I'm glad I had the opportunity to write about my mother here, to share some of her story, and to introduce her, in a way, to all the readers of Kyle's B&B. There's so much I left out, but then, how can you capture someone completely in just a few paragraphs? Perhaps I'll continue to post about her every now & then, to fill in more of the details about her background, (like the fact that she was a Broadway queen, attending hundreds of historic plays during the golden age of Broadway. She also saved all the Playbills from those times, and what an amazing roster of performances she saw, such as Marlon Brando in "Streetcar", Robert Redford in "Barefoot in the Park", and many, many more).
But for now, I just have to say thank you so much, again. And here's one more photo, of my Mother and myself in Ireland, atop Ross Castle in Killarney.