Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Episode # 300 - February 8th, 2011

It's the 300th episode!!!  Hooray!!!

Just CLICK on the episode image, at left, to view it at FULL SIZE.(Don't try reading it at this size, or you'll miss out on all the detail! ,). Click on the pic! (NOTE: For some browsers, you may need to click on the pic one more time AFTER it opens up in a new window, to bring it up to full size).

And don't worry... if you prefer the black & white version of the strip, that's here too. Just scroll down a bit, and you can click on the black & white version if that's your preference.Also, if you'd like to be notified whenever a new episode of Kyle's B&B is posted, just click here to sign up for the Kyle's B&B Yahoo Notify List. (You'll be taken to Yahoo to join the Kyle Notify List group, and don't worry... if you sign up, you will only be sent notification e-mails whenever new episodes are posted. No spam or other stuff.

And one more thing... be sure to check out Kyle's B&B on Facebook! Links to access my Facebook page and the official Kyle's B&B Fan Page on Facebook are within this sentence, (and also on the right-hand column of this page).


Το Λαγωνικό said...

Man, I think this is the funniest episode ever.
Greetings from a fan from Athens Greece.


Peter said...

Congrats on 300 episodes, Greg. Looking forward to 300+ more!

Love this episode, some people never change and others... oh well, Brad will find his niche someday.

Kirby Holt said...


Mikoru said...

This is sooo freaking cool! Let me be the first to request more strips set in the future!

diana green said...

Very nicely done, and many congratulations on reaching this milestone!
Now about that next TPB compilation....

Marc said...

Congrats on #300! Let's hope there really is a Kyle's B&B a few hundred years in the future!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Great # 300, Greg!

Anonymous said...

First congrats on 300 episodes. Second this episode is one of the best, really enjoyed it. I agree with Mikoru, let's have more set in the future.

Jim of Morongo Valley

Anonymous said...

In astro ball, 300 wins is the milestone for hall of fame pitching... In online comics, 300 episodes is quite milestone as well.

Anonymous said...

Lets get back to the regular strip please. I don't care for strips that do the one shot special type schlock.

Cory said...

Only Richard would have a walking toaster wanting OUT of his presents...
HAPPY 300!!

Michelle said...

Please tell me mullets aren't coming back in 300 years!