Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Episode # 250 - Feb. 24th, 2009

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Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA .... it is just HILARIOUS to see Brad stepping out in his jock in a middle of a meeting! Is it just me or does Lance always have to be usurped by someone when he's trying to impress someone else?

What would have been better would be Richard (who I know Lance dislikes) stepping out in glitter booties, matching thong and a feather boa asking for breakfast ... but that's just me! :)

Another snigger fest Greg ... good one!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a surprising development at the end. I laughed for 3 solid minutes after I read that.

Anonymous said...

So does that make of Brad the new salesman in Lance's company?


Anonymous said...

I really like the way Brad looks in that jockstrap. It would make me move to the B&B. Thanks for bringing us some flesh.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting! I'm just wondering how would Rawlings will react when he meet this Morgan St. Cloud? He (or is that she?) is not your typical idea of a Creative Director in a conservative enviroment. Or is this corporation that Lance works for is not so conservative as it looks? Interesting!!

Anonymous said...

Nice surprising little turn of... events at the 'end' there, Greg. Leave it to good ol' Brad to sweeten the deal! *big grin!* Looks like Lance's sales techique is trumped again. This could get interesting!

Rob S.

Michelle said...

I tried to click on "Next blog" and I think I accidentally hit "Flag blog" by mistake. Ooops. I hope nothing happens. It didn't flash a message or anything.

Anonymous said...

kinda unbelievable that someone like st cloud would live in a b&b. interesting that lance has all his living expenses paid for.

i must say though that i love brad in his jock strap.

Luca said...

Knowing Lance, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that the arrival of Brad was not exactly fortuitous (Lance hiding the jogging shorts of Brad is quite an amusing image :P).

I also cannot see someone like st cloud living in a B&B (I guess there are plenty of luxurious gay or gay-friendly hotels in NYC itself), but it's fun anyway!

Anonymous said...

I dunno. I am just not buying this story line on too many levels.

Lance Nobel said...

Why can't people just enjoy the flow Greg has created?
I look forward to Kyle's because it is an original story with characters you love and hate.