BIG NEWS!!! Book 3 of Kyle's B&B has just been published, and is available right now at Amazon! After you read the new episode, just click on this text link to order: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: Hot Off the Griddle
Also, the first two books are also available: Kyle's Bed & Breakfastand Book 2: Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial. Additionally, if you'd like an AUTOGRAPHED copy, Book Revue bookstore here on Long Island has some, and can send them anywhere in the world! Just telephone 'em at 631-271-1442, and ask for Steve!!! (But first, read the new episode!!!!)
Plus, if you'd prefer book 3 in black & white, there is a special black & white edition available for you B&W fans, (just click on the banner link below):
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Yes, please draw and publish that book of poetry. The teaser of Drew is gorgeous.
NOw THIS is something that I expect to see.....I don't like Price though....He's always up to something....But then it's always like gay men, they never want to see anyone happy
It's also good to see Lance PURSUING a relationship and yes eating his own words. See I made this post WITHOUT bringing up color!
It's not about color. it's about right and wrong. And Lance was wrong in this case.
I agree that Lance was wrong but the way that some of these people post and attack leads me to believe that there is something more than meets the eye with Lance. But yes, Lance was wrong in this case.
I just know Price is going to cause something bad to happen between Drew & Lance. I just know he's thinking up a plan. I just don't know what???? But it's going be big trouble, I just know it will.
to the first anonymous poster:
"but then it's always like gay men, they never want to see anyone happy"
seriously, really ? you're going to post that as some kind of stereotype ? do you think it's truw of all the characters in this story ? do you actually think that is true of ALL gay men ?
Lance and Drew will end up together no matter what Price does. They're total opposites which works well for these two. I don't like price or Brad...
Yes I think that. Most gay men are conniving and crave negative attention. I feel as if they don't really know how to be happy for someone else unless it involves them. Majority of the gay relationships break up due to cheating and c back stabbing...
'Most' B? You're obviously hanging around the wrong crowd....
Can we just enjoy the drama? This is better than "Days"!
Phil: are you saying that most Gay men don't undermine each other? Come on.....this is why so many gay male couples have "open relationships"
True. Drew has brought out more insight about Lance than anyone. I'm over Price though....
Drew may not be a prostitute, but be does dress like a gay male pornstar! Not that I'm complaining.
Sean: down boy. It's only a cartoon....
thanks for the support Phil, I think the first anonymous has a seriously sad life.
interesting about how judgmental he is and in a negative way. must have a very unhappy life.
Darn... I had hopes that Price had gone to that great cartoon panel in the sky.
How is my life sad for pointing out the obvious? Most gay relationships are open ones and from what I've seen most gay men don't want to see each other happy. It's just the way that it is unfortunately....
Me too. I just don't see the relevance of his character. I never did..... To me, he's boring...
I love this episode. It's good to see Drew put Lance in his place and leave him pretty much speechless. On top of that, Drew in a cowboy hat, open plaid shirt, and short shorts.... YUM! That needs to be a poster or some kind of print. ;)
So good to see Drew standing up for himself and saying what needs to be said.
I too had hoped Price would be gone but I suppose he is the spice/not the nice.
If B has had a some sad experience, I'm sorry for him, but he can't generalize. It's like an hetero man complaining thatall women are bxxxxes.
What a dick Lance is....."we could've avoided all this drama"
Are you kidding me?!!
The only words out his mouth should have been "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions"
Wow! At first I was sure Lance was going to admit that it could have been avoided if he had actually talked to Drew more. Was I naive! I like the twist this has taken - particularly with the breaking Price development. Good addition of dramatic tension! I've just discovered this story online and am loving it!
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