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The "raspberry" quip referenced texture and colour, not just colour... it would have been more accurate "strawberry", but that might have caused confusion with the accepted, usual sense.
and then Rudy dies.
My, my. Robert changed his tune quickly.
Wow. At least the guys realize that he's nothing but a hustler. He DID change completely. He went from sweet to insulting to practically threatening. He also got caught lying. I guess Rudy was being used after all.
I still think that Rudy would do well with the other older guy in the strip that we don't see anymore......
I wonder if the story ends here or if there is an attempt at theft or threat to anyone....it was nice Rudy had a companion for a while though there's no reason his friends at the B&B can't accompany him to the cultural outings. Price would be a good choice for that.
The last few panels were great. That guy would have hit Richard? Dangerous. No telling what he would have done to Rudy?
....and, THIS is why I love this comic strip!
We do need to address the issue of Elder Gays in the Gay Community being hustled / robbed / abused more often; But first, I am very pleased that Rudy had some loving(and HUNKY) backup in regards to what Terrence / Robert COULD have done...MANY other Elder Gay Men aren't so lucky!
This topic is very close to me; I have several Gay Male friends who are now in retirement stage (2 are in loving Marriages close to 20+ years, 1 is currently traveling), and I fear that something may happen to them when they may not be able to be so astute & mobile in their future years.
They are VERY educated, smart, established, and comfortably settled, but I still worry about the 'pretty faces' who may be charades...My traveling Friend was 'helping' a struggling 20-something Dancer back in Feb., to the point of almost setting up a joint Bank Account for him! after knowing this Young Man only for a MONTH!
I found out when I visited my Buddy, and found the Young Man set up a 'Financial Folder' on my friends' Computer; I told him to give me the laptop, & tell the Dancer that I was my Friends' Bookkeeper, and I had to be 'advised' about such matters....sure enough, over the weekend, the Dancer was G-O-N-E! >:(
My friend shucked it off (I was liv-id), but he said that the 'silver lining' was, the Dancer felt 'nice' sharing his Bed!
Now,it is nice to see kindhearted Rudy dating & being reasonably 'active' but,these matters(and young drifters) do exist..PLEASE all, BE AWARE!
And, I do thank Greg for being topical enough to bring this to our attention; I would like to see more RUDY storylines, since he has more 'life' experience than the K's B&B gang!
...oh, P.S... does Drew's Chest do GOOD things for ALABAMA, or WHAT?! **drool** !!!
Greg has tackled gay racism, hustling, ageism, homophobia, lesbianism issues, transgender. These are impressive. The only thing that I have not seen in this strip has not done is an official wedding yet. But all in all, impressive....I don't know if I feel sorry for the older generation of gay men who give into the hustlers. They should have enough self respect not to fall for such buffoonery.
well, jack, aren't we self-important
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