Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Episode # 253 - April 7th, 2009

Just CLICK on the episode image, at left, to view it at FULL SIZE.(Don't try reading it at this size, or you'll miss out on all the detail!). Click on the pic!And don't worry... if you prefer the black & white version of the strip, that's here too. Just scroll down a bit, and you can click on the black & white version if that's your preference.

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Dennis D said...

Can I just say, in clothes or out of clothes, Breyer is the sexiest man alive! Please let me marry him.

Andrew said...

Love the focus on Judaism in this episode. Happy Passover!

Anonymous said...

Please let Kyle marry him. He's hot and totally devoted. The perfect man-T.E

Peter said...

Happy Passover, Greg!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely no criticism on this one! It felt as real as the old B&B used to.

Anonymous said...

Such a nice thing to happen to Breyer. He should have good experiences outside of the B & B.
Amazingly Richard's family is much more pleasant than I expected. A most outstanding episode!

Anonymous said...

enough about breyer already. who cares/. i got sick of kyles perfect man fantasy already. id rather see more of the hot older guy mark instead of all these clones and i really wish the baseball jock would leave the b&b for good.