Birthplace: Long Island, New York
"30-something" years old, ......Kyle’s been through a colorful career history, and a somewhat mysterious past, that has led him to his current position as owner & operator of the B&B. He's equally adept at fixing a delicious breakfast meal, (usually vegetarian & deceptively healthy), as he is at giving a sympathetic ear to any one of the B&B guys. After enduring several "educational" relationships over the past few years, and a good amount of time spent single, he’s now in an exclusive relationship with Breyer, a B&B guest originally from Toronto. His main focus continues to be keeping the B&B running and maintaining some semblance of calm amongst the rather diverse array of guests who come through the doors of the B&B.

Birthplace: Long Island, New York
In his early 20s, rising star of a minor league baseball team.....he’s looking to break into baseball’s major leagues. And he probably will; he’s already won awards and has a kick-ass batting average. For his first few years at the B&B, Brad was essentially still in the closet with everyone outside of the B&B....while still coming to terms with being gay. Working as the handyman at the B&B has introduced him to the many facets of gay life (some of which he could do without). Though he had a relatively stable relationship for a while with Matthias, a newer arrival at the B&B, he is currently single & still learning firsthand the ups & downs of gay romance. And most recently, he finally came out to his baseball team, (which went surprisingly well), and to his parents, (which didn't go quite as well).

Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois
In his early 30s, high-rolling advertising executive, whose latest promotion forced him to relocate from Los Angeles to the Long Island, New York area. Hence, his current residence at Kyle’s B&B, although his job causes him to travel frequently. For years, Lance was too wrapped up in his job for a serious relationship…, (although he had a near-miss with Sean, a guest at the B&B). He’s also been known to close deals in the bedroom as well as in the boardroom. Just ask famed photographer Max Edgington, one of his most notorious victims. And most recently, he's been involved with Drew Danvers, a newer B&B guest from Alabama. After a rough start and several bumps in the road along the way, it appears Lance & Drew are indeed in a committed relationship. Will it last? We'll see. But rest assured.... with Lance, it'll always be interesting!

Birthplace: Long Island, New York In his “mid-to-late” 20s, part-time Club DJ.....full-time Gossip and Fashion Plate (or Fashion Disaster..... depending on your taste). He means well, but has been known to instigate major drama just by walking into a room. A rare, semi-long-term relationship with Andrew, (a B&B guest with a baby son), looked as if it might tame Richard’s party ways, but after that didn’t work out, he was back on the circuit again, and making up for lost time. More recently, he was involved romantically with Kristian, another B&B guest. However, once Kristian left to work in Africa, they both agreed to keep things "no strings". It remains to be seen if things will pick up with them when Kristian returns to the B&B.

Birthplace: Long Island, New York Eduardo arrived at the B&B a troubled high school senior, when his parents threw him out on the street after he came out to them. Now virtually cut off from his family, he’s made the B&B his home. After months of hard work, (and a brief, disastrous dalliance with Lance), he earned his G.E.D. through self-study. Working as a bus-boy at the Thatched Cottage and trying to get his life on track, he’s currently attending night classes at Stony Brook University.
There have been numerous guests at the B&B over the years.
We can't show them all here, but below are some of the special guests,
(or friends), who make regular repeat appearances, (a number of these
folks are currently residing at the B&B), and can be counted
on to show up every now & then:
Jeff's visits to the B&B always seem to shake things up, but the guys are usually too transfixed by his hairy pecs to complain. In Jeff’s first stay at the B&B, he was a team-mate on Brad's baseball team. Unlike Brad, though, Jeff was out & proud, the only pro-baseball player in the minor or major leagues to be so brave. He paid the price in his career, though, ultimately being traded from team to team due to the homophobia of the baseball world, despite his being a very talented player. On a later visit to the B&B, he revealed he is hiv+, and more recently, he left the baseball world due to a knee injury, (unrelated to his hiv status, which appears to be under control). On his most recent visit, Jeff had embarked upon a new career, as a nurse, at nearby Huntington Hospital. And shaking things up more than ever, after a catastrophic dalliance with fellow resident Matt! Currently, he's back home in South Carolina, caring for his ailing grandmother.
Birthplace: Bronx, New York
Delia lives down the street from the B&B, and met the guys due to her prior friendship with Richard. As it turns out, she’s a big baseball fan, and can often be found at Brad’s home games, (she’s a season ticketholder for the Wolves). Delia also happens to live in the same apartment house as Steve Brewer, another recurring character.

Birthplace: Seattle, Washington
Andrew arrived at the B&B with his recently adopted
baby son Heath, in the wake of a nasty break-up with
his partner William. After an intense, but relatively brief
relationship with Richard, Andrew reconciled with
William. Conveniently, Andrew was able to purchase
the house right next door to the B&B, and he & William
& Heath currently live there, often stopping in to see
their friends at the B&B. (Especially Brad, who has
become exceptionally close friends with Heath).
Birthplace: Paris, France
Captivating, sophisticated, and perhaps just a tad bit pretentious, Jean-Pierre swept into the B&B on an Autumn day and charmed the pants off of several B&B guests, (literally). If only they knew what lay in store for them, they might have locked the door before he set foot in the B&B! Currently living next door with Andrew & William, he serves as a part-time nanny for Heath, while also working in a French art gallery on Main Street in Northport, doing what he does best… charming the pants off of unsuspecting patrons!
Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York
Love him or hate him, the man knows how to make an impression! Formerly a New York City fireman, Nick left that profession in the aftermath of September 11th, 2001, and relocated out on Long Island for several stays at Kyle’s B&B. Brash, outspoken, and unafraid to share his opinion on just about anything, Nick alienated some of the B&B guys with his scathing critiques of gay culture and body-fascism. Currently, he’s returned to his first love, fixing cars, and owns an auto-repair shop in East Northport, (where he also now resides), only 10 minutes away from the B&B. And he's found love with another B&B resident, Dave Yager.
Birthplace: Long Island, New York
Not much is known about this mysterious, strikingly handsome man who seems to show up around the Holidays at the B&B. He always seems to have some good advice and surprising insights into other people's lives. What is known is this: he does have an apartment in Delia's apartment house, although he travels frequently and is rarely at home. He claims to have gone to Geneseo College, where Kyle went, although when he actually attended is unclear. When will he show up again? Heaven knows!
Birthplace: Toronto, Canada
Initially, it seemed that this brusque, impolite, somewhat bizarre hockey-loving Canadian would be the last person to steal Kyle’s heart, but over the course of several months, that’s exactly what he did. Currently employed as an ice-sculpture delivery man, (no, really), and still obsessed with the Toronto Maple Leafs, he seems to be slowly accomplishing what no other man in the B&B has done….establishing a solid, happy romance with Kyle.. Apparently, beneath that tough exterior, under that hairy chest of his just might lie a heart of gold !

Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia
Matthias, (or Matt, as he is known by most of the B&B residents), found his way to the B&B through his job. A professional EMT, he was responding to an emergency call with his ambulance crew, (one of the B&B weekend guests had some minor heart problems). He would end up moving into the B&B soon after. After a rocky relationship with Brad, (and a brief dalliance with Jeff Olsen), Matt has most recently settled into a stable relationship, (for now!), with Njord, another B & B guest originally from Norway. Currently, Matt & Njord are temporarily relocated to Florida for Njord's job, but... stay tuned for their return to the B&B!

Birthplace: Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
The specter of 9/11 has touched many of the B&B residents, but none quite so dramatically as Dave. A former computer tech in a twin towers insurance firm, Dave survived the disaster of 9/11, but it left him in a wheelchair and with some significant scarring. None of that could keep this firecracker of a guy down, though, and he was soon to become a popular resident at the B&B. Dave skied for several years in his late teens on the world cup circuit, and still shows his enthusiasm for the sport with the variety of ski-related t-shirts he often wears. He also shares some of the other B&B residents’ interests, such as sci-fi, comic books, and heavy metal music . And his knowledge of car repair and video games has led him into a happy romance with Nick Ferrelli. Most recently, he's been making a successful career for himself as an advertising exec at Lance's firm.
Birthplace: Danbury, Connecticut
Mark is truly a legend within the gay community; an award-winning author of a number of important books on LGBT issues, as well as being a renowned activist who's been at all the essential gay-rights demonstrations, (starting with Stonewall, which he happened to be at when he was 15 years old!). Most recently, he's devoted his time to teaching; he was appointed to head the Gay Studies department at Stony Brook University, which brought him to Kyle's B&B. Currently, he is guest-lecturing in Portland, Oregon, but is sure to be back at some point to lend his unique voice to the chorus at Kyle's B&B!
Birthplace: London, England
Morgan had a most exotic upbringing; a travelling correspondent father ensured that the family resided in places as diverse as Cairo, Rio,Sydney, Rome, Capetown, and many more locations. Transgender without apologies, Morgan initially made a name directing some high-profile rock videos. Now highly sought-after in the advertising world, Morgan is currently the creative director at Lance's firm. Despite the outward confidence, Morgan has indicated that there were indeed some serious struggles in the past with the transgender issue. Most recently, Morgan was put in charge of the firm's London office, but Morgan still shows up at the B&B on regular business trips.
Birthplace: Hamar, Norway
Internationally famous within the world of astronomy, Njord made a number of significant discoveries at a young age, starting with the discovery of a moon of Uranus at the age of 14. A series of even more important findings before he turned 18 led to Njord becoming the youthful host of a European astronomy TV show for several years. This led to him being offered a position at the prestigious Brookhaven Astro-Lab on Long Island, which is how he came to be at Kyle's B&B. A happy romance with Matt has brought both of them to be temporarily residing in Florida, where Njord is enjoying a fellowship at NASA.
Birthplace: Lexington, Kentucky
Born into one of America's richest families, Price had an exceptional upbringing... summers in the Hamptons, winters skiing in Aspen, and schooling at the finest prep schools... yet he still retains a slight southern twang in his voice. He's very much a Kentucky boy at heart, from the heart of horse country. A Dartmouth graduate, Price ruffled some feathers with his arrival at Kyle's B&B... especially when he took on the position of Kyle's "financial advisor", which led to him orchestrating a financial hijacking of the B&B that no one expected! More recently, Price has been working with the Log Cabin Republicans. No word yet on whether he's causing any trouble there, but he continues to ruffle feathers around the B&B!
Birthplace: Kingston, Jamaica
Kristian is a survivor.... having fled Jamaica when his life was in danger after he came out publicly, he arrived at Kyle's B&B somewhat shell-shocked. Kristian had the good fortune of being born to an American father, which granted him US citizenship. However, he still seems to be dealing with the aftermath of some traumatic incidents from his past, which have yet to be revealed. He did get to develop an unlikely friendship with Richard, though. Currently, he has returned to Jamaica for a few months to assist his friends in JFLAG, a Jamaican gay rights group.
Birthplace: New York, NY
Rudy arrived at the B&B as many guests do.... in need of a stop-over between living situations. However, for him, the next stop was the Crestwood Home for the Elderly, not something he was looking forward to, especially after living for many decades in New York City. Happily, he made friends with the guys at the B&B, and decided to stay here for the foreseeable future!

Birthplace: Huntsville, Alabama
Birthplace: Sacramento, California
Rated as one of the hottest up-and-coming male figure skaters in the USA, Michael arrived at Kyle's B&B full of Olympic dreams and high ideals. Sent to the east coast to train with Olympic medalist/coach Tom Kraft, Michael soon drew Kyle into his small circle as an assistant coach, and before long they were off to the Winter Olympics for an earth-shattering, unforgettable experience! Currently back home on the west coast, perhaps Michael will return to Kyle's B&B one day for some more excitement!
Aaron is Richard's brother, who currently lives in Columbus, Ohio, (he went to college there and relocated there permanently after graduation). However, he had in interesting Summer stay at Kyle's B&B, during which time he befriended Brad, and things got a bit.... confusing for a while. Back in Ohio for now, Aaron has promised to return. Whatever happens, it's sure to be interesting!
Birthplace: Terre Haute, Indiana
Jake arrived at the B&B like many other guests... looking to make a fresh start. Coming from a broken relationship in Indiana, he hoped to find a quality relationship on Long Island. Initially having some trouble connecting with anyone interested in more than a one-night stand, he enlisted Richard as a matchmaker. Unfortunately, that resulted in a number of disastrous blind dates, leaving Jake more confused than ever. But finally, Jake had a chance magical evening with Eduardo which led to a series of ever more romantic dates. Because of Eduardo's jam-packed schedule of work & college classes, they were not able to establish the most solid of relationships, (although they were seriously involved for number of months). After a mutual decision to part ways, (their age difference may have been a factor here, too), Jake was single for a while, again, until a new romance with Sergei, (see below).
Birthplace: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Jeremy had a brief stay at the B&B a few years ago, before his current residency. Actually, that first visit was a very brief stay... he was an "overnight guest" (translation: trick) of Lance's. Working as a flight attendant, based out of his hometown of Vancouver, Jeremy longed to return to the picturesque B&B on the harbor, and after a recent return visit, he was able to get a transfer from his airline that allowed him to move into the B&B full-time, (much to the discomfort of the now coupled Lance!).
Birthplace: Izhevsk, Russia
Born & raised in "the heartland of Russia", Sergei had a very successful career as a pro hockey player in Russia and Europe; he came to the United States when he was drafted to play in the NHL by the New York Islanders. By his own admission, he had 2 good years in the NHL, and one final "not so good" year. After a series of meetings with Jake and some of the other B&B guys in various places around the Northport area, Sergei moved into the B&B when he needed an "interim place" to live after selling his condo. This would lead to a bit of a rocky road towards romance with Jake. When Jake needed to move back home to Indiana because of a family medical emergency, Sergei made the decision to go with him, and the two bears from very different worlds rode off together into the sunset. More recently, though, Sergei has returned to the B&B....without Jake. While no one is happy that things didn't work out for Jake & Sergei....the B&B guys, (and many Kyle's B&B readers), were happy to have Sergei back at the B&B, talking his blunt, no-filter talk and eating his favorite ginger-spice cookies!
Jaime showed up in early Spring as a hot new pitcher on Brad's baseball team. He also quickly gained notice for his on-field "giving praise" after every game, as he freely admitted to being an Evangelical Christian. But slowly, a friendship with Brad developed, and before long, Jaime moved into the B&B, (not realizing it was a gay B&B!). As it turned out, to most people's surprise at the B&B, Jaime was a lot more open-minded than they thought he would be. Although he ended up leaving the B&B that Fall when he was traded to a Tennessee team, he did confide in Brad a rather startling revelation as he was boarding his train.
Birthplace: Inverness, Scotland
Birthplace: Inverness, Scotland
Mannis, a self-described "craftsman", gained some notoriety when a friend back in Scotland posted a video on YouTube of Mannis building some cabinets while wearing a kilt. The video went viral, and after several more "kilted carpentry" videos, Mannis became known as "The Kilted Craftsman". He ended up getting a bunch of carpentry job offers in the states, and through a connection through Rudy and the local Long Island Scottish society, Mannis wound up moving into Kyle's B&B!
Darren's initial introduction to the B&B was through his somewhat combative friendship with Eduardo, (which formed after Eduardo had been hired to paint Darren's aunt's bathroom). Darren served a 3-year stint in the US Army, in Afghanistan, and he recently completed police academy training to become a police officer on Long Island. While he doesn't talk much, (so far), about his personal relationships, he talks a lot about his comic book fandom of the Legion of Super-Heroes, (their self-described "World's #1 Fan").
Birthplace: Sloatsburg, New York
Resident Siberian Husky. He likes to eat.
And run in the snow.
Cool! I found this page through looking for cool new comics in Wikipedia and I totally dig all the guys' looks. Also, FROSTY.
Looking forward to reading this!
So everybody at Kyle's is young and pretty?
Raymond Weaver, no not everyone is "young"--there is a range of ages, from teenagers/early 20s guys like Eduardo, to "30 somethings" like Kyle, to older men like Mark.
As for "pretty", that is subjective. If the question is are all the guys 'perfect' looks and 'perfect' bodies, then no. Nick struggles with his weight; Dave has scars on his face, etc.
And even the younger, better built ones--who are admittedly the huge majority--have somewhat different bodies. Like the WWE action figures, there's more than one good-looking bottom half to click the heads onto.
I'm just intrigued that you put the B&B somewhere in Huntington Township. Since it's ten minutes from East Northport, I'm guessing Northport or maybe Centerport. I grew up in Greenlawn myself. There weren't many gay bars around, though there was one on Jericho Turnpike for a while. Anyway, it's hard to think of that area as a resort, though Northport is certainly picturesque enough. I'd put it in one of the big Victorian Sea Captain's houses facing the harbor.
@LJS...Bingo! You called it... the B&B is indeed in Northport village, facing the harbor. I'm actually a little surprised that information isn't anywhere on this page, I will have to correct that. Northport is very much commented on and seen in various episodes of the comic strip.
I love this strip.. will jeff or price end up with anyone??? and will brad always be single??
I have loved this graphic novel ... "comic" doesn't really connect with the quality of the storyline that you have made for us. I view it more of a graphic "downtown Abbey" style than a peanuts or Garfield story type. I mean no disrespect to them just different that's all. I wait anxiously for each episode and look forward to where all the storylines will take me. Thanks for your wonderful work a grateful reader and fan Rich
I just turned 70 on December 4 so I look forward to seeing more seniors at Kyle's since most older gay men are simply left out of the picture. LOL. We need love too!
More Jeff Olsen plesde!
Please! Spellcheck? ?
Ditto! Jeff Olsen!
Great Webcomic! I read everything in one go and can't wait for the next! Thanks for creating it!
Are these biographies kept current, revised when something happens to them in the next issue?
@jimboylan2 I do try to keep these bios up to date, although I'm probably not right on it in as timely a fashion as I should be!
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