Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Episode # 544 - July 14th, 2020

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Tim said...

On those rare occasions I go to the beach, I bring half my library along, so I can relate. :) Fortunately for humanity, I have never worn a Speedo.

RBS7079 said...

..OK, I haven't had my coffee yet, so I may come off a bit snippy....

FIRST- I know this COVID pandemic has probably thrown Greg's story arcs into a tailspin, but MUST we go back to this Mannis / Jeremy storyline!? ...they NEVER had the chemistry to keep me interested, to see how their relationship is progressing; I DO believe Mannis & Darren WOULD be Buddies, but,after the 'whimper' like ending of Mannis''secret fetish', I was GLAD that their story arc ended...MY opinion, here...

SECOND- WHERE is EDUARDO!?? ...he gets a drastic new 'look' (which wasn't bad, per se, his style is just VERY distinct), gets a new friend in Darren, and...G-O-N-E, again!! I said it previously, I feel Greg may have lost the 'desire' for the Ed character (as is Breyer); Brad had a resurgence with his coming out,& the OTHER characters are very interesting, but, Ed's about to graduate from College,& has MADE something of himself in this exciting time of his life..he's not just an "oversexed Hot Papi" anymore..MY opinion...

THIRD- THIS one may cause a bit of ire...I feel certain characters get a lil' more 'exposure' than others, by way of their bodies; Price in socks n' undies, Drew in Mark Spitz Speedos & cutoffs, Brad & Breyer in Medieval wear, Mannis in a teeny Speedo or kilt...yet, Darren barely gets a ass-crack shot!?(pnl.8)

...WHY do the Ebony Men N-E-V-E-R get to expose their flesh!? SO many Hot MEN here, and the same ones get the preferential treatment...even Jeremy's exposing flesh! YES, it's Greg's decision, but almost EVERY Man is FINE at the B&B...and, a cornucopia of flavors, too, It should be treated as such...

...alright, I'm feeling guilty 'bout complaining, hopefully we'll see Ed next time, to snap me outta my funk!! ..ha-HAAA, CHOW!!

magickmagus said...

I'd post a comment but the drooling from above keeps washing away the ink.

Great job, Greg.

jjt said...

I love the Jeremy-Mannis relationship. Another wonderful, fun edition, Greg. It's finally summer!

Jack said...

I agree with RBS7079 on this one. The Mannis/Jeremy relationship is the most BORING relationship since Ed and Jake. I have never seen two characters with ZERO chemistry. They seem more like friends than anything else. I would rather see Greg pair up Mannis with Darren or Darren with Price....On a separate note: I agree that we never get to see men of color in speedos or anything that can be considered sexy. We always see the white gay men in sexy positions and this is starting to look eerily like Josman art which featured white gay men in positions of sexuality and relegated black gay men to the back-burner. I don't understand it. Aren't we all supposed to be one big "rainbow?"


Unknown said...

well NO, Mannis should not be doing carentry in his speedo, he should be stark bollock naked..but he should at least have left the shirt off to show off the speedo.... or put on the kilt and given us a 'up kilt' shot

Mark said...

Thanks for checking back in with Jeremy and Mannis... it's nice to see they remain on solid footing despite the potential roadblock of Jeremy's disinterest in anal sex. It was a bit startling to see Mannis in a speedo...I would have had him pegged as a trunks guy, if he wore a suit at all (but I'm not complaining!). I like that Jeremy didn't take Mannis' interest in helping with the cabinet in a jealous way, which is where I originally thought the strip was going. Such a mature way to handle the situation, and a tad surprising when coming from Jeremy, who seemed so flighty when he was first introduced.

Unknown said...

I have to agree. Darren has been extremely covered up compared to the other characters. Why not show his chest at least, especially if it's got some hair on it. ;)

Aside from that, this week's strip strikes me as very sweet. I really like to see unusual character combos and everyone's interests mixing a little bit.

-- Thom H.

Greg Fox said...

(Part 1... this blog has a limit on word count for comments, so I'm dividing this up into 2 comments)

Thank you to everyone for the thoughtful and varied comments on this episode. I always appreciate the consideration and time readers take to make a comment, and this week is no exception. Though I don't often comment here, as I believe this is mainly the forum for readers of Kyle's B&B to have their say... I felt I should address some points that were brought up in some of the comments on this particular episode.

First of all, concerning this episode specifically... the reason that Mannis & Jeremy are in swimsuits is because they're going to the beach. The reason that Darren isn't in a swimsuit is because he's not going to the beach; he's working on a carpentry project. There really was no other agenda here in regards to how they are dressed.

To the larger point, concerning whether men of color in the comic strip tend to be shown with more clothes on than the white guys. As it happens, that's not quite accurate, yet you do have a point. Let me explain. While there are a number of characters in the comic strip who do tend to under-dress at times, (Brad, Price, Drew, and sometimes Breyer), there are also characters who, by their nature, tend to be a bit more conservative in how they dress, (Kyle, Lance, and believe it or not, Richard. He rarely shows much skin... in fact, in his cameo appearance in this episode, he makes a very rare appearance in shorts!). It's not about their race... it's about their individual characters. Yes, technically, I could have every guy in the strip bouncing around the B&B in their underwear all the time. But that's not a comic strip I'd really want to write. I think it would be like a cake with too much icing, and not enough cake.

To address the characters specifically, Lance just isn't the type of character to be strutting around the B&B in his underwear. I've been writing his character for 20 years, believe me... I think I have a feel for him at this point. Though he has had more than a few appearances in underwear and/or swimsuits... Lance is more about 3-piece suits and in his off-time, preppy sports wear. Frankly, I think he rolls his eyes a bit at Brad having breakfast in his briefs. And don't get him started on what he thinks of Price in his oxford shirts & socks.

Darren is a different story. He's very new to being around other gay men. Just moving into the B&B was a huge step for him. The idea of walking around in his underwear in this environment... would probably give him a panic attack. Once again, writing him suddenly as a character who's comfortable walking down the hallway in a skimpy speedo, without a care in the world, would be so incredibly inconsistent with who he IS as a person... it wouldn't work for me as a writer. (Continued in the comment below)

Greg Fox said...

(Part 2, continued from above)
In light of all this, I think perhaps the valid question here would be... why don't I introduce a Black character who LIKES to flaunt his body in skimpy underwear? Why indeed?

I think, from the start, I've always been very conscious of the fact that whenever I introduce an African-American character, I realize how important it is that I get it right. I don't take it lightly. I've always been very much aware how, until recently, Black characters were hardly in abundance in comics, (gay comics and otherwise). Perhaps this is why I don't think I've ever written a "silly" character of color in the strip. Characters like Lance, Delia, Matt, Kristian, Darren... they've all come with a lot of backstory & baggage. Each one of them, I've spent a lot of time developing a history before they ever show up in the comic strip. And maybe that's influenced me to make most of them the sort of characters who are a bit more conservative in how much skin they expose. I'm not sure.

It's rather ironic that a certain notorious commenter here keeps asking that I bring back Matt, while simultaneously complaining how "boring" he finds some of the other characters. Ironic, because to me, Matt was the most boring character I ever wrote. He was the ultimate case of me being so careful to present a well-balanced, admirable, "likable" character that he had NO personality to speak of. I spent a lot of time trying to make him work, but ultimately.... it was inevitable that he be sent off to Florida.

Finally, Eduardo. No, I'm not "bored" with him as a character. I do have some storylines planned for him. (Speaking of which, both he & Darren will be starring in the next episode. And no... Darren WON'T be showing much skin. Sorry!). With all of the characters to balance, I suppose he has gotten some short shrift over the past couple of years, but I haven't forgotten him. (And yes.... the COVID-19 pandemic did postpone a bit of a storyline I had planned for him. But it will happen eventually, I hope). And about his "new look"? This one I'm a bit mystified by. He grew in some heavier facial hair, (mustache and semi-beard, as opposed to the lone patch under his lower lip). And he also got some lighter-brown highlights on his formerly jet-black hair, (courtesy of Richard, I'm sure). That's IT. I'm not sure how that makes him look all that much different, but... I'm kind of fascinated that some folks think so! (And by the way... he IS a character of color who hasn't hesitated to show some skin quite regularly!).

Anyway, I've went on longer than I planned to, (another reason why I tend not to comment here). Thank you again, everyone, for the thoughtful comments. I do appreciate that people are concerned about the characters and the comic strip, and I always am eager to hear what you have to say.

RBS7079 said...

....The ONE time I get testy, because of a lack of coffee in my system, Greg puts me in my place, but GOOD! ...ha-HAAA!!🤐

GREG! ...Dearest, I'm SURE you know my comment wasn't in antagonistic, snipy jest; We, as LONGTIME readers (& Book owners), do look forward to what CHANGES are in store for ALL the characters at the B&B, and I was looking forward to something 'new' from Ed in character GROWTH...I'M aware of the character traits of the Ebony B&B'ers, so I personally didn't expect a more 'lascivious' bend on them, in regards to undress...but, just, SOMETHING to deem them 'sexy', TOO....😛

...as for Ed, I feel his character has SO MUCH to offer now; He's a Latino runaway, disowned by his Parents...NOW, a soon-to-be College Grad, mature, sexy, loved by the B&B'ers...I wanted THAT representation of him, NOT just a hair change..It was like when singer Bryan Adams got that 90's "Glam" makeover...it just SO drastic (in my eyes) that it SHOCKED, instead of, 'updated'....

...y'know, I actually felt guilty of my posting, that I deleted it, then, added it again, for (hopefully) realistic, topical discussion...but, I'm appreciative that Greg Fox felt the need to explain the reasonings, which is WHY I've always respected his work, AND, to the respect he's given to the Black characters, AND the Black / Latino community....

....send me an invoice for the next "KB&B" Book, will'ya!? ...ha-HAAA!! ..CHOW-CHOW, Greg, and, thanks for the clear-up!👌🙌😚

Jack said...

Yes, that was me he (GREG) was talking about folks. I hide from no man and no conversation or posting. But his (Greg) point doesn't really address the very real problem which is: lack of TRUE representation of minority gay men and women in the mainstream gay surrounding. I DID compare this to that gay racist artist Josman because of the lack of in-depth sexual encounters whenever an ethnic gay minority is involved but Greg at least features multiple areas of minority gays in sexualized situations while Josman is just plain decrepit....This isn't to say that Greg's contributions are not appreciated but if white gay people get to be "sexy" then why not everyone? I consider myself more reserved like a Lance but I have my occasions to where I want to be seen as a sexy, good looking man. When I hit the gym in particular, I will wear the first thing that I grab regardless of how "skimpy" it is...We would not have this issue if EQUAL representation was present. Yes, I said bring Matt back because we have not seen stability in a long time and Njord is just plain SEXY!...We are dealing with generalizations and even I have been erroneous in a lot of my responses, especially as it relates to Drew and Lance' relationship. It would appear as if color has nothing to do with them being together. But I am NOT erroneous when it comes to the very real topic of gay racism within the gay community and the advent of gay neo-Nazism on the scene and I do not appreciate that when I point this out, it gets erased for no apparent reason. Is Greg one of them? I don't think so but do I think that he is aware that black gay people are fully realized individuals? That remains to be seen. But one thing is clear: you can't expect gay rights to advance when ALL colors are not represented equally within multiple aspects. Minority gay people are not one-dimensional people and our voices should be heard and I will continue to speak out on this very REAL issue within the gay community. BTW, no, I don't think that Matt is the most boring character, that distinction goes to Jeremy.


WranglerMan said...

I like Mannis and Jeremy. I'm glad the B&B has a character of Asian descent, and Mannis' hairy legs are to die for!!

Shame on all of you, especially RBS7079! The Gay Gods and Goddesses should cancel your Gay Cards for objecting to a beautiful man like Jeremy and a manly, brawny man in a speedo like Mannis!

RBS7079 said...


...Wrang, I've been 'shameless' for so long, even Francois Sagat can't scold ME! ..ha-HAAA!!

....Allow me to explain: I do N-O-T, hate the 'Jeremy' character because of his Asian descent, not at ALL! ...In MY opinion, he didn't have enough 'backstory' to be interesting...prior to Mannis, all he did was answer the front Door, to introduce NEW characters! NO storylines, at ALL!

Mannis is DEF interesting (as is his hairy legs...& TITS, you forgot THAT!); Mannis actually MADE Jeremy sexier, warmer, softer....but, still BORING! I wanted Mannis to be more darker, dirtier, DANGEROUS, and lead Jeremy down a 'rougher' road, 'cause ain't no JACKHAMMER like Mannis is gonna stay around, if he can't 'nail' NIA Jeremy!

...and I agree with others, that Mannie shoulda' took his shirt off (whilst in the speedo), but it would've made Darren uncomfortable....SEE? ...I 'get' the reasonings of Greg...

...YIPES, I swear Kids, I promise, I won't comment until coffee's in my system, AGAIN! ...S'all Good, tho, CHOW!! >IreallymeanCiao<

WranglerMan said...

Oh, RBS7079! Don't worry, dahlin'! I never suspected that you didn't like Jeremy because of his ethnicity. No,I can understand your aversion to a man who makes watching the paint dry exciting! But I like him...not only because he's easy on the eyes, but because he's a hard nut to crack. And his nuts need cracking! I've known men who don't like anal sex, and most, if not all, have problems with intimacy. And it will take a speedo wearing Scot, like Mannis, to help Jeremy work through his issues.

And RBS7079, a man wearing a shirt with a speedo can be incredibly sexy...especially when he peels it off as he works up a sweat...or you help him to peel it off! That's even more fun, dahlin'!

RBS7079 said...


.....you gonna hold Mannis down, while I peel his sweaty shirt off, Dah-lin'!? ...but, I can git the Speedos muh-self...ha-HAAAAA!!!😈

Thanks for the laff, Kid, but(t)... I don't think Jeremy's 'nuts' need crackin',just the CRACK!🍑⛏ ...SEE, I TOLD ya I'm shameless!!!🤪

...see ya next strip, Wrang! TOODLES!👋

WranglerMan said...


Who said I was talking about the shirt, Sugar? It's the sweaty speedo that I'll pull off! ♨️🩲🍑🍑

Mannis can leave his shirt on! 😉

A Bientôt, Mon Cher! 💋