If you're a comic book reader, you may know about the current cross-over storyline going on in DC's
Justice League of America and
Justice Society of America books, involving perhaps my favorite super-group of all time, the
Legion of Super-Heroes! I'm not sure where this story's going, but it's exciting to see that the Legion I grew up with, the one that inspired me on many levels, appears to be coming back in the form I remember them. The recent issue of
JSA, # 5, features a gorgeous double-page spread of the Legion, (what are actually Legion statues), and it shows
thirty members, almost every member who ever meant anything to the team. Except for one.
Chemical King! They
left out Chemical King!!! Once again, the man in green gets shafted! If you know about Legion history, (I can imagine many people reading this right now are thinking, "Damn, I had no idea that Greg Fox was such a comic book ultra-geek!"), you'll know that Chemical King's death was...how shall I put this? Not handled well. What had been an interesting, though under-used character, was suddenly portrayed as a strange malcontent with an inferiority complex in his final appearance, (and his death scene, miscolored by a careless colorist and shoved into a rushed, abbreviated ending to the story, was insulting to fans who cared about the character). I'm sure Breyer of
Kyle's B&B would agree, as we saw he is a big fan of the character, which he discusses with Brad in episode # 187, (a portion of which is shown below):
So, all I can say is....I'm happy that DC appears to be bringing back the Legion in a form that I love, but....
not forget about
There were some other Legionnaires left out of that group shot, like Tyroc, Tellus, Quislet, and Cosmic Boy's brother.
I remember the Legion well growing up, especially when Mike Grell started drawing. Seeing the Legion in the JLA/JSA reminded me of how the characters each had their own personality before it was popular. As for where the current story is going, they might be trying to bring back Superman from Earth-2. It was shown in JLA 0# that he comes back from the dead.
Cos's brother was Magnetic Kid. I was annoyed to see Tyroc and Chemical King missing from the group shot. More annoyed that Tellus and Quislet were let out of it as well.. But that group show, was just wrong.. some of those guys seemed to have abs from hell.. moresothan usual...
Was even more annoyed that Projectra didn't have her own statue.. heh long time LSH fans will know what I mean heh
Where is Amethyst? I love the way Keith Giffen tied Gemworld into Legion of Super-Heroes' Zerox.
Heh, Amethyst actually premiered in LSH #298 me thinks.. but was never a member of the LSH proper. The tie in at the end of the Baxter run made a lot of sense though when I thought about it.
Glad to see there are other Legion fans from when the Legion was at its best. As a FYI.. I have heard that Tony Bedard has written six issues after Mark Waid's run and the title will be dropping the Supergirl in the name as she is leaving the group. Also after Tony's run Jim Shooter is coming on to the book.
Yikes! Jim Shooter writing Legion as a teenager had lots of charm. I don't foresee Shooter's take on the current incarnation being well-handled. But then, I've never been a big fan of his writing.
I like Mark Waid's version of the Legion, but nothing will ever top Paul Levitz' run in my heart. I was vaguely aware of the JLA/JSA/Legion crossover currently underway (if not over, as of this writing), but didn't really know what version of the Legion it featured. I'll definitely be picking up the trade paperback.
I can't tell you how pleased I was too have your comments appear during a google search. I too was pissed as hell when I saw that Chemical King had been deleted from the spread. I've always been a fan of the character and have hoped for years that he would be handled better in one of the re-boots. But instead, he's being wiped out of the one continuity of the Legion at its finest.
We have to also remember Chemical King was a difficult character to define.
I really think alot of the writers just lacked the knowledge (science and chemistry).
He and Element lad (having similar powers). We often confused and I do not think many of the writers had a science background.
In reality Chemical King was more powerful than Element Lad, but they did not know how to use him...Very much like Color Kid of the Subs.....they made these heroes easily disposable. In addition the idea Chemical King may have been "GAY" plays into the equation too. Lets dump the "alternative characters" as fast as possible. Invisible Kid, Light Lass Shrinking Violets relationship, Element Lad and SP Officer etc.
However with a more progressive era we are in, perhaps we will see the return of Chemical King and these others.(Gay and proud of it!)!!
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