Why would I have bothered with this? Well...perhaps because of the problems I encountered a couple of years earlier with a shall-remain-nameless Nashville, Tennessee-based gay newspaper. You see, in an earlier episode, (# 102), when Brad & Vincenzo have sex for the first time, there was a little rear nudity shown, (although no frontal), and a general "steaminess" to the episode. This Nashville, Tennessee-based gay newspaper ran the episode, received a few complaints from readers, and promptly dropped the strip. (Thanks, guys....um, maybe you could've just not run that episode to begin with, instead of running it and then dropping the strip when a few readers react negatively. Oh, but I digress). In any case, I was a little nervous about losing another paper because of such a thing. Hence, my "cover-up" of Breyer's manly pubic zone. However, in the end, I decided to go with the original...it seemed silly to be censoring something that shows, at the very most, a little sliver of the base of Breyer's penis. And you know what? No one complained!