Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Episode # 305 - April 19th, 2011


Anonymous said...

I know many gay guys just like Richard.Queenie attitude, gossiping twink , lives in the gay bars , cant hold a job ,wants a hand out and then whines when he actually has to do some work. Every time a new guy under 35 shows up - it's he's hot and then we have the same old panels of Richard lusting over him until the next one comes along.

Take this weeks strip. After giving Kyle an obviously rehearsed wooden apology thinking it would get him back into the B&B ,he is sitting on his ass at Delias place eating Malomars and watching soap operas. Feeling sorry for himself and resentful when he is to blame , he obviously doesn't care about how close he came to being homeless. Delia could easily say get the hell out you freeloader. I mean she tries to give him some positive advice a lot nicer than I would have. It's called grow the fuck up, get a damn job and stop your damn whining feel sorry for me crap or I'm throwing you out and you can see how it is living on the street. And just when you think maybe he is listening to her ,he goes right back to being a total douche in the last panel ,he's hot ,is he single .So not gonna happen Richard and after you're done shoveling that shit , pack your stuff and get out. end of story.

Peter said...

When I see Richard in this cartoon, I think of Jack McFarland [Will & Grace].

Boy, grow up! Before you know it time has passed you by.

Anonymous said...

I agree with both commentators. (Hope that is the right word!) I seen many guys like that. It's like they have some sort of Adonis complex. Really sad.

Anonymous said...

wow, are we unforgiving.

perhaps what Richard really needs is professional help. would he seek it out ? would anyone suggest it ? perhaps only Kyle could.

or is it easier just to condemn. Richard is a sad figure. I'm not saying that Kyle acted incorrectly, but how easily we are able to heap scorn.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how much sympathy Richard deserves. If he can't learn from his mistakes, his life is going to be an endless downward spiral.

Anonymous said...

thing is , it's not like this is anything new regarding this guy.
He doesn't need sympathy or professional help, what he needs is a kick to his ass ,he's a lazy fucking queen. He's like what around 30 and still mooching off other people to get by. He obviously was staying at the B&B for next to nothing and not doing much to earn his keep either. If it wasn't for his lesbian friend he would be out on the street. And on top of that , he is doing what a lot of people do who are taken in by friends or family , they treat it as their own rent free/bill free hotel ,sitting around mooching and complaining when they should be out there getting a job and taking some grown up responsibility for themselves. I don't feel sorry for people like that , lots of people are worse off who bust their butts to get by wheres Richards main goal in life is to go to gay bars,spend what little money he has to get drunk, gossip all day and sit on his ass, hit on every guy under 35 and wonder why guys he dates get sick of him. Hey Richard ever think of others instead of yourself. If he's going to change he needs a wake-up call. If I was Delia. I would do exactly what she's doing and more , like in that last panel as another stated , he is going right back to being a douche bag by suggesting a date with Steve. Here's what I would say to him. "Richard , geeze your such a douche, are you ever going to grow the fuck up and stop thinking about yourself and sex with other guys all the damn time. You need to take some damn responsibility for yourself, get a job, support yourself because you are not going to stay living here , I won't allow it. Your what like 30 , start acting like it and stop feeling sorry for yourself ,that pisses me off. Now your going to get off your ass and start looking for a job every day. Your going to help around the house and when you find a job Ill support you for 3 or 4 months and then you have to get out. And if you talk any more about banging some guy or going out to the bars to talk about tricks , im throwing you out now. End of story

Anonymous said...

boy, am I glad for my friends.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone's overreacting just a little bit. Richard didn't do anything that scandalous, it only went as far as a kiss. Richard is every gay man personified, he's got his fair share of insecurities. Up until now his antics have been mostly for comedic effect. He's been in the background and nobody has really tried to get to know and understand him. Delia is a real friend supporting him rather than brushing him off as some clubbing obsessed gay 30 something.

Anonymous said...

Well, I wouldn't mind if the writer took Richard out of the main cast. He's kind of a boring one note character ,the stereotypical queen with the fuzzy slippers etc, does nothing but gossip about who is doing who , a self centered drunk, always after the next man ,basically if it breathes. Lather rinse repeat.Ho Hum

Unknown said...

Richard absolutely SHOULD build a new life for himself. He should start by finding a new group of friends who aren't a bunch of unforgiving dickheads. Funny how so many commenters here are quick to despise Richard for being so "queenie", yet turn a blind eye toward the five big fat over-dramatizing divas who still live at the B&B. "Oh, Richard got drunk and made a pass at my huge asshole of a boyfriend! There must be something really psychologically wrong with him because no one has ever done anything that bad to anyone else ever! And I'm just so upset that I'm going to burn the oatmeal maple tofu pancakes and sign anything some pantsless sleazeball shoves in my face, because I'm JUST! SO! HURT!"

And RICHARD needs to grow up? Please.

Anonymous said...


You have some good points , but Richard does need to grow up and think the head on his shoulders not the other one

Anonymous said...

Well guess what guys ,
My local gay rag already has the next installment of Kyles B&B and if you dont wanna know whats coming up dont read below ..major spoilers

And lets just say Price's agenda has finally been brought to Kyle's attention , and from what it looks like , Price has been stealing money right under Kyle's nose by charging fees for laundry,showers ,rent changes and who knows what else. Those papers Kyle signed I have a feeling are along the lines of granting Price the right to do such things and collect the revenue for himself amongst other things.

Anonymous said...

That Girl looks like Beyonce in the close up...

Robert McPhal said...

So does Richard turn up and save the day for Kyle and the others by confronting Price? I cannot wait to find out.


Anonymous said...

Why does Delia suddenly look like Beyonce?? lol