Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Episode # 531 - December 31st, 2019

Want info on how to get the Kyle's B&B Books, (including signed copies)? Just CLICK HERE !
Want to find out how to get notified every time a new episode is posted? Just CLICK HERE !  (But first... read the new episode!).

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Kyle's B&B Man of the Year for 2019 - Mannis MacQueen!

Well, the votes are in and it's
 official...our man from Scotland
 has walked away with the crown
in his first year of competition!
That's right, Mannis has seized
the crown in a decisive victory.

This year, it really came down
 to a 2-man race from the get-go.
 Mannis & Brad, (last year's
Kyle's B&B Man of the Year),
were neck and neck for most of
 the competition; and they were
way out in front of the rest of the
 pack for the duration, (their
closest competition was perennial
favorite Drew, who has won the
competition 4 times, in 2012, 2013,
2014, and 2016). But even Drew
was a distant third, as Brad &
Mannis battled it out these past
few weeks. At certain points Brad
would pull ahead, and then Mannis
would come back strong. Generally,
within 10 to 20 votes apart. But
Mannis triumphed in the end.

To see the stats on where your
favorite guy placed, please scroll
down, because, wow... do have
some stats this year! Even a pie
chart! (Check it out!). I have to say,
the biggest surprise to me was that
Jeremy did not score higher, as I
felt he had a banner year in the
storylines, (but then, Mannis was
an integral part of Jeremy's story-
line, so Jeremy certainly can take
some credit for that. Also, Jeremy
did place significantly higher this
year than ever before).

Thank you to everyone who took the
time to vote. It's always fun to see
how this plays out, isn't it? And if
you'd like to take a stroll down
memory lane to see all the past
winners, please visit our Kyle's 
B&B Men of the Year Hall of
Fame Page. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Episode # 530 - December 17th, 2019

Want info on how to get the Kyle's B&B Books, (including signed copies)? Just CLICK HERE !
And DON'T FORGET to VOTE for the KYLE'S B&B MAN of the YEAR for 2019 after you read the new episode!!! (Just SCROLL DOWN to the next post!).
Want to find out how to get notified every time a new episode is posted? Just CLICK HERE !  (But first... read the new episode!).

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

VOTE NOW for the Kyle's B&B MAN of the YEAR for 2019 !!!

It's that time of the year again! Time to pick the guy who you think was
the star player in the story-lines of Kyle's B&B this year! Keep
in mind, this shouldn't necessarily be about voting for your favorite
character, (although you can, if you want to). Ideally, this poll should be about voting for the character who really had a groundbreaking year in the B&B stories.

Voting ends on Sunday, December 29 at  
6:00 pm EST. Winner will be announced and the crowning ceremony will commence an  hour later, at
7:00 pm EST. You can only vote once, so think carefully about your vote!

To cast your vote, scroll down and you'll see 
the poll options. Pick your 
guy and vote! 

(Please note.... if you don't see your 
vote tallied after you place your vote,
don't worry.... you just need to refresh
your browser's page after your vote has
been placed to see it reflected in the
totals). PS.... in years past, for some 
viewers the poll did not show up on
their screen. It seems to not show up
on some mobile  devices. If you can
 get to a desktop or laptop, that may
work for you.  And if you don't have
access to either of those devices, 
you can e-mail me your vote privately
 and I will add it to the totals). Email me at 

Who is your pick for the Kyle's Bed and Breakfast Man of the Year for 2019?
This poll has ended at 12/29/2019, 11:00:00 PM

Created with PollMaker

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Episode # 529 - December 3rd, 2019

Want info on how to get the Kyle's B&B Books, (including signed copies)? Just CLICK HERE !
Want to find out how to get notified every time a new episode is posted? Just CLICK HERE !  (But first... read the new episode!).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Episode # 528 - November 19th, 2019

Want info on how to get the Kyle's B&B Books, (including signed copies)? Just CLICK HERE !

Want to find out how to get notified every time a new episode is posted? Just CLICK HERE !  (But first... read the new episode!).

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Episode # 527 - November 5th, 2019

Want info on how to get the Kyle's B&B Books, (including signed copies)? Just CLICK HERE !

Want to find out how to get notified every time a new episode is posted? Just CLICK HERE !  (But first... read the new episode!).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Episode # 526 - October 22nd, 2019

Want info on how to get the Kyle's B&B Books, (including signed copies)? Just CLICK HERE !
Want to find out how to get notified every time a new episode is posted? Just CLICK HERE !  (But first... read the new episode!).

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Episode # 525 - October 8th, 2019

Want info on how to get the Kyle's B&B Books, (including signed copies)? Just CLICK HERE !
Want to find out how to get notified every time a new episode is posted? Just CLICK HERE !  (But first... read the new episode!).

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Episode # 524 - September 24th, 2019

Want info on how to get the Kyle's B&B Books, (including signed copies)? Just CLICK HERE !
Want to find out how to get notified every time a new episode is posted? Just CLICK HERE !  (But first... read the new episode!).