Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Episode # 289 - August 24th, 2010

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Peter said...

So Price's middle name is 'Trouble'?! Hope Kyle cuts the bull shit early on, money can't buy you everything.

WranglerMan said...

Th guy is a bucket of slime!!!!

Watch out, Kyle! Price will try a hostile takeover of you or your B&B!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this guy's a real prince! Sending your dates through the "service entrance", real classy, dude. I wonder if anyone dates him more than once?

"It's an eight-year-old with a sledge hammer: what could possibly go wrong?"
Douglas Hulick

Michelle said...

This guy's an ass. I agree about the hostile takeover.

Anonymous said...

This should go 1 of 2 ways--either Lance will handle Price or Richard will. They can both deal with a mutha like this. They may not always get along but I'm betting they will protect Kyle and the B&B. Just like they handled Jean Pierre. Richard will break him down as only a true queen/male diva can and Lance will clock him as a business man.

Anonymous said...

9:34 I like what you said. Hahaha. The quicker he leaves the better.

Peter said...

Price shouldn't leave he makes the story more interesting, some new adventure in the making.

Greg has only 9 blocks each fortnite to tell the tale!

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting storyline. Price is a sleaze, but I'm not sure where this is headed. I wonder if he's trying to scam Kyle.

Anonymous said...

I still think this should be the time for Kyle to sell the B&B and for Kyle and Greg to move to VT.

Cory said...

Price has an agenda.
Kyle shouldn't trust him as far as he could throw the creep!!