Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Episode # 371 - October 29th, 2013

BIG NEWS!!! Book 3 of Kyle's B&B has just been published, and is available right now at Amazon! After you read the new episode, just click on this text link to order: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: Hot Off the Griddle

Also, the first two books are also available:  Kyle's Bed & Breakfastand Book 2: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial. Additionally, if you'd like an AUTOGRAPHED copy, Book Revue bookstore here on Long Island has some, and can send them anywhere in the world! Just telephone 'em at 631-271-1442, and ask for Steve!!!  (But first, read the new episode!!!!)

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Luca said...

Why am I feeling that this will be the "temptation of a threesome for Kyle and Brewer" storyline? :)

Unknown said...

It's good seeing Breyer back. Don't like the Asian trunk though.

Anonymous said...

Lately, the comments here have been racially descriminate. Someone does not like an "Asian" character. Why? because he is Asian? I don't get it. I don't like some of the actions of many of the characters, but not because they are of a particular race but rather their actions are sometimes annoying. People sit behind a computer screen and comment about a character because they belong to an ethnic group that they don't approve of. I am pretty sure Gregg Fox ment to include every creed/race in his comic strip when he created it. To those who don't like some groups should stop reading the strip......

Psychodahlia said...

I'm with Luca. Threesome with the hot Asian guy, plz.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to learn how to spell! This whole thing about racial comments is just silly. I mean gay people treat each other with respect, right? Wrong! Most asians go for white guys and that's a fact. I mean have you been in Los Angeles where these Asian twinks go for older white guys or white guys in general. That's the way that it is so....No one said anything about "approval" nor did anyone say anything about Greg's inclusion of all races! Get a grip! BTW, I'm with a filipino so.....

Anonymous said...

Lately, the comments here have been racially discriminate. Someone does not like an "Asian" character. Why? Because he is Asian? I don't get it. I don't like some of the actions of many of the characters, but not because they are of a particular race but rather their actions are sometimes annoying. People sit behind a computer screen and comment about a character because they belong to an ethnic group that they don't approve of. I am pretty sure Gregg Fox meant to include every creed/race in his comic strip when he created it. To those who don't like some groups should stop reading the strip......

I admit I should have made sure I didn't have any misspellings. Does this corrected version meet with your approval? I've read this and other postings for the last three weeks and there were some comments aimed at the race of one of the characters, so that's my reason for the post. The bottom line is I am glad that Greg Fox includes all people of any race in his comic strip regardless who likes it or not for whatever reason. Thanks for the cut!

Anonymous said...

For some reason the email notices stopped. I just caught up with the strip while doing some spring email cleaning. Wow - thanks for this new character. Yeah, I'm one of those white guys who happens to find asian men attractive. Sue me. I'm reading them in order, so it should be fun to see how this new character and the plot progress.