Monday, December 30, 2024

Kyle's B&B Person of the Year for 2024 - Coach Dennis Carver !!! 👑


The votes are in, and it is official! Coach Dennis has won the crown in a landslide victory! ðŸ‘‘

This is Coach's first win, (it's actually his first-ever appearance on the ballot. Even though he was
involved in some storylines last year, he had only just begun dating Kyle, and was not around as much). 
Something of significance about Coach's win is that this marks the first time a non-resident of the
B&B has won the crown, (some may argue that he spends a lot of nights at the B&B with Kyle, but,
he does not officially reside at the B&B, so, this is significant!). In fact, it was only a few years ago
 that non-residents were allowed to compete in the contest, (so that we could finally allow Breyer and
Nick to be included on the ballot). 

Last year's crown-winner, Levi, featured in some major storylines in the year of his win, (he also did
this year, too). As has been noted here, that's not always the case with other crown-winners. In fact, 
Mannis and Drew have both won in years where they barely had walk-ons throughout the year.
Coach falls somewhere in between. He had a moderate presence in storylines this year, more in a
series of "one-shot" appearances, as opposed to an ongoing storyline. 

He started off the year with a bang, (somewhat literally!), as he and Kyle had their first overnight
together. Several episodes later, he and Brad butted heads while discussing Coach's off-season job
at House Depot, (which ultimately led to the two having a bit of a rapprochement). Coach had another
one-shot appearance over a late-night chat with Sergei, (which led to the 2 former professional jocks
establishing an unexpected friendship). As summer rolled around, Coach and Kyle had a lovely walk
on the beach at Fire Island, (which led to a memorable moment with the 2 stripping down to go
swimming au naturel!). Finally, we saw Coach again in December, when he and Kyle had a rather
frank but illuminating discussion about age differences as they decorated the B&B for the Holidays!

Here are a few highlight panels from Coach's life in 2024:

In looking at the numbers for the year, Coach really hammered the competition, garnering 27% of the
vote. His closest competition was last year's winner Levi, who came in at a distant 2nd place with 14.9% of
the vote. Jason Forest, (another non-resident), had a strong showing, coming in at #3 with 12.9% of
the vote. Certainly one of the biggest comment-getters at the B&B, Jason had a number of brash appear-
ances throughout the year, (which included a memorable hook-up with Price!). And speaking of Price...
he also placed strongly, grabbing the #4 position. Love him or hate him... he does make an impression!
Rounding out the upper numbers, Kyle and Drew came in at #5 and #6. After that, the numbers really
start to drop off. Probably the biggest drop-off was former three-time crown winner Mannis, who came
in 15th place with only 4 votes! (To be fair, Mannis had barely any appearances in the comic strip this

Our special sad trombone award 📯 goes to our last place winner, Nick, who got exactly ZERO votes!
(The only candidate on the ballot who got no votes!). But perhaps it's fitting, as he had 0 appearances
in the strip this year, (we'll have to see about changing that for 2025!). 

Below are the final numbers for everyone. And if you'd like to see the "Hall of Fame" of previous
 winners of the crown, you can click here to visit the Kyle's B&B Person of the Year Hall of Fame!!!
As I always say... if your favorite guy or gal didn't win... start campaigning now for them! There's
always next year!!!  ðŸ‘‘ I'm wishing you a very Happy New Year, and looking forward to bringing
you more adventures of the B&B crew in 2025! Thank you for being a part of it!!!


RBS7079 said...

....well, Brad was right. ..that's SOME 'D-ckwad' Coach Dennis is PACKING! ...lookit how it fills those SHORTS! ...ha-HAA!

...well, since the Polls are over, let's see how everyone fared...

- ...Levi, Jase & Price REALLY duked it out! ...each got the #2 slot twice, for a week! ...but, the Coach slipped by them, and sat quietly at the TOP....

- ...Kyle & Drew are fan faves, but Kyle possibly his highest ranking in YEARS....Thanks, to the Coach.....

- ...Darren is well liked, but for RICHARD to get this high, shows he NEEDS a story arc again, instead of the 'last quips' of the panel(s)....

- ...Brad is always a mainstay, so he scooted by on Fan-Love, but he's and ADONIS, his looks always helped his chances.....

- Jeremy was carried by the '..Levi gets a makeover..' story arc, but, he's got a healthy percentage of Fans...not ME, though....

- Rudy & Sergei (2 VERY important characters) get Love, but not many Story arcs...both need more visibility, though....

- ...Eduardo is possibly at the most pivotal period in his LIFE, it needs to be shown for more growth (& higher rankings)....

- ...Lance has always been at the lower end of the Polls (and deservedly so, after this Year), but... MANNIS!??? ...sitting in a lonely Kilt Shoppe is NOT doin' him any favors.....

- ...Delia had possibly the most movement in her story arcs for DECADES (New place, new Girlfriend, new 'Do)...but, we need to SEE it, for her to rank higher....2025, maybe!?

- ...Dave is ALWAYS last, with the exception of TWO YEARS, since the start of this Poll... but Nick saved him from THREE.....a Hubby's gotta look out for his Man.... ; )

...THANKS, Greg, this was FUN! ...I hope we get more pancakes, more storylines....and more of Coach's BIG BAT! ....oooooh, look at how it SITS, my my MY.... ; ) ...Happy New Year!

WranglerMan said...

Woof! Let's hear it for more mature gay men. Go Coach Dennis!