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Oh Richard - worming his way into someone else's business...AGAIN...
..and I wouldn't have it any other way! ha-HAA!! : )
Drew may not to mess with his 'look' right now - seeing that it was what won him over with the JUB advertising team. It's clear they want clean cut, Husky, Hairy, approachable, MANLY, and PINK is nowhere to be found there!! speaking OF Pink - Richard's ROOM...ha-HA!! : )
Lance may want to watch what he says around Drew 'not being a Model'...as I said before, speaking for Drew and trying to control his decisions, may cause for some relationship tension..I can see why Lance wants to look out for Drew - the Advertising / Modeling world is...SUMPTHIN' ELSE...take it from me... : (
...but it doesn't hurt if a Model has sturdy Legs like Drew...GRRROWL! Ha-HAAA!! and, as a little side note - WHY doesn't Lance get the 'sexy' treatment Drew, Price, & Brad get!? they're in various stages of undress, focused panels on body parts, etc. but Lance always seems to be in these Trash Bag sweatshirts or Suits! Lance looks good coming(Panel 7)AND going(Panel 9)!! Get on it, Greg! ; )
Anyhoo, this was a nice, light respite from the controversial & UN-necessary comments from the previous episode..humpf...
Hey, Ardenwolfe, come back - I can't enjoy reading comments if I don't see the blinking 'Wolf Eyes'(P.S. - if I'm ever facing a Jury, I want you in my corner!)
..CHOW!! : )
Ugh. Not a story line I am really interested in. Looks like a stereotypical "fluff" piece. Plus the more I see of these semi-nudes and prancing about, the less I am going to check in and read about them.
I mean, this has all the setup of a light comedic romance novel of the 1990s where everyone is well off financially, having the "New York" fancy apartment, the fabulous job as a model, and the stereotype "femme" as a best friend.
No thanks.
I know everyone will disagree with me about this, and that is fine. I would rather read more about Kyle, Nick, Bryer, Dave, and Rudy anyway, since they are more real characters in our eyes (myself and my husband's).
Uh oh...here comes the deletion if your comment because someone disagrees....
Fortunately, Barak doesn't need censorship because what he says is not controversial (ex: racist, stereotyping, pugnacious, belligerent, condescending, facetious, sardonic or draws out a point of contention - obsessing over each characters pros and cons versus plot points which then reels into how the real world is some dark and scary place).
I don't mind Drew modelling at all. Especially since it's for a good cause. I myself would support such endeavors if my money were to go to a good cause like with what Michael Stokes does with his photography:
Now now let's not get upset because i dismissed your friend easily....that being said: the whole "lance/drew-let's-get-viewrship drama" is getting old. It's like they are the only interesting couple in the strip. The rest are lame...
Perilously close........
I have to feel sorry for Drew. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place where Richard and Lance are using him as the rope in a tug of war. In the end, Drew should be the one that should speak up about whether he wants his hair done or if he desires to model (for a good cause no doubt).
Bud Morries, do you really act like this in public settings? Are you really this acrimonious? No one is doing anything here to cause offense directly at you, so it's a bit astounding when you come here looking for a fight.
I don't feel sorry for Drew because he made this decision without regards to how it would make Lance feel. There should have been a discussion and then a decision and not the other way around. At least they have a REAL relationship unlike Kyle/Breyer and Ed/Jake. That being said: it's for a good cause so.....
I'm not sure how to take the second half of your posting but I'll attempt to answer this: You all see and were probably exposed to the gay community that did not involve a lot of issues. That has not been my experiences. The offense comes when I dare to have a difference of opinion and everyone here feels offended. I don't look for fights but I never back down from them when they come my way.
he, he.. noticed the leaf ;-) now Greg, where does the pink brick road leads?
So.. Because Kyle and Breyer don't have conflicts at the moment or Jake and Eduardo have age differences make them illegitimate couples? What's your reasoning behind their disqualification? I mean, there are bound to be gay Stepford husbands somewhere that are content with the domestic lifestyle that avoid the gossip and backstabbing down the lane.
Show me a "perfect" relationship and I'll show you a very flawed relationship full of secrets and lies. No matter the relationship, there will be disagreements here and there. Now, it would be different if we even saw Breyer at least somewhat regularly but we don't now do we? Jake and Eduardo are not a legit couple because they are actually alike in the fact that they have these preconceived notion on relationships. They have the most unhealthy relationship and it will eventually lead to co-dependence. The storylines start out with some humanization but then they seems to really go no where except for Lance/Drew....I think that there is a difference between a good artist and an actual storytelling which calls for more in-depth thought
Preconceived notions of what, exactly? Ed wants to talk, while Jake is moping around like he's waiting for lightning to strike him before that happens.
Co-dependence? They both have a hidden drug addiction now? I'm sure both would be brave enough to admit if things weren't working out between them.
So why do you continue coming to this comic, then? If everything is as predictable as you believe, then there's nothing left to come here for.
Which means your qualms are with the creator himself. You must know that his job is far from easy. It's a whole process which I have to assume he does all by himself with only a two week deadline: storyboarding, sketching, drawing, coloring, shading - not to mention he has a life outside of this comic too, so you can't exactly fault him if you feel his story lacks the depth of a graphic comic book.
Personally, I want Ed and Jake to work. Now, I know this may seem like an odd request, but tell me, if you were commissioned to progress Ed and Jake's relationship to succeed, what would you do from this point to make it work? Everything that has happened to this point, what would be rising action, the conflict, falling action and resolution to get them to where the are a legitimate couple.
If there are any other commentators left, feel free to imagine how things would work out between these two characters. No pressure
These notions are based on the fact that they refuse to even discuss what is bothering them in terms of Ed and Jake. You do not have to be a drug addict to be co-dependent or love addicted. You really don't.
I continue to come because I feel like it and when I seriously have nothing to do and only after I have looked at all other media. A better question is: why do I get under your skin? I'll await an TRUE answer to that one....However....
I do have qualms about the creator but I have LONG stated that. My issues are: (1) he is a talented artist but not so much in terms of actual story telling outside of jockstraps. (2) There is the exact same prototype in many panels (3) the far more interesting characters are often times ignored. Good storytelling is what would draw people in. Let's face it, if I'm not posting in the comments section, it's boring and you know it. I challenge you and others and you're bothered by it...
About Jake/Ed progressing: To be honest, I don't see them as progressing. I have had SOME experience with bears and twinks and let me tell you: those relationships rarely work for long periods of time so no they are not a legitimate couple to me. But then, that's MY opinion...
Good luck in enticing the other commentators, they all want peaches and cream and you and I both know that isn't reality...
First, thank you RBS for your kind words. Second, the comment section is to discuss the comic. Posters are less than inclined to discuss anything here because of the earlier and continued behavior of that certain poster. To the point, the discussion always turns toward him and his opinions about life as he sees it.
We do not come here to discussi him and his point of view. To that point, over five of his posts have been deleted this week alone. As I said prior, posters do not come here to feed the troll. We come here, those of us that remain, to discuss the comic strip. And if there are fewer people commenting in this section? It's not because they want 'peaches and cream' or some other nonsense.
They want civil discussion about the real topic. They want tact. And lately? They aren't getting that here and are more than inclined to go somewhere else for it. And that's what happens when you let a troll run rampant in your comment section.
Your respectful readers leave to read something else.
....sigh...this will be a long post, but bear with me....
First off, Hey Ardie, you're welcome, and Welcome Back! I love to see that you really want for this discussion forum to stay on track with civil commenting & constructive criticism; I've been a longtime reader, and I always respected your views, comments, and desire for this section to stay 'on course' with the topics at hand, being, The Strip.
I've seen you, Mark, Diana, Wranglerman, Whiskas, Iclabon, Douglas (the adorable writing of) Carles, Shaun, Yren, and MANY others leave quick, cute, honest, & respectful commenting that Greg probably reads, which probably shapes the strip, at it moves further.
But now, I feel as if I want to move further...AWAY. I too, feel as if I may not be able to comment without feel of 'retaliation' of some sort. I don't see the need to 'keep it going', because...It's a Comic Strip, Boo.
I got THANGS to do, and this is just a small part of my life; a 'stay' at the B&B, if you will. how many 19- year old Comic Strips (conceived, penciled, colored, story-boarded, lettered, & posted) EVERY OTHER WEEK BY ONE MAN, about a diverse group of Built Gay Men (and their friends)....for FREE..AND, leaving an unpaid discussion forum open, are there?! that's Right...ONE. and I respect the HELL outta it.
I graduated with a BACHELORS' in Art & Advertising Design; and, if I read just ONE comment that didn't sit right, I'se'll crack yo' TEETH.
So, Greg is CLEARLY a Better Man than me, if he can stand for deleting irksome comments for so long. I mean, what's the point in DOING something like that?!
It's like going to a Restaurant, and some Funky Waitress gives you at-tit-ude; either you say something the Maitre'd (or her); or you say, I'M GONE. so, What IS the joy, in sitting behind a keyboard, trying to instigate others into angry conversation, and trying to get under their skin? I say, save it for CNN, boo. S'corny, Ma.
My Veteran Father is in his 3rd Month of chemo for testicular Cancer, My Mother is in beginning stages of Memory loss (and lives alone, which now freaks me out), I commute & work in a highly homophobic Work environment (where my OWN BOSS calls me 'Cher' behind my back) AND go to an equally homophobic Gym in Queens, NY...so, I come here bi-weekly (with a glass of Wine) and just......read.
..and, I want NO FUNKY COMMENTS. period.
SO, Ardie, THANK YOU... and GREG, Sweetie, I want a BIG BLOWOUT for Kyle's 20th...I TRULY, HONESTLY, SINCERELY, want to Thank You for the 'stay' and ALL the WORK, for all these years. I PAY for your work, so I don't want to be paid with Negative commenting. So,...
...DO away with the Blogger comments section, and start a Paid Online Fan Club. start a Paypal donation account,and if someone donates to you a certain amount(I'm sure Pencils & digital coloring AIN'T cheap),they send in contact info, Open it, and can automatically join. Then, they can comment with others about the strip, you can sell exclusive content to REAL Fans, like Buttons, exclusive Digest Books, unfinished Pencil Drawings, previous work outside of the B&B....AND, you're getting PAID!
...and maybe a Chat Room, where YOU can answer questions for a period of time! Just a thought....
..Well, I said enough, so, I'm off to see a certain Blue-Eyed Blonde 36YO Italian Guy (Did NOT know they made 'em!)around 3pm today, to wreck his mattress with, so.....s'ALL GOOD, Baby!! ha-HAAA!! ; )
CHOW, my respectful lovelies! : )
Honestly, I don't think I've read more insight comments in this section . . . ever. Thank you for putting it into prospective for all of us, RBS. You're absolutely right. And again, thank you for your kind words.
Truly, life is too short for bullshit.
RBS7079, Ardenwolfe and everyone else:
Don't worry about the troll anymore. Some commenters here have asked for the "banning" or "blocking" of the troll. While I shared that opinion too, and have discussed this with Greg (who was hesitant to outright ban anyone completely) it turns out that it's not possible to ban or block users here on the blogger forum. Yes, you can delete individual comments, but there's no option in this format to ban or block users.
So that leaves only one option: he's going to get all of his comments deleted. He's had multiple chances to redeem himself, but it always descends into the same garbage. So, he's done. If you see any comments on here by him, please ignore them, don't fan the flames. Just ignore it, because that comment is on its way to the trash heap. Again, I don't take pleasure in doing that, but as a moderator of this website, it's my responsibility to make sure visitors have a pleasurable visit. The troll had many chances. But now it's done.
It's cool. You can tell Greg to outright ban me. It's still not going to change my opinion...he has my permission to do so as i don't see the need to "redeem" myself to sit the standards of anyone here...
You're not "banned", Jack, but for now, we'll take this as your goodbye, and wish you well.
One other thing as a followup to RBS7079's comment, about Greg starting a "paid fanpage club". I don't think he'll mind that I reveal he has a Patreon page in the works, which will have some of those things you suggested, like rewards and a private chat page. Not sure when it will debut, but I'm sure he'll be posting about it soon.
For those of us using Google, there is an app in the store called Fair Adblocker by Stands. I've discovered, much to my delight, it will block certain elements on this page. All you must do is right-click that element, and it will be blocked forever.
Or until Wildcat deletes it.
Either way, I hope this helps anyone who wants a comment section free of over-the-top dramatic hysterics too.
There actually is a way . . . indirectly . . . to stop an undesirable from commenting. You can make all comments needing approval before publishing. Though this will mean each comment will need approval first before they are posted, it will also stop anyone other than the moderator from seeing them.
Not sure if Greg wants to do that, but it is another option to consider. For myself, I would not mind given the situation. I know Janet Reid, a famous literary agent, used this option on her blog in the past.
Just another option to consider.
....gasp....these receipts...
...SACRE BLEU!!!!! : 0 / : )
Since the correct decision has been made by both Greg and WIldcat, this will be the last I speak on this issue. By no means, do I respect this person. But, yet again, this section has turned into a discussion about him. And that is not needed given what Wildcat asked earlier.
But here is the truth: Bud is a sad and lonely person. No one, no happy person, would go so out of his way to do and say the things he has here. However, at no point, has he gone after anyone here in their personal life or career. To do this ourselves not only makes us worse, but hypocrites. And unnecessarily vindictive. So let me be clear: doing this makes us no better than him.
A troll feeds on attention. And this action is like a banquet for people like this. I strongly recommend you delete your responses, ignore Bud, and move on . . . as we all should. WIldcat will deal with him from here-on-out.
We are better than this. And this action not only makes us wrong, but it also makes everything Bud said right.
Don't do this.
Folks, I removed this last thread of comments because all it does is throw fuel on the fire. The troll has been dealt with, there's no need to stoke up the fire when it's already been doused. Let it go, and if he posts anything else, just ignore it. It will be deleted.
I'm sorry.
The news that there would be changes to the comment section had me in a rush to show my own results on dealing with the matter.
In my head at the time, I thought it would be an equal if not better opportunity - if that person kept coming back after being told that whatever they said would be deleted. I thought it would lead to some grand modus operandi in which everyone would raise arms - their final dissatisfaction dealing with that person. In the end, I realize it was my own hubris that I metaphorically threw firecrackers into a box of giant spiders for everyone else to deal with.
I sincerely apologize for what I did. I truly hope that my own personal vendetta doesn't denigrate me from being a part of the comment section.
Everyone: this is my apology for all of the mean and spiteful things that I've said. While it remains true in terms of my experiences with my fellow gay man the way that i said it came off as harsh...however, to date ice never give after anyone based on career, etc....i did speak to the military and thru not only found my statements to be non bullying but my conduct although harsh to be well within the guidelines of military code of ethics. However, the military did want to go after Yren for making statements classified as a false report of harassment and Greg for the strip in general. I stood up for both individuals as i clearly stated that the strip has entertainment value and meaning in a lot of instances and that Yren has the right to feel anyway that he wants. In short they backed off but after having to answer those types of invasive questions about my sexuality precipitated by Yren, I've decided that you all will never see a post from me again because i like to feel safe and after that experience, i don't as i feel it was vindictive and nalicious....sad to say i was right but glad that i can apologize for my hand only...
Voice recognition is killing me: i meant to say that i do feel as if it's malicious. Take care everyone
Allow me to clarify some things in case people are now nervous which I suspect were voiced for that purpose. I worked for many years as a military paralegal in the U.S. Air Force. More to the point, I worked as the Noncommissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC) of Military Justice in the Staff Judge Advocate Office (SJAG). And I can tell you, with clarity, that no military official is going to bother with nonsense about more nonsense involved within a gay comic strip.
They have A LOT more important issues on their plate than the misbehavior of an NCO as far as his mouth on a gay comic website. The government does not have the time nor inclination for such, and pardon my language, "Little shit."
That said, a First Sergeant may pull the NCO or persons aside and tell them to stop their stupidity . . . which I am going to assume is what happened. And that will be that. Which I again suspect is what was ordered given the recent turn of events.
Regardless, please remember this is a comic strip for your entertainment. If you dislike the comments shown here, please be aware that Wildcat will deal with them and/or you can block them in the method I addressed earlier.
Either way, please enjoy the strip, know that life is too short for stupidity, and have a nice day.
In any case, sorry, Bud, but you're still wrong even in the end.
I've been too busy to write anything to whomever, you know, because of work, going to spring garden festivals and getting my buns tanned on the beach.
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