Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Episode # 430 - February 2nd, 2016

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ethan2chris said...

Note that Richard is already furious at Rudy's good fortune and scheming to sabotage it with a background check whose only purpose is to try to unmask something sinister.

Why does everyone in the house put with him? He's a professional troublemaker.

Anonymous said...

Didn't see that coming and he is the best drawn character. I was a price fan but...

Anonymous said...

the thing is, ethan, that older people are subject to a lot of fraudulent schemes. this guy may be a good guy, but if there was a Richard in my life checking him out, I think I would be grateful

(not that I wouldn't know the warning signs when they came up, there is enough bogus phone phishing)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't think Richard is jealous -- I think he's worried that this is a young grifter out to fleece Rudy.

It's a protective reaction, not an envious one.

Angelo Ventura said...

Why suspect the worst? He seems a nice guy. Still, better safe than sorry.-...

Troy Haliwell said...

You know, this is something good for Richard to do but for the wrong reason. It is good to be protective of people, particularly as we get older, from folks who might want to take advantage. But to do this only with Rudy just because of the younger man is age discrimination. He should do it with everyone that one of his friends date

Anonymous said...

There are many young gays that preferes older men. And Rudy is interesting.

Anonymous said...

Terrence is really hot. I hope he and Rudy hook up.

ShaunNJ said...

Rudy has let his Man of the Year title go to his head (both the big and small one). Good for him - hope to see more of Terrence (and what's happened to Dave/Nick and Delia?).

Anonymous said...

FINALLY! An interesting storyline that isn't centered around Lance and Drew!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! We get to see the OTHER characters outside of the select few! Rudy IS an interesting guy though but to be honest, I think that Richard is a little bit jealous and concerned. A lot of people find older men more attractive and that's fine but in Richard's case, it seems to take on the notion of "why can't I find a man" kind of thing. Still, it's better to check this guy out first. That being said: he's the hottest guy in the strip. I'm talking about the new guy that Rudy is going out with!


Anonymous said...

....Well, Hello Terence...you just gave Richard the most GRIMACING looks he's ever given in the B&B! Whew!

...and to the 1st anonymous blogger, I also agree that the other
(& more fascinating) characters should show us the VERY wide spectrum of Homosexuality & Life.

While Price is walking around in just a barely open shirt(looking like a Gay Porn Clark Kent), how IS Nick & Dave's marriage?! Is Brad still hiding his sexuality (in 2016, ugh)with his beard, Delia? Is Breyer still miffed to be in the same room with Richard, after the

...So many topics, with Characters who can face them, and flourish is one the many reasons I have been looking at this strip avidly since the late 90's! Work / Morals & dilemmas for Power Business Gay Men (Lance/Price), Intimate Relationship trust / jealousy issues (Kyle/Breyer or Lance/Drew) Elder Gay Issues (Rudy) Sexuality 'Closet' Issues (Brad...ONLY), Gay Marriage issues (Nick/Dave) Gays who don't know when to 'leave the party' (Richard)....I would LOVE to see more 'darker' turns for these characters....then Drew can walk in naked, LOL!!

Hey Greg, think ya can make that happen? I love the 'light' side of the B&B (Warm Pancakes n' All), but the 'issues' can make the strip groundbreaking!! but, I'll always LOVE the B&B...thanks for letting me IN! : )

Anonymous said...

Is Terrence a strawberry blond or a ginger?


Anonymous said...

Did nick and Dave ever get married? I'd like to see some angst between kyle and Breye...will Brad ever come out? What's up with Jeff? Matt?......
