Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Episode # 508 - February 12th, 2019

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RBS7079 said...

...hmmm, I see Mannis is gonna take some 'warming up' to; even if he doesn't have anything under the kilt, he's still leaving people COLD! >:(

WELL, I see Mannis' Scottish heritage is going to be topic of choice while he's at the B&B; I think we've evolved past the 'Is there anything under the Kilt' talk, Brad, and should see more character traits in the person....then again, Mannis seems to be chasing 'celebrity'; if he came here to the US, after becoming a Youtube 'sensation', but, My Love, just because he's a Hot Guy in a Kilt doesn't mean EVERYONE'S gonna like ya....

I like this dynamic, though; Ed's face in panel Six shows there's gonna be some contretemps between the two; the B&B boys have too much softness....Mannis seems to be as brusque as Sergei; but with more of short fuse....

...SO, I wonder who's gonna get under the kilt, to set off his 'firecracker'....ssssss-POW! ...Calling PADDY! calling PADDY! >; )

....heh, heh, CHOW!!

Rip said...

There any possibility of Sergei come back for a while, Greg?

Scott Nesmith said...

Uh-oh, Brad's showing interest. Wonder how Price will react to that?

whiskers65 said...

I wish Fox would stop stereotyping the Irish lingo. It's like assuming all Brits speak with a Cockney accent. Get with the times , its 2019 not 1919.

Karmakat said...

NOT TO BE MEAN. but the black 'shadow' panel they look like dismembered puppets...