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Finally! It took Lance to boil over and call out Price to get in a scuffle. In real life, Price would have gotten his pretty butt kicked but I'll take it! lol Great update!
Um ... wow.
This is too funny. A cake fight in undewear???
Kyle you are a GENIUS!!!!
THANKS for making me laugh.
Ok.....didn't see a fight brewing but I did see some things in this: (1) Lance REALLY is into Drew even more than I thought! (2) You don't mess with Lance! Especially with his clothes! (3) I think that Price wants Lance... But based upon the position of the two, Lance CLEARLY would have beaten him down...That said: an ultimatum for Price to move is just underneath the surface....
You know, Bud, I thought the same thing . . . about Price. He must really want Lance.
Kind of like the little boy who pulls the little girl's hair for attention.
Might be wrong. Might be right. But definitely interesting to watch.
The reason to which I say this is because before Drew came into the picture, Price hit on Lance and was shot down. Now that Drew and Lance are together, it totally plays against the fact that Price can have anyone at anytime. Drew is seen as competition. But Lance CLEARLY wants to be with Drew and because Drew and Price are both southern men, it becomes a competition between the two of them....But I did like seeing Lance issue a beatdown though!
That's an excellent observation, Bud. I completely forgot about Price hitting on Lance.
You're right, it does play against his ego.
Again, excellent observation.
Price's ego never recovered from that episode of Lance turning him down. He was never going to sleep with Drew but he wanted to create doubt and Lance nor Drew fell for it so he has to get desperate. I am curious though as to why he decided to stay at a bed and breakfast when he can clearly afford to live in a luxury area. That said, if you look at the position of the two: Lance is on TOP while he is on the BOTTOM which could translate into a lot of things...Just saying...But southern boys HATE losing to other southern boys...
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