in May to December romances in the real word: the younger guy taking advantage of the older man for his money or his assets.
Like Terrance though, I was always and am still much older in my mind than my physical age would say. I was mature, much more so than the other guys my age, and am an intelligent man with two degrees, one a BS and the other a MS. I am far more cultured than other guys my age as well. That usually made me turn to other men who were far more cultured and educated, which was usually men 10-30 years older than I was.
Now that I am in my late 40s, I have found a man that matches and appreciates my physical body, my attractiveness, my mental skills, and my cultural skills and married him--but I did not find him until I was 42. Now he is just 3 years younger than me, but finally I met the man who was my match physically and mentally and emotionally and culturally.
So here is to their friendship and/or their romance. Let this continue down a positive road, and do not turn it to the obvious clichés and mundane dramatics that I have read before. Let it actually develop into a sweet romance--we could use that for a change.
Terrence is very cute, if a bit suspicious, but honestly I just feel tired at the thought of this progressing any longer. Rudy isn't even capable of much of a physical relationship, and I just don't care about it. There are other characters I would prefer seeing the lives of. And no, Im not being ageist, not every character I invest in has to directly relate to me in anyway, there are just other characters that grab my interest more.
In Richard's case, however, I do take offense to his never having any happiness. Ive suffered many of the same issues we've seen Richard have to raise point about because of who he is, even while not being as unattractive or at all flamboyant in as obnoxious a way as Richard is so deliberately drawn as, and I have to wonder if at its root, it's femme hate. The less-than-masculine being shown as having value and being desirable just might be the last frontier for this strip.
to the last comment - you must be experiencing the aged symptoms your describe and if so, SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, otherwise, you give away too much else in your comments. not interested in two people having intelligent conversations ? gee, that's a pity
I love the storyline developing between Terrence and Rudy. I think Rudy deserves to be happy after what he's been through and older gay can have a good sex life just like everyone else. I hope like Troy that this story stays positive, I'd be really annoyed if Terrence was made into a villain of some sort. I also agree with the other commentator that Richard needs to do something else aside from being concerned about everybody else and that Richard might just by happenstance meet a cute guy who loves femme gay men. Richard as a femme guy deserves a boost of some sort, he seems eternally unfortunate when it comes to men which many of us could identify with I imagine.
Let me chime in here. After reading the strip( I had to go back and re-read it) I found Richard to be conniving and nosy and in some instances rude. He actually came onto his best friend's boyfriend while Kyle was visiting his sick mother. He has been a partier and a vindictive type of person. Who would want to have a relationship with someone like that? He has no redeeming qualities at all. It's not the fact that he's fem, it's the fact that he acts like the stereotypical gay man. He checked this guy out because it burned him up that Terrence (THE hottest guy ever drawn in the strip) went out on a date with Rudy (THE oldest guy in the strip) It wasn't really a concern if Rudy was alright, but it was more of a "I don't have a hot guy" kind of thing..
Now, I agree, I can't see Rudy having any type of sexual relationship with this guy because he's a lot older and he is handicapped( Sorry to put that out there ) Also, I see more of a friendship here which is great. But one thing that I see is that the new guy compared his dealings with guys his age with Rudy who is significantly older and that alone is enough to state that Terrence is either a little insecure or immature...
Greg: You FINALLY got off of Lance and Drew! Thanks for the respite
I agree about Rudy, he's too disabled for more than a friendship with Terrence, but how will we get to see him in his underwear??????? lol..
As for the Richard comment, I don't like him as a person, so it would be nice to see another femmy character around the B&B.
Too disabled for a relationship? Handicapped? I think you need to know that is a huge load of ableist crap! First of all, Rudy is older and walks with a cane ,which has absolutely nothing to do with kissing, hugging,cuddling, masturbating, oral sex, or anal sex. Young people who have a temporary disability still have sex even though they are on crutches or are wearing a cast on a limb! Is it so hard to believe that an elderly man who walks with a cane could still have sex and have sex with a younger man?! Nick and Dave who has a disability talked about having sex in the strip several episodes ago, I suggest you re-read that episode. Gay men with disabilities have sex, just so you know. And what is wrong with young gay men enjoying the company of older gay men? You automatically assume that means someone is insecure or immature? Wow! that's jumping to conclusions! Perhaps Terrence is an old soul, and from what he says isn't treated very well by his peers. Please consider these perspectives that are contrary to your own carefully and don't regard this reply as an attack. I felt it was necessary to respond to these comments.
Anonymous: I don't think that anyone is attacking Rudy I think that mostly it's about physical limitations because no matter how much this guy may appear to have in common with him the fact remains that he significantly younger and as a result he will eventually want to either be with someone his own age of someone that is physically able to be with them or keep up with him in a sexual manner. Intellect can only go so far especially when it comes to being sexually intimate as well as on the same page.no it is saying that Rudy can't have sex with a younger man in my opinion anyone can have a form of sex but that doesn't mean that Rudy is capable of having a sexually committed relationship based on a physical level for any true length of time..... Again that's not a put down that's just stating the obvious....with regards to Nick and Dave yes one of them is in a wheelchair as a result but they're still much closer in age than Rudy and this guy and I think that's where a lot of people don't take issue with....I don't know if anyone is struck a nerve but yes gay men with disabilities do have sex no one is denying that but it's more about the age difference than anything else. There is nothing wrong with a young gay man enjoying the company of an older gay man but you know as well as I do that it's mostly about daddy issues or sugar daddies. You get the point..... Yes I did say that this younger man is insecure and immature to an increase because only an insecure and immature person would even bring up guys around his age to begin with. Terrence may appear to be an old soul but again he is still significantly younger then Rudy and as a result he can't possibly have as many of life experiences as Rudy has had starting with gay discrimination, gay people in the gay community that are significantly older who are just put out to pasture and things of that nature..... But so far in this trip I don't see any sexual attraction at all I see mostly to individuals who are spending time with each other and again there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.....
There are two points Jack stated in your last post that I disagree with.
On relationships between younger and older gay men:"...but you know as well as I do that it's mostly about daddy issues or sugar daddies."
So, if a younger gay men is attracted to an older man and they start an ongoing relationship together, it's "mostly about daddy issues or sugar daddies"! That sounds like a hasty generalization to me and it comes across as an insult to older gay men even if you're not actually intending to do that, which I don't think you are. I consider that you wrote that you " gay people in the gay community that are significantly older are just put out to pasture and things of that nature."
Since you feel that way about how older gay men have been treated it doesn't make sense that you would then imply that it's psychological trauma and/or the money that draws younger men to older guys. Relationships between men of the same age or a slight age difference can involve those issues too especially when one guy is employed better than the other or if one guy had a horrible relationship with his father.
However, the other point you make I think either underestimates Rudy (and older gay men generally)or it puts old gay men "out to pasture" when you wrote the following.
"...but that doesn't mean that Rudy is capable of having a sexually committed relationship based on a physical level for any true length of time..... Again that's not a put down that's just stating the obvious."
Well, I think there are a lot of older gay men who would disagree with you on that point. As far as I know gay men try to remain sexually active their whole lives unless there's reasons not to but an aging or older body is not necessarily one of those reasons because everybody's sex drive is different. I wonder what kind of sex you are referencing because young gay men do have slower paced, satisfying sex too. I hope I've made my reasoning clear here, I'm merely pointing out implications. There are so few positive representations of gay men especially representations of relationships between gay men of different ages so I'm hoping readers of the strip will give Rudy and Terrence's relationship a chance to develop without quick and easy judgements.
I agree 100% with what Anonymous said yesterday. How do I have "daddy issues" if my relationship with my parents is average? I'm out for a "sugar daddy?" I'm the one picking up the tab if his SSI isn't enough to cover our living expenses.
Jack, you paint older people like some fragile adult child that needs to be coddled. I go to nude pool parties full of older guys - and you know what? They're still pretty active from what I see...
Then, your comparisons about younger people that are interested in art history being insecure and immature. That's not even a legitimate correlation! That's like saying more people drown because of increased sales of ice cream. What does a person having an interest in the arts have to do with it? I have in interest in history during World War II, but I don't have issues with people my age. Personal interests doesn't prove your point, Jack. "Bringing up guys his age" - guys his age can have a wide range of interests and disinterests: social media, technology, contemporary music. You think Terrance is an outlier only able to relate to older people. I'm pretty sure that there are some older people who don't understand art history and have the same interests as the younger crowd.
Most older/younger relationships are indeed based on "sugar daddy" as well as "daddy issues." MOST being the term to which I have used here. I'm not sure as to how this would be seen as an insult to older men because we know that most older men want control and more younger men want "stability" This may or may not be SOME cases but come on....The gay community is very fickle. Usually if you're older than 30, then the party's over and you are often overlooked within the community outside of being a contributor to gay rights and a bad punchline to joke.
I thought that it makes PERFECT sense because older/younger relationships have a different set of issues than guys of the same age. And although some of the same issues are encountered within same generational relationships, it's much harder for a guy to maintain physicality when they get older. This is true. Issues such as erectile dysfunction, diabetes, etc are much more prevalent in the older men than in younger. That's just a fact of life. I'm not underestimating Rudy at all but I'm being realistic. That's all. He's almost 80 or something for goodness sakes and at that age, sex is not as important as someone who is significantly younger. Again, another fact.
These points are made due to the fact that you have some older men that are in tip top shape and are physically fit BUT in Rudy's case, that's not it at all. He's frail looking and acting. He has wit which is good but wit can't get you sexual satisfaction. Again, not an insult to older gay men at all but an observation
Anonymous #2:
You say that your relationship with your parents is average and that your man gets SSI, that alone proves my case with regards to a physical imbalance between younger and older.
Younger men interested in art and then in the same conversation bring up the maturity level of "guys his age" smacks of immaturity and yes insecurity. I mean why say anything at all? Most guys that are older that are interested in youth are usually crying out for something that was lost, which is youth
Well, Jack, at this point, I will just say there's no changing your mind and you're entitled to your perspectives. However, there are more than a few of us who do find your perspectives on other gay men whether they are young or old to be quite cynical at best and over-generalizing and discriminatory at worst. I'm very critical of other gay men myself. But I question myself on whether a criticism is based on deep knowing and careful research or if my own internalized homophobia is pushing itself forward and affecting my views about other gay men. I think this is a good process of self-reflection for all queer men to work through, this way we can be critical of ourselves and love ourselves in ways that are about building a better self concept and a better community for everyone.
Jack, you assume too much.
My partner isn't on SSI because he's old. Hes' getting it because he has Crohn's disease. Doctor's refuse to let him work because it could exacerbate his problem. Thus, he's on disability - because of an autoimmune disease; being approximately twice my age doesn't have anything to do with it.
Again with the art...How in this world do you believe an interest in art appreciation has anything to do with immaturity and insecurity? I took art history, three times. You think I was there because I had an interest? You think if I was more mature or secure in myself that I could have cared more about van Gogh, Warhol or Pollock? I struggled, I studied, I memorized and yet - I didn't appreciate any bit of it. I didn't care about which art came from which period, type of material they used, artist, inspiration, commission for whomever.
Why say anything at all? He says it out of mild lamentation for the fact his interests aren't popular with the masses.
Tell me, Jack, who do you think gets more visitors in a day: an Apple store debuting a new Iphone or an art museum with a rare piece from some influential artist. (I've been to several museums on class assignment)
Jack...You sure older guys are crying for a lost youth they had? I'm sure there are some that feel that way, the naked pool parties I go to have a people with the age range 40-90's, where I'm the second youngest guy there (26). None of them have approached me to have sex. None of them have yelled and given me their woe and disdain for youth. They all seem perfectly content talking and socializing with each other: kissing and groping, eating and laughing. They don't seem to be stuck in the past. They don't seem envious and spiteful of me. I've met people who were stuck looking back to the "good old days." Nostalgia is one thing, living vicariously through someone younger is another.
I believe you have your analogies wrong.
Anonoymous commentator with an old partner, I think you've written thoughtful and classy responses to Jack's posts. I responded on Wednesday, Monday, and Wednesday.I'm so glad we've managed to have a civil discussion despite how questionable some of the views expressed have been.
Hi, Florian. I'm relieved at least one person has listened to what my thoughts were on this supposedly controversial inter-generational subject. I'm all for spreading information from my own experiences; if I don't know, I'll research to stay relevant.
anonymous#1: Don't embarrass yourself. My views are not discriminatory but they are mine and as such, I'm allowed to express my views. The gay community at large DOES see older gay men in a different light and you have dozens of gay older men trying their best to win the attention of their younger counterparts and that's a fact. Look at Los Angeles and Boston or even the ill fated and convoluted tv show Queer As Folk and you get my drift. How can you build a better gay community for everyone when we have gay elitism on several levels? We will never have that. Look at the division of gay men based on both age and color? Please have several seats....Until then, yes older gay men are seen as less than in this community
Anonymous#2: You were the one to bring up the fact of SSI. Don't bring it up if you can't hang with the conversation or if it bothers you. Your lover or whatever has Crohn's Disease and that's a pity and I hope that he gets better but the fact that he's over twice your age makes his recovery time MUCH slower and you KNOW that!.....I'm not going to explain the art section. It was the actual conversation. Please pay attention for future reference....You state that you go to nude pool parties and such where there are MUCH older men there. It doesn't sound as if you're very satisfied physically within your relationship. There is groping and such frivolity going on. So what you've just described to me is a sex party with a bunch of much older grandpa's....Right?
"You were the one to bring up the fact of SSI. Don't bring it up if you can't hang with the conversation or if it bothers you. Your lover or whatever has Crohn's Disease and that's a pity and I hope that he gets better but the fact that he's over twice your age makes his recovery time MUCH slower and you KNOW that!"
-Let me stop you right there, Jack. What I said WAS relevant to the conversation, you dolt. You know how? Assuming that you did in fact used critical thinking AND research, you should have found out that you CAN'T get better from Crohn's. You manage the problem. He'll be stuck with it for the rest of his life: cramps, intestinal bleeding, malabsorption of nutrients he needs, fatigue. What IS slowing down his healing is the infusion he takes every six weeks, basically acting like chemotherapy but without the radiation. Stick with the conversation, Jack, you're falling behind in so many ways.
"I'm not going to explain the art section. It was the actual conversation. Please pay attention for future reference"
-You're such a troll, but I don't mind feeding you every few days. It keeps me feeling young. Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jaaaaaack. We WERE talking about the art conversation. It's just... your own analogies had no correlation based on actual fact.
'younger person interested in art' is to 'insecurity and immaturity'
'older person interested in art' is to 'security and maturity'????
(Talk about a heaping helping of over-generalization and baseless assumptions)
Not all younger people like art. Not all OLDER people like art. If you can give me one GOOD example of how age, self-assurance and maturity are relevant to enjoying art, then you may sway my opinion. The fact still remains, no one wants to read on UNeducated opinions.
"You state that you go to nude pool parties and such where there are MUCH older men there. It doesn't sound as if you're very satisfied physically within your relationship. There is groping and such frivolity going on. So what you've just described to me is a sex party with a bunch of much older grandpa's"
-You don't know, Jack. If I was so unsatisfied with my relationship, why would my partner and I be so comfortable going to these parties. It seems someone doesn't find nudity among like-minded individuals liberating. What's wrong with grandpas? I think some of them are sexy. You got a problem with sexy grandpas? How immature of you (That's a pity and I hope you get better). If you must know, not all these fine older men partake in sex at these nude pool parties, it's not some big orgy as you might imagine, it's more like...a release from the world's stupidity - full of misinformation about maturity and insecurity (forget that art stuff you attempt to make synonymous with). It also kind of sounds like you're trying to sex shame me (and my grandpas)... Hmmm. Ha! Unsatisfied sex life. My partner and I have successful relationship which includes built in accessories such as: in depth conversations of our interests and disinterests, walks on the beach, raising monarch butterflies, sensuality, sexuality, kinky stuff, money management, camping, gardening and more!
SO JACK, in conclusion,
Come at me with your opinions and irrationality, I'll break it down and rebuild a rebuttal - like a protein enzyme! You seriously opened a can of worms and I'll make sure you eat it.
Have a nice day, Jack.
to read this thread has been very interesting.
I am an older gay man who mentors several younger men. they are all straight. am I attracted to them, yes. do I have delusions of relationships, no. is it important for older men to provide examples and wisdom and responses to a younger generation. yes.
while sex is a powerful, driving aspect in our lives, it does not mean that I'm controlled by it. often, with younger men, I'm having conversations about their relationships even as they talk about their development as artists.
I guess I finally have a name to respond to this time: SSI was OBVIOUSLY a way of you trying to state that you would be there for an older man in terms of interpersonal relationships....Get a grip.....Keep your names to yourself little girl....If you can't have an INTELLIGENT conversation with me with resorting to name calling then maybe you should keep your trap shut....
You like going to sex parties with your much older lover who no doubt turned you out and onto such places. Am I missing something? I would've thought that someone as sick as your partner would be more concerned with his health but hey, to each his own.
Don't put words in my mouth. I never stated that older men wasn't sexy or grandpas for that matter. " A release from the world's stupidity?" Don't make me laugh! It's an orgy and you know it. You go there for attention and sex so don't pretend otherwise. "Sex shame you?" Boy please. I DARED to have a difference of opinion and that's exactly what I did. You say that you're into "kinky things" but that's more about having sexual adventures and trust me, it's because of sexual frustration. We all know that you and your partner are not monogamous so let's not play the game of pretend. What you do in your sex life is something that I could really care less about but don't think that you can have an honest conversation about intergenerational couples simply because you're lover is MUCH older. It only makes you a poseur and nothing more....Now: back to the subject......
"Keep your names to yourself little girl. If you can't have an INTELLIGENT conversation with me with resorting to name calling then maybe you should keep your trap shut."
-Technically speaking, I'm typing in order to hold a somewhat one-sided conversation with you, Jack, so I can use my mouth how ever I want. Calling me a little girl sexist on your end. Nice try, dear, but if you haven't heard, women are a very important part of our society. Unless you talking about vaginas. If you are, Jack, you're just insulting the transgender community. You don't seem to see my point, and I'm sure no one else can see yours.
"You like going to sex parties with your much older lover who no doubt turned you out and onto such places. Am I missing something? I would've thought that someone as sick as your partner would be more concerned with his health but hey, to each his own. "
-Hey, you're the one calling it sex parties, not me. There's other things to do there besides sex, you know. There's a pool, a jacuzzi, sauna, a gazebo, a table full of food, etc. If you can't see it past the sex, the you're no better than daft man associating gay people with pedophiles.
"I never stated that older men wasn't sexy or grandpas for that matter. " A release from the world's stupidity?" Don't make me laugh! It's an orgy and you know it."
-Again, you say it's nothing but a sex party...right. If that's what you want to ONLY believe.
"You go there for attention and sex so don't pretend otherwise. "Sex shame you?" "
-Assuming things must be your best quality. I never said I went there for sex. What's wrong with being eye candy to some of the guys? I'm pretty sure friendship and camaraderie are the only things on me and my partners minds...
"Boy please. I DARED to have a difference of opinion and that's exactly what I did."
-So what am I? Boy or a girl...I'll give you your opinion, I'm just rebutting uneducated ones in hopes that you can make better informed ones.
"You say that you're into "kinky things" but that's more about having sexual adventures and trust me, it's because of sexual frustration."
-Uh, no. Being kinky doesn't have to be sexual. This isn't 50 Shades of Grey (awful awful book that isn't even remotely BDsm), Jack. If you want to learn more on BDsm, I suggest using google. I'm full of personal experience, by the way, so don't try to say something you might know nothing on.
"We all know that you and your partner are not monogamous so let's not play the game of pretend."
-Who's this "we"? I might have to make an award for you. "BEST AT ASSUMING EVERYTHING" - I am in a loving committed monogamous relationship. It's up to you whether you deny it or not.
"I don't know about you, but how does being social in What you do in your sex life is something that I could really care less about but don't think that you can have an honest conversation about intergenerational couples simply because you're lover is MUCH older. It only makes you a poseur and nothing more....Now: back to the subject......"
- The term is "COULDN'T care less," otherwise...you could care a little bit less on this sore subject for you. *wink**wink*
Yeah...I'm a poser, alright. Trying to impress people with my inter-generational relationship when I'm making a relevant case about how older people shouldn't be coddled like a baby born with brittle bones or that there is no correlation between maturity or insecurity and art. Yup, that's me. Some strange, girl/boy (did you know Ryan can be used as a boy's AND girls name? Interesting, right?) with with an informed and educated opinion on the subject.
-But hey,
Here's lookin' at you, kid
Here we go again: You can't hold a "one sided" conversation with me because it would mean that you have to speak to yourself only. It'd be like speaking to air. If calling you a girl is sexist than calling me a dolt and troll is desperate because you can't really debate with me and make salient points on things that you don't really know about....
(1) Nudity (2) groping (3) pool (4) Jacuzzi (5) Alcoholic beverages =Sex party. Are you trying to convince me that these guys only sit around and talk all day? Who are you trying to fool? Oh man.....!
The thing is: you LIKE being eye candy for A LOT of the guys. Stop lying. Nothing wrong with it but you're a fool if you think that you go there for "the conversation" mostly. That's a good lie that you may feel comfortable telling yourself.
You say that you're full of personal experience and at only 26, you certainly have been around haven't you? Obviously I struck a nerve with that and the pretense that you and your lover are completely monogamous. Not going to believe that one. Are you trying to convey that you or your partner have NEVER cheated or sought sexual gratification outside of your relationship? Don't make me laugh.. (1) your lover is TWICE as old as you and (2) he's physically sick....Please.....NOW: With Rudy being physically compromised, it would be hard for him to sustain an erection let alone a rigorous sexual relationship with a guy 3x younger than he is. Don't embarrass yourself....
Hi, Jackie! Glad to see you here!
So, it is one-sided. For all my input into this debate between us, it's been only you who hasn't my point of view. Could it be possible that maybe you're just a cynical individual hellbent on staying stagnant in his own world? To me, I think you see the world as different gradients between black and white. I see it in many colors; the good and the bad.
I called you a dolt and troll because you still believe that the analogy between being younger in age is a factor in art appreciation via, then further explain that it's due to immaturity and insecurity? (What, what, whaaat?)
Jack, dear - eat a snickers. You seem hangry about what goes on at a pool party. Seriously. It's like, your new obsession or something.
Here's a story: I was invited by my gay mentor (I actually met him at a BDsm club) who actually co-hosted a clothing optional yoga group for men. I was still in the process of admitting that my sexuality shouldn't be something shameful or kept between the mattress. He told me about the party and I was interested, but very shy. I even used to use my towel as a security blanket covering myself from the other guests! Then I became comfortable with myself; no one was making me uncomfortable. No one was groping me, or making comments about me. It was just as I said it was, a nice social event with men, who just so happen to be naked. I'm grateful for them. Eye candy? For whom? I'm just another naked person looking at all these guys being themselves in an environment that doesn't judge based on looks. If you can't believe that, than that's what makes it one-sided *hint**hint*.
Oh, my. My partner has been cheated on countless times. Not by me, though, Jackie. Hubby was married up in Mass for about 10 years, before moving. That ex cheated on him countless times, but their relationship is amicable now. He's actually my first long term relationship. So I didn't have to give myself over to pity from a breakup (yay!). Nope. I have never cheated - and I could swear it on my own blood that I never have. I was raised with responsibility towards family and faithfulness. Forget religion, I have my own set of morals that no man of god can interpret differently!
Are we talking about Rudy or me? Embarrass myself with what exactly, Mister "Let's get back on subject..."
"Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able.
Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
I can see you hate the way we intermingle.
But I think you're just mad 'cause you're single."
You're best friend,
Ryan: I'm going to take the last of your posting first starting with that paltry poem: I'm single because I CHOSE to be because like you I too am "eye candy" and am ahem "well endowed" but there is more to me than that....Moving on
You say that your partner has been cheated on "countless times" but he himself has cheated as well. He also goes into a play where sex if flowing freely along with liquor so please spare us the sanctimonious aspirations.
A "mentor?" In BDSM?!? Who are you? Danny Pinatauro or something? A towel as a "security blanket?" Oh boy...I see the world in black and white. So? It's my prerogative and I stick to that. You are having difficulty in keeping up with me....
Now about embarrassment: Yes, I'm referring to both you and Rudy.....Let me know when you want to get back on topic
Oh my! You're waiting on me. I thought I dropped you off in the North Atlantic Ocean along with the Hope Diamond (ba-dum tsss). I guess you like what I must be serving you if you keep coming back for more.
How was your weekend? We released to monarch butterflies hubby and I were raising and did lovely dovey couple things that you might not be able to relate to, since you're single. We also went to the naked pool party (together, and caught up with people we haven't seen in months)
The thing is, Snickers (since you always seem so irate and hostile towards me), my hubby doesn't play around. He's not interested in playing around just to get his rocks off (like you - for some reason - want to completely and utterly deny that people do in fact not want to have sex all the time) and neither am I. Liquor is not permitted at the party. Beer is, but no one is getting inebriated (you'll probably deny that too). I'm pretty sure it isn't a sanctimonious spiel (the one having a problem with what I say is you. I wonder why.)
PLEASE, Please, please tell you you did some research on BDsm. That moment you wrote about BDsm, you sounded like a politician who reads the headline but not the actual article and then tries to use it as a reference in some debate.
So you do admit seeing the world in white and black.
Let's give this joker a hand, folks. He ain't playing with a full deck, but he certainly is a card. What's the deal, Snickers? You folding because we got a full house here? I thought you always got one up your sleeve.
Who exactly are spreading such slanderous (the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation) rhetoric to? You seem to think that you know how my life is, apparently. I mean, I'm hand feeding you the details and yet you make the most outrageous claims about it (seriously, you do. Like that one guy who said that gay people on a Caribbean cruise ship were having too much steamy sex, which caused hurricanes).
I'm still waiting on that debate about art and how age plays a role in it, Snickers. No embarrassment here. I'll let you see all of me if you want *wink**wink* I just need you to - I don't know, start talking, because right now
"You can't stop today
As it comes speeding down the track
Child, yesterday is hist'ry
And it's never coming back
'Cause tomorrow is a brand new day
And it don't know white from black
'Cause the world keeps spinning
'Round and 'round
And my heart's keeping time
To the speed of sound
I was lost til I heard the drums
Then I found my way
'Cause you cant stop the beat"
Ryan: I will no longer respond to you. I find that your comments about race are off putting. You come across as a gay racist. Until you can have an intelligent conversation, don't respond to me. You're a negative individual and quite frankly, I'm over it
How, may I ask, am I racist, Snickers? I find your lack of intelligence astounding. I'm as positive as a proton, nothing was race related in my last response, Mr. "Let's get back on subject."
I seriously question your intelligence. I don't know how, but you give me the impression that you have an intellectual disability. I'm just stating an inference, but there's nothing wrong with being mentally handicapped.
Hope you feel better,
Here's a parting song for you:
"Tell me before I waltz out of your life
Before turning my back on the past
Forgive my impertinent behavior
But how long do you think this pantomime can last?
Tell me before I ride off in the sunset
There's one thing I never got clear
How can you claim you're our savior
When those who oppose you are stepped on,
Or cut up, or simply disappear?
Tell me before you get onto your bus
Before joining the forgotten brigade
How can one person like me, say,
Alter the time-honored way the game is played?
Tell me before you get onto your high horse
Just what you expect me to do
I don't care what the bourgeoisie say
I'm not in business for them
But to give all my descamisados
A magical moment or two
There is evil, ever around
Fundamental system of government
Quite incidental
So what are my chances of honest advances?
I'd say low
Better to win by admitting my sin
Than to lose with a halo
Tell me before I seek worthier pastures
And thereby restore self-esteem
How can you be so short-sighted
To look never further than this week or next week
To have no impossible dream?
Allow me to help you slink off to the sidelines
And mark your adieu with three cheers
But first tell me who'd be delighted
If I said I'd take on the world's greatest problems
From war to pollution, no hope of solution
Even if I lived for one hundred years
There is evil, ever around
Fundamental system of government
Quite incidental
So go, if you're able, to somewhere unstable
And stay there
Whip up your hate in some tottering state
But not here, dear
Is that clear, dear?
Oh what I'd give for a hundred years
But the physical interferes
Every day more, O my Creator
What is the good of the strongest heart
In a body that's falling apart?
A serious flaw, I hope You know that"
See you next week *smile*
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