Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Episode # 268 - November 3rd, 2009

Just CLICK on the episode image, at left, to view it at FULL SIZE.(Don't try reading it at this size, or you'll miss out on all the detail!). Click on the pic! And don't worry... if you prefer the black & white version of the strip, that's here too. Just scroll down a bit, and you can click on the black & white version if that's your preference.

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Bill the First said...

Oh, no! Not Jeff! Please don't go away to South Carolina for too long! He's my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a colorful strip. Makes up for another defeat in Maine today at the hands of the bigoted hypocrites.

And thanks again Barack Obama for your support. NOT.

Not a penny to any Christian connected charity, function or institution till this is put right.

Not a dollar for any school fundraiser.

No halloween candy for those precious children of bigoted straight traditional families.

I will take care of my own family and charities and causes that benefit LGBT people only.

Anonymous said...

Oh... and God bless you, and God bless America.

Leni said...

I am very sorry Maine. We do not have a chance in Republican Hell here in Tennessee but it helps to see others making progress. Hurting for all of us.

Anonymous said...

I still think that Matt and Jeff made a MUCH better couple!....P.S. Why are gays getting on Obama when it was CLINTON who put in don't ask and don't tell?!? If I were the president, I wouldn't do a thing for gay peole because they are too bigoted!