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It seems like the problem in that "relationship" would rather be Jake, not Edu: if someone his age can't deal with catty queens and petty gossip, and he lets those trifles make him feel bad about himself and about someone he supposedly is in love with, he surely is not actually in love, and Eduardo, like anyone else, would deserve better.
It seems to me Nick has quite a double standard on what one should get offended or not.
Also, what kind of stupid and feeble arguments are those? it's all about "people will judge" and nothing about how Eduardo and Jake actually feel or what could be the really serious problems between a May-December (well, September) relationship: the immaturity of the young one, the fact that the older one will get older earlier...
Tremendously bad view of the situation and advice, IMHO.
What's really sad is that he's probably right. Shame the world has to be that way.
I'm with Michelle on this one. Jake shouldn't be soliciting advice from nick. He must have his own set of insecurities within himself. That said: Eduardo is not relationship material.
Wooow... Someone's a bit jaded
The jaded one is Jake who solicited advice from nick. "Ed" is a party boy. That's the way that his character is written. He's been in school forever and still hasn't graduated which means he needs guidance and he lacks purpose. Jake is right to be concerned but why go to a former liver? They're both messed up....
I'm new to the comic, what's the story behind Nick and Eduardo?
Hey, Anonymous, (new to the comic)... Eduardo is a younger, college-aged guy that Jake, (in his early 50s) just started dating recently. You can read their backstory and see other previous episodes on the Episodes archives page at http://kylesbnb.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html
Uuugghh. Lol. I read all the comics available. Not enough backstory for Eduardo from the past three years in archives��. I'll have to buy your books to see why people are having problems with Eduardo's character.
I mean, he doesn't seem to be partying at all from the last three years... So maybe he's less in the scene? Matured a bit possibly?
I insist: Jake is not any more mature and "relationship material", and less of a kid and than Eduardo if he lets himself be intimidated in any way by other people's gossipy and judgmental crap.
But that's why they shouldn't be together. Two insecure people can't be in a relationship. It'll only become Co dependent. But I've said this all along. Jakes soliciting advice from Ed former liver is not a sign of maturity and neither is Ed make comments about nick veering "jealous" . Jake wants a grown man to offset his own insecurities and Ed wants a protector to make him feel validated. Lance sensed this and dumped Ed at the first sign of this. Jake should do the same....
So then what would make Jake relationship material if he's not? Sure, maturity can be a factor to whether a relationship can work, but it's not really something you have only a certain amount of. Can't overcoming insecurities make a better relationship as long as there is an open communication?
Though I don't know what happened between Nick and Eduardo (yet)... I feel Nick is just bad-mouthing an ex at this point.
Jake though...I don't know why he'd ask Nick unless he trusted him that much.
So your point is that a "stone" personality needs a strong one who would do all the bearing in the relationship... wouldn't it be more romantic to consider two stones sinking together in the depths of misery under their own combined weight?
So what you're saying is that misery loves company? I will agreed that it does but it doesn't make for a healthy relationship which is what Jake is looking for. Eduardo is a pretty boy who is just now trying to discover who he really is. Jake pretty much knows who he is to a very small degree despite him being nearly 50 years old. In fact that Jake has to solicit advice from someone else as opposed to going out is speaking to Eduardo speaks to his own insecurities and which Eduardo is too young to fully realize.
There comes a point when you don't feeel you're missing anything by not being at the party. If these two guys are at the same place, the differences in their ages are meaningless. If others don't like a 20 and a 50 yr old together, then that's there problem.
Ivannano: That's VERY true!!!!! But BOTH men should be in the same place and Eduardo is still a child basically and he isn't in the same place as Jake who moved there after a painful breakup. Last sentence is true though.
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