BIG NEWS!!! Book 3 of Kyle's B&B has just been published, and is available right now at
Amazon! After you read the new episode, just click on this text link to order:
Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: Hot Off the Griddle
Also, the first two books are also available:
Kyle's Bed & Breakfast
and Book 2:
Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial
. Additionally, if you'd like an
Book Revue bookstore here on Long Island has some, and can send them anywhere in the world! Just telephone 'em at 631-271-1442, and
ask for Steve!!! (But
first, read the new episode!!!!)
Plus, if you'd prefer book 3 in black & white, there is a special black & white edition available for you B&W fans, (just click on the banner link below):

Don't know HOW you're going to SURVIVE until the next episode of Kyle's B&B is posted? YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Join the
Kyle's B&B Fan Page on Facebook, to keep in touch with the B&B... get updates & tidbits about the B&B guys, and share comments with other readers!Just
click here!
Thanks! Also, you can be updated on
Twitter when new episodes are posted here. :