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Looks like Brad has another love interest besides Kyle at the BnB. He and Morgan are total opposites.
They will be good together.
This is interesting! I just hope Morgan doesn't get her heart broken!
I have no idea where this is going. Getting involved with Morgan would be a big step for Brad. He's alway been so shallow in the past.
There we have it...
uh oh...
suddenly morgan looks younger and no longer wears too much make-up ?
WHOA! I didn't see that one coming! Brad and Morgan are an odd couple, should make for some interesting development for both of them.
Oh, Springtime always brings the most interesting developments, doesn't it?
Ugh I guess all my predictions about this thread are correct.
I am a huge fan of the comic and of Greg, so this criticism is coming from a good place. Please Greg, if you are going to let this happen, at the very very least don't make it schmaltzy (spl?). "Beautiful views can inspire beautiful thoughts. You are wise to come here Brad" ? If anyone fed me this line I would bolt in the other way. Yeah Brad is shallow enough to buy lines like that, but Morgan is too intelligent to have used it.
Anyway, looking forward to dsee how you resolve this.
I am speechless.
i knew it. i knew it. i saw it coming and i didn't want it to happen. how can someone have a crush on a comic strip character? therapy for one. therapy for one.
Ok why is Brad going for Morgan anyway? I thought that he was the type of guy that went after the hunky kind of guy and not the femme guy. Especially one that is transgendered. WTH?
Didn't see that coming! But it's a great turn of events, looking forward to where it leads.
Now that is interesting! Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
So the KBB character that has the most internalized homophobia has a crush on the KKB that looks the most like a girl?
I called this when they first appeared on the page together. Brad hates his homosexuality and has never been comfortable with it. Of course he's gonna be attracted to a person in the comic that dresses and acts like a girl. It's not shocking and not surprising if you follow the comic.
I'm just a 57 year old romantic gay guy in a 33 year old gay relationship and I think it is sweet. (Some) people do grow and change - certainly transgendered people change. Brad and Morgan don't have to be clones of each other to have a significant relationship. Nor does a significant relationship have to be long term to be valued. So you go Greg!
It's logical that Brad will want the only "female" in the house. It's logical that Morgan will want the hot stud.
What's not logical or even remotely realistic is the way this is being played out. Nothing about the Morgan charater is realistic. For example, children who move around a lot have a fairly difficult time especially as they grow up. Moving to new schools as a teenager, having to break into established cliques is not easy in the best of circumstances. How easy could it have been for a transgender child? It might have been an interesting life, it might have been an inspiring life, but to say that this was a breeze is either deluded or untruthful - or both.
I don't want to analyze her point by point, it gets boring. Suffice to say that I hope her phoniness is part of the story line and that her professional life and choices are better explained because right now they make no sense.
I knew this would happen, and I think it's a great story,I just found out you could leave a comment (duh), I'm glad Brad likes Morgan it will get him to see that gender and looks have nothing to to with loving somebody it's their personality. It's cool.
I don't get it , I don't buy this storyline only that it's just another gimmick to get people talking. I could see if Brad was a certain kind of gay guy but I'm sorry I don't buy this b/s thing with Morgan. Gender and looks have nothing to do with it ? Lets not b/s here and not to be shallow but if you like men who look and act like men then why would you be into a fem transsexual? I hope this Brad/Morgan thing fizzles out quickly -it's a turn off.
That's exactly the word that came to my mind - gimmick.
^^But aren't all the relationships at the house a gimmick?
Each relationship is a "lesson" for the reader. It's a lot like Greg has a checklist of gay issues and he's going down the list. Interracial - check. HIV - Check. Age difference - Check. Masculine with Feminine - Check.
I love this way this storyline is going!!!
Hope to see more Brad & Morgan
I'm seeing it. I don't know how long it lasts, but I am seeing it.
Didn't anyone else have that coming out period in life where new things opened up in your horizon of attraction that surprised you? I certainly did. I thought I only liked more masculine "straight acting" types. But then I fell for a fairly fem guy. But he had some innder strength and certainty in his identity - that was another dimension. Yep - I am seeing it.
I think Greg needs to figure out Morgan for himself before he continues with this theme. Either Morgan this delicate flower who floats slow motion through flowers into the arms of a man she wants to be emotionally connected with, or Morgan is a tough raw awxual being who drools when she sees a half naked hunk. She also does npot look the same, sometimes her nose is bumpy, sometimes it's straight. Smetimes her chin is very masculine and angular sometimes it's softer. She looked like she shed 20 years in the last few weeks.
I am not seeing it.
KBB is entertainment and Greg Fox delivers it very well.
Do you get so worked up over trivial details on TV and at the movies?
Sit in judgement when you create something that has given pleasure to many over the past 10 years.
I smell trouble here. I think that it's a sweet moment. What worries me is Brad, his past history with men is not so good... Let's hope that it's all for the better.
Greg, you're treading on ambitious ground. As a 20 years post-op MtF TS, I'm very leery of anyone, gay or straight, portraying the trans community form the outside. What you're doing with the character of Morgan pleases me but gives me pause. For some reason, nobody seems to think we get to have romance in our lives. And when it does happen, people have trouble dealing with it, as though we redefine them.
Well, we get to have love too.
Brad is potentially a good match for her.
What mystifies me is that nobody in these situations can even say the word "bisexual".
Reading over others comments, I take offense at Adam's comment:
"Brad hates his homosexuality and has never been comfortable with it. Of course he's gonna be attracted to a person in the comic that dresses and acts like a girl."
Maybe Brad really likes transwomen more than men, and this was just his first opportunity to find out!
Why assume that the only reasons anyone would be with one of us are out of self-hatred or compromise? how shallow!
I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that what I don't like in this story line is that it involves Brad.
Put like this, it seems to have the function of "yet another piece in Brad's growth", that lasts since the fist episodes of KBB (remember the first reactions of Brad against, for example, Ricardo or Jeff?).
I think it would have been more stimulating and surprising with another character, for example Lance. Something completely unexpected for him, that would have put into a crisis his upright character.
Or Ricardo, so he could have had finally an interesting storyline.
In this way, it feels just too "educational"...
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