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Very...interesting conversation, indeed.
This is the BEST ever! I so love your strip! The men are so fresh, so real, I want to hug them all.
The needs, the fears, The problems are so day to day.
I look forward to your updates!
The I have to read a book coment was so just 'wonderful"
Wolfdancer LJ
Interesting conversation topic, knowing of your interest in drawing nudes. Why is posing nude for photos or drawings so taboo? The body is beautiful. Granted that posting of any pics on the internet can come back to haunt a person, society just needs to get past it's puritanical views on nudity.
sounds to me like Kyle's objection wasn't about nudity, it was about Richard giving up on finding a relationship, if that's what he REALLY wants, and settling instead for random sex encounters. but you make a good point, Mark.
Of course it was not about nudity, it was about showing off the goodies: you are well allowed to flaunt your steroided beef like that Brad Falcon-Jock whore does at Kyle's as long as you don't expose your willy and male-nuts.
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