Having been in similar situations, You want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt regardless of the gossip etc. However in Kyle's case, Eduardo is not Richard the gossip queen and Kyle knows that Eduardo would not have told him about Breyer without actually seeing Breyer there.
It's way too suspicious. I mean it's a known crusing spot and also when Breyer ran into Eduardo there, he was obviously startled. He had the uncomfortable look of a man who just got caught doing something. If he was just there to take a pee, why did he look so uncomfortable when Eduardo saw him , pure bs. His excuses are flimsy about that , he could have taken a pee elsewhere and Kyle knows it. He just doesnt want to face the fact that Breyer cheated on him.
And in this current strip even more distrustful behavoir from Breyer.Using sex as a way to distract Kyle and make Kyle feel guilty. It has all the makings of a liar and manipulator. I mean we're all human and Breyer could have come clean and let Kyle decide if he could get past it but by lying Breyer took that option away. Lack of trust is a deal breaker for me and it should be for Kyle too. We'll see what happens.
...Breyer is C-L-E-A-R-L-Y using his Body here,as 'manipulation' to get Kyle on his 'side', from the naysayers, and cements the accusation(s) against him, that he was cheating; He may have not DONE anything, but he 'planted' himself in a vicinity where 'action' can just happen, and, if it DID....
...I'm also amazed that Breyer doesn't LIVE with Kyle after ALL this time...and, that bare apartment shows he doesn't HAVE much, so, why ISN'T he with Kyle!?
...Lance, Eduardo, & Price have admitted to using manipulative tactics with their Bodies to 'get' what they want, but.. Breyer's way, seems more 'hurtful' to me; Kyle seems scared to directly ask Brey about the Everhard situation, as if he'll 'hurt' him in OTHER ways...💥👋... As a story arc, I LOVE this, because of it's layers: I agree that this SHOULD 'wrap up' soon, but ALL things (at times) AREN'T wrapped up in a pretty little 'bow'...Good LUCK, Kyle..🥺..
Ok...Although this story line needs to end, I side with Kyle on this one...It would've been different if this came from Richard but it came from Ed who was out with Darren. The way that Breyer came onto Kyle is a strong indicator of having something to hide.
Loving this story line because it's happened to many of us, including me. (My boyfriend's car at an adult arcade) Kyle's B&B is a gay strip, so STD's,HIV, and now, COVID, are part of our lives. Breyer's set-up would have been way cool a year ago, but now it's coercive behavior. Even if he did nothing at EverHard, he is using sex (to manipulate Kyle) instead of discussion. Again, this plot is SO relevant. Richard and Eduardo sleep around, but they are single.
With Breyer's behavior and the way he tried to turn the tables on Kyle for not jumping immediately into sex. I have to say he did something. Kyle should follow his instincts here. Just my two cents.
...Y'know, this story-line is GETIIN' to me (in a good way); It seems to be about issues of TRUST, and, reading others' comments about it here, REALLY get me thinking about...US....
...It seems as if EVERYONE doesn't believe Breyer, and, although ALL the evidence is pointing otherwise, the ONE Person Brey should feel secure in believing him,...is KYLE. Kyle's now-wavering attitude, is making him face HIS own trust issues (..and, safety issues, as the above commenter pointed out); ..and, We, as Gay Men (& our Sapphic lovelies) have been 'burned' in our OWN previous relations, to see this arc, with a jaded eye....
...do we REALLY 'trust' our Partner!? ...in WHOLE!?? I wanted more topical story arcs for EONS, at "K'sB&B", and this one, although simplistic, IS bringing out what I LOVE...honest, rational, TALK, opinions,& experiences, that can form, hopefully, a better outcome for the character(s)....
...and Kyle, may NOT have one.... s'up to YOU , Greg....
This smacks of grossest manipulation. If it were the 90's, I'd actually be freaked out a little. I still have lots of emotional scars from people lost due to cheating partners.
This is some classic gaslighting bullshit right here. Whenever a partner does something shady and then makes you feel guilty for doubting them, that's your cue to exit the relationship.
You're really making us wait with this one, Greg, and I love it. The slow burn has notched up the suspense quite a bit, especially with the (tangentially related) Darren and Lisa interlude two weeks ago.
Also, I have to say that panel 6 is some of the best artwork I've seen on this site. I'm not sure what to call that effect on Kyle's face, but it's pure '50s romance comic -- perfect for this episode.
Thanks for the entertainment, and keep up the amazing work!
...OH, yes, you're VERY right; I assume you mean Ep. 332, where Brey did a One-time stint, as a House-cleaner (in a jockstrap), which went WAY left very fast(...read the Book(s) to find out!) ...but, TECHNICALLY, he didn't 'lie', he just never 'acknowledged'....🤫..
...BUTT, Breyer never has to acknowledge ANYTHING, when he's in a jockstrap...to ME! 😛...ha-HAAA!!
I was going to write about Breyer feeling unsafe and using his brash approach to compel Kyle's thought process....but when it boils down to it, Breyer should know that the best way to get Kyle back into his bed is to go to the comic book shop first...ogle the hot Legionnaires and other superheroes on the comic covers....THEN go home for sexy role play!
What Breyer attempted to do was use sexual manipulation on Kyle and Kyle didn't fall for it. The thing about someone like Breyer is that once you take them back, they just get better at manipulation and hiding things. I don't recall them ever announcing that it's an exclusive relationship and Kyle may be assuming that it was while Breyer may not. Either way, Breyer's character is out of line.
Breyer's 360 degree outburst was planned. Getting laid was possible icing. Sociopaths operate this way--create a train wreck, then blame everyone else. When Brad punched Breyer, an innocent man would have punched back. BTW, Kyle didn't kick Brad out for assaulting his boyfriend... He kicked Richard out for a lot less. I'd like Nick's perspective on this. How many "cousins" visited Breyer's apartment over the years? -Ray
I'm a long time fan of Kyle's Bed & Breakfast.It's always been enjoyable gay fiction that deals with very serious issues in a warm, thoughtful way. I suppose I'm in a minority but I don't like this Kyle-Breyer "He was Cruising for Secret Sex" storyline at all. I'm sorry but, it's been tedious and now it just seems gratuitous. And that leads me to ask why so much time was spent developing Breyer as a sweet, vulnerable, down-to-earth, working class Canadian guy only to turn him into some sort of manipulative player without any real hint of that until this year. Where is the actual basis for this complete change of character? We met Breyer's mother (whom I liked) awhile ago and we know his father was an abusive alcoholic. Breyer was angry when Richard came on to him and kissed him. Kyle even threw Richard out for that as another commenter mentioned. So, are we supposed to believe Breyer has actually just been a heartless sex maniac that was not satisfied with Kyle all along? This is not a convincing plot nor does it make any sense as character development for Breyer. Plus the implication would be that Breyer's background somehow makes him prone to being an abuser and an addict. BTW Where is Drew? or Rudy? I think they are both the best equipped to address such a situation. In any case the sooner this story is concluded the better because the strip has had much more interesting stories than this one.
...Y'know you DO have some valid points in your comment, and I actually thought a LOT of your opinions, myself....Although I can't speak for Greg, I think-think THINK, I'm seeing why Breyer's turned to 'the dark side'.....
..Breyer's older, and less 'established' than Kyle, he's been insecure about his penis size, gets into scuffles a LOT with bosses / employers abouthis sexuality, and, seems to have not EXCLUSIVELY commit to Kyle, by not moving into the B&B and having an apartment separate from Kyle....
Breyer's 'COVID balcony' post had him looking like Man who was contemplating Life, and his 'time' within it; I believe he 'planted' himself at Everhard Woods on purpose, to see if he's still "got it"...He necessarily doesn't / didn't DO anything, but...just to see if he's still desire-able... He FEELS a modicum of guilt being expressed as rage(..hence, the accusation that Kyle doesn't trust him, & NOT smacking Brad back after he hit him), but Kyle 'feels' betrayed, but can't verbalize it....
..MANY Lovers get together, and don't really explore what "levels" of 'Trust' should be implemented in their unions, and, although I DO agree it's been drawn out a time (NO pun intended), It IS bi-weekly strip that ONE MAN is creating, and he reeeeally has to think out the twists n' turns....that, We readers won't be able to rake him over the COALS with!! ...ha-HAAAA!! >donthitmeGreg<
..and, in closing, I feel that Rudy or Drew will have the FINAL say to the plot-line; they are THE most levelheaded in the B&B, and they can 'guide' Breyer & Klye into an understanding; personally, I LIKE this 'dark' change in Brey...it's showing us,....do we REALLY 'know' our Partner, after a period of time??
...One NEVER knows, DO one!? (...who said THAT line? ..It just popped in my HEAD! ..ha-HAAA!!)
What does Breyer offer the relationship aside from a hot body? He can't hold a job, has never connected with Kyle's friends, and is stuck in limbo. Eduardo has 2-3 jobs, is going to college, and is pursuing a career. Didn't he get his GED also? Eduardo was dumped on the street as a teen for being gay. As I said previously, sociopaths always blame everyone else for their mistakes. Even if Breyer works for the CIA or was shooting a documentary, his chance to level with Kyle was today. Instead, he jockstrapped and finger-pointed. I have seen hot men (straight and gay) pull this act many times. If Breyer was homely and obese, nobody would give him a second chance. That's why this arc is so relevant. Again, what does he have to offer? To be clear, Breyer was my fave for years... (And to prove how shallow I can be--he has a teeny weeny! Lol!) -Ray
@Ray I think true sociopathy has never happened at the BNB. The evil twin (Terrence) that came after Rudy for the art was a psychopath and Price is more of a narcissist than a sociopath. But is Breyer a sociopath? Sorry but, no, I don't buy that one. Sociopaths are not likely to apologize for anything and they tell great lies. Breyer has a history of being insecure, apologetic,and is not great at deception. Sociopaths don't let themselves feel such things.
I think you have some valid points too. My main point being that the Breyer as a "deceiver or scheming villain" storyline comes across as an unconvincing RETCON-in this case it would be a dismissal of previous events and character actions as just lies or distortions. Marvel and DC have done this so many times so badly, I wouldn't want to see Kyle's BNB go this route too. The COVID balcony episode (546) reinforced Breyer as a sympathetic character, a frontline worker doing an essential job and being treated badly. Plus even before that Breyer is frequently seen helping Kyle and his friends when there is no real benefit to him in doing so. Sergei was the only guy who really shared Breyer's interests at the house. But, perhaps like Jake, Breyer was just a temporary character who had some topical issues draped on him and perhaps he will be abruptly dropped out of the series just like Jake. There is seemingly little point in keeping him around if he is indeed a virus or disease spreading liar because nearly all the men at the house don't trust him. But the selfish and scheming rich boy, Price is tolerated because his money is useful. I'd say Breyer's relationship with Kyle is probably over then, he kind of ended himself. I remember the episodes where Jeff Olsen and Matt screwed around on Brad and yet almost no one was criticizing those "hot bod" characters for spreading diseases or cold hearted lies. That storyline was played for laughs. Nick, the main working class character in the strip called them out. Working class people like Nick and Breyer are the ones who keep things running, it is a problematic move to make villains out of them. So, I'm interested in seeing if Breyer is written out or if we actually discover more complexity within him through this storyline.
Love all the comments here. In some ways, they are better than the storyline.
I'd forgive many things, if I were Kyle...just to have it at Breyer in that jockstrap.
I still say, cut him some slack. There's a reason he was at that rest stop other than a quick Blow&Go. When it comes out, maybe Breyer should be the one rethinking his relationship with Kyle. Why does Kyle continue to have trust issues?
Sorry but I think that this relationship is history. Breyer is just too shady. There is something very creepy and narcissistic about Breyer. He has serious body issues starting with the fact that he is not hung at all. Kyle would do well to break it off. Now that I think about it, Breyer used to clean houses in his underwear and did not tell Kyle so this shows a level of sneakiness too.
Matt had broken up with Brad when he hooked up with Jeff. When they played, condoms were mentioned. Kyle has no idea what Breyer's precautions were, if any.
I agree that the comments are more interesting than the storyline. Infidelity,trust in relationships, body image, socioeconomic class issues, constructions of masculinity, and gay community health have all come up in response to this story.
@ Unknown
Deception and betrayal are at the heart of both storylines. But the Jeff-Matt-Brad story was much more sophisticated. In that storyline, Jeff Olsen and Matt both knew they could really hurt Brad despite the break up but, they went ahead with it and Jeff Olsen should really have known better than to be chasing guys at the BNB. Is it worse for someone to betray or deceive a friend with another friend or with a stranger? Both are terrible but to betray someone who loves you with a close friend is just a bit more cruel. We got to see Matt feeling guilty and conflicted (for good reasons) allowing him to remain sympathetic. Readers haven't been given a deep dive into Breyer's thoughts (no thought bubbles for him) and we don't actually know what, if anything, happened in the "Everhard" Woods, this is all speculation based on Breyer's less than believable explanation for being there. That said Breyer's blunt response to Kyle's conflicted feelings didn't help that situation at all. As I said, I think their relationship is probably over. If Breyer has indeed been there multiple times for secret sex than of course that is horrible on many levels. But, my main point stands that if that is true then it is not a believable progression of Breyer's character given how infidelity disgusted him awhile ago and that he took COVID safety protocols seriously.
Breyer's movie adventure looks more callous now than when it happened. He "assumed" Kyle would see it while he was away... Has he ever heard of texting? Phones? Email? We the readers know Kyle better than Breyer because we know Kyle would NEVER see a movie without him. Breyer's mother abandoned him and his father was a lout, so who is Breyer visiting in Canada?? -Ray
sorry but, with what I went through and some friends of mine...I am not judging Kyle at all.
Having been in similar situations, You want to give the guy the benefit of the doubt regardless of the gossip etc. However in Kyle's case, Eduardo is not Richard the gossip queen and Kyle knows that Eduardo would not have told him about Breyer without actually seeing Breyer there.
It's way too suspicious. I mean it's a known crusing spot and also when Breyer ran into Eduardo there, he was obviously startled. He had the uncomfortable look of a man who just got caught doing something. If he was just there to take a pee, why did he look so uncomfortable when Eduardo saw him , pure bs. His excuses are flimsy about that , he could have taken a pee elsewhere and Kyle knows it. He just doesnt want to face the fact that Breyer cheated on him.
And in this current strip even more distrustful behavoir from Breyer.Using sex as a way to distract Kyle and make Kyle feel guilty. It has all the makings of a liar and manipulator.
I mean we're all human and Breyer could have come clean and let Kyle decide if he could get past it but
by lying Breyer took that option away. Lack of trust is a deal breaker for me and it should be for Kyle too. We'll see what happens.
...Oh, Brey, this is not good....😕...
...Breyer is C-L-E-A-R-L-Y using his Body here,as 'manipulation' to get Kyle on his 'side', from the naysayers, and cements the accusation(s) against him, that he was cheating; He may have not DONE anything, but he 'planted' himself in a vicinity where 'action' can just happen, and, if it DID....
...I'm also amazed that Breyer doesn't LIVE with Kyle after ALL this time...and, that bare apartment shows he doesn't HAVE much, so, why ISN'T he with Kyle!?
...Lance, Eduardo, & Price have admitted to using manipulative tactics with their Bodies to 'get' what they want, but.. Breyer's way, seems more 'hurtful' to me; Kyle seems scared to directly ask Brey about the Everhard situation, as if he'll 'hurt' him in OTHER ways...💥👋... As a story arc, I LOVE this, because of it's layers: I agree that this SHOULD 'wrap up' soon, but ALL things (at times) AREN'T wrapped up in a pretty little 'bow'...Good LUCK, Kyle..🥺..
Ok...Although this story line needs to end, I side with Kyle on this one...It would've been different if this came from Richard but it came from Ed who was out with Darren. The way that Breyer came onto Kyle is a strong indicator of having something to hide.
Loving this story line because it's happened to many of us, including me. (My boyfriend's car at an adult arcade) Kyle's B&B is a gay strip, so STD's,HIV, and now, COVID, are part of our lives. Breyer's set-up would have been way cool a year ago, but now it's coercive behavior. Even if he did nothing at EverHard, he is using sex (to manipulate Kyle) instead of discussion. Again, this plot is SO relevant. Richard and Eduardo sleep around, but they are single.
With Breyer's behavior and the way he tried to turn the tables on Kyle for not jumping immediately into sex. I have to say he did something. Kyle should follow his instincts here. Just my two cents.
...Y'know, this story-line is GETIIN' to me (in a good way); It seems to be about issues of TRUST, and, reading others' comments about it here, REALLY get me thinking about...US....
...It seems as if EVERYONE doesn't believe Breyer, and, although ALL the evidence is pointing otherwise, the ONE Person Brey should feel secure in believing him,...is KYLE. Kyle's now-wavering attitude, is making him face HIS own trust issues (..and, safety issues, as the above commenter pointed out); ..and, We, as Gay Men (& our Sapphic lovelies) have been 'burned' in our OWN previous relations, to see this arc, with a jaded eye....
...do we REALLY 'trust' our Partner!? ...in WHOLE!?? I wanted more topical story arcs for EONS, at "K'sB&B", and this one, although simplistic, IS bringing out what I LOVE...honest, rational, TALK, opinions,& experiences, that can form, hopefully, a better outcome for the character(s)....
...and Kyle, may NOT have one.... s'up to YOU , Greg....
This smacks of grossest manipulation. If it were the 90's, I'd actually be freaked out a little. I still have lots of emotional scars from people lost due to cheating partners.
Choose safety Kyle.
This is some classic gaslighting bullshit right here. Whenever a partner does something shady and then makes you feel guilty for doubting them, that's your cue to exit the relationship.
Y'all need to cut Breyer a break. Has the man lied before to Kyle? Methinks, not!
Trust him, Kyle. Put no faith in gossipmongers!!!
And...DAMN...Breyer is so friggin' hot in a jockstrap!! ����
Yes, I melted when I saw those jockstrap images! Yes, Breyer HAS lied to Kyle--and ironically involving a jockstrap!
You're really making us wait with this one, Greg, and I love it. The slow burn has notched up the suspense quite a bit, especially with the (tangentially related) Darren and Lisa interlude two weeks ago.
Also, I have to say that panel 6 is some of the best artwork I've seen on this site. I'm not sure what to call that effect on Kyle's face, but it's pure '50s romance comic -- perfect for this episode.
Thanks for the entertainment, and keep up the amazing work!
-- Thom H.
...OH, yes, you're VERY right; I assume you mean Ep. 332, where Brey did a One-time stint, as a House-cleaner (in a jockstrap), which went WAY left very fast(...read the Book(s) to find out!) ...but, TECHNICALLY, he didn't 'lie', he just never 'acknowledged'....🤫..
...BUTT, Breyer never has to acknowledge ANYTHING, when he's in a jockstrap...to ME! 😛...ha-HAAA!!
I was going to write about Breyer feeling unsafe and using his brash approach to compel Kyle's thought process....but when it boils down to it, Breyer should know that the best way to get Kyle back into his bed is to go to the comic book shop first...ogle the hot Legionnaires and other superheroes on the comic covers....THEN go home for sexy role play!
I want a Green Lantern hoodie to wear when I go to the comic book store.
What Breyer attempted to do was use sexual manipulation on Kyle and Kyle didn't fall for it. The thing about someone like Breyer is that once you take them back, they just get better at manipulation and hiding things. I don't recall them ever announcing that it's an exclusive relationship and Kyle may be assuming that it was while Breyer may not. Either way, Breyer's character is out of line.
Breyer's 360 degree outburst was planned. Getting laid was possible icing. Sociopaths operate this way--create a train wreck, then blame everyone else. When Brad punched Breyer, an innocent man would have punched back. BTW, Kyle didn't kick Brad out for assaulting his boyfriend... He kicked Richard out for a lot less. I'd like Nick's perspective on this. How many "cousins" visited Breyer's apartment over the years?
I have a green hoodie, but it says Thunderbird 2!
Love your comments! Yes, Breyer should be legally required to wear one exclusively. His face in panel 6 SO hot. Love the porn 'stache!
I'm a long time fan of Kyle's Bed & Breakfast.It's always been enjoyable gay fiction that deals with very serious issues in a warm, thoughtful way. I suppose I'm in a minority but I don't like this Kyle-Breyer "He was Cruising for Secret Sex" storyline at all. I'm sorry but, it's been tedious and now it just seems gratuitous. And that leads me to ask why so much time was spent developing Breyer as a sweet, vulnerable, down-to-earth, working class Canadian guy only to turn him into some sort of manipulative player without any real hint of that until this year. Where is the actual basis for this complete change of character?
We met Breyer's mother (whom I liked) awhile ago and we know his father was an abusive alcoholic. Breyer was angry when Richard came on to him and kissed him. Kyle even threw Richard out for that as another commenter mentioned. So, are we supposed to believe Breyer has actually just been a heartless sex maniac that was not satisfied with Kyle all along? This is not a convincing plot nor does it make any sense as character development for Breyer. Plus the implication would be that Breyer's background somehow makes him prone to being an abuser and an addict. BTW Where is Drew? or Rudy? I think they are both the best equipped to address such a situation. In any case the sooner this story is concluded the better because the strip has had much more interesting stories than this one.
...Y'know you DO have some valid points in your comment, and I actually thought a LOT of your opinions, myself....Although I can't speak for Greg, I think-think THINK, I'm seeing why Breyer's turned to 'the dark side'.....
..Breyer's older, and less 'established' than Kyle, he's been insecure about his penis size, gets into scuffles a LOT with bosses / employers abouthis sexuality, and, seems to have not EXCLUSIVELY commit to Kyle, by not moving into the B&B and having an apartment separate from Kyle....
Breyer's 'COVID balcony' post had him looking like Man who was contemplating Life, and his 'time' within it; I believe he 'planted' himself at Everhard Woods on purpose, to see if he's still "got it"...He necessarily doesn't / didn't DO anything, but...just to see if he's still desire-able... He FEELS a modicum of guilt being expressed as rage(..hence, the accusation that Kyle doesn't trust him, & NOT smacking Brad back after he hit him), but Kyle 'feels' betrayed, but can't verbalize it....
..MANY Lovers get together, and don't really explore what "levels" of 'Trust' should be implemented in their unions, and, although I DO agree it's been drawn out a time (NO pun intended), It IS bi-weekly strip that ONE MAN is creating, and he reeeeally has to think out the twists n' turns....that, We readers won't be able to rake him over the COALS with!! ...ha-HAAAA!! >donthitmeGreg<
..and, in closing, I feel that Rudy or Drew will have the FINAL say to the plot-line; they are THE most levelheaded in the B&B, and they can 'guide' Breyer & Klye into an understanding; personally, I LIKE this 'dark' change in Brey...it's showing us,....do we REALLY 'know' our Partner, after a period of time??
...One NEVER knows, DO one!? (...who said THAT line? ..It just popped in my HEAD! ..ha-HAAA!!)
What does Breyer offer the relationship aside from a hot body? He can't hold a job, has never connected with Kyle's friends, and is stuck in limbo. Eduardo has 2-3 jobs, is going to college, and is pursuing a career. Didn't he get his GED also? Eduardo was dumped on the street as a teen for being gay.
As I said previously, sociopaths always blame everyone else for their mistakes. Even if Breyer works for the CIA or was shooting a documentary, his chance to level with Kyle was today. Instead, he jockstrapped and finger-pointed. I have seen hot men (straight and gay) pull this act many times. If Breyer was homely and obese, nobody would give him a second chance. That's why this arc is so relevant. Again, what does he have to offer? To be clear, Breyer was my fave for years...
(And to prove how shallow I can be--he has a teeny weeny! Lol!)
Beautifully said. The lack of trust AND a deep, transparent conversation shows this relationship isn't what Kyle thought it was.
I think true sociopathy has never happened at the BNB. The evil twin (Terrence) that came after Rudy for the art was a psychopath and Price is more of a narcissist than a sociopath. But is Breyer a sociopath? Sorry but, no, I don't buy that one. Sociopaths are not likely to apologize for anything and they tell great lies. Breyer has a history of being insecure, apologetic,and is not great at deception. Sociopaths don't let themselves feel such things.
I think you have some valid points too. My main point being that the Breyer as a "deceiver or scheming villain" storyline comes across as an unconvincing RETCON-in this case it would be a dismissal of previous events and character actions as just lies or distortions. Marvel and DC have done this so many times so badly, I wouldn't want to see Kyle's BNB go this route too. The COVID balcony episode (546) reinforced Breyer as a sympathetic character, a frontline worker doing an essential job and being treated badly. Plus even before that Breyer is frequently seen helping Kyle and his friends when there is no real benefit to him in doing so. Sergei was the only guy who really shared Breyer's interests at the house. But, perhaps like Jake, Breyer was just a temporary character who had some topical issues draped on him and perhaps he will be abruptly dropped out of the series just like Jake. There is seemingly little point in keeping him around if he is indeed a virus or disease spreading liar because nearly all the men at the house don't trust him. But the selfish and scheming rich boy, Price is tolerated because his money is useful.
I'd say Breyer's relationship with Kyle is probably over then, he kind of ended himself. I remember the episodes where Jeff Olsen and Matt screwed around on Brad and yet almost no one was criticizing those "hot bod" characters for spreading diseases or cold hearted lies. That storyline was played for laughs. Nick, the main working class character in the strip called them out. Working class people like Nick and Breyer are the ones who keep things running, it is a problematic move to make villains out of them. So, I'm interested in seeing if Breyer is written out or if we actually discover more complexity within him through this storyline.
Take care,
Love all the comments here. In some ways, they are better than the storyline.
I'd forgive many things, if I were Kyle...just to have it at Breyer in that jockstrap.
I still say, cut him some slack. There's a reason he was at that rest stop other than a quick Blow&Go. When it comes out, maybe Breyer should be the one rethinking his relationship with Kyle. Why does Kyle continue to have trust issues?
Sorry but I think that this relationship is history. Breyer is just too shady. There is something very creepy and narcissistic about Breyer. He has serious body issues starting with the fact that he is not hung at all. Kyle would do well to break it off. Now that I think about it, Breyer used to clean houses in his underwear and did not tell Kyle so this shows a level of sneakiness too.
Matt had broken up with Brad when he hooked up with Jeff. When they played, condoms were mentioned. Kyle has no idea what Breyer's precautions were, if any.
I agree that the comments are more interesting than the storyline. Infidelity,trust in relationships, body image, socioeconomic class issues, constructions of masculinity, and gay community health have all come up in response to this story.
@ Unknown
Deception and betrayal are at the heart of both storylines. But the Jeff-Matt-Brad story was much more sophisticated. In that storyline, Jeff Olsen and Matt both knew they could really hurt Brad despite the break up but, they went ahead with it and Jeff Olsen should really have known better than to be chasing guys at the BNB. Is it worse for someone to betray or deceive a friend with another friend or with a stranger? Both are terrible but to betray someone who loves you with a close friend is just a bit more cruel. We got to see Matt feeling guilty and conflicted (for good reasons) allowing him to remain sympathetic. Readers haven't been given a deep dive into Breyer's thoughts (no thought bubbles for him) and we don't actually know what, if anything, happened in the "Everhard" Woods, this is all speculation based on Breyer's less than believable explanation for being there. That said Breyer's blunt response to Kyle's conflicted feelings didn't help that situation at all. As I said, I think their relationship is probably over. If Breyer has indeed been there multiple times for secret sex than of course that is horrible on many levels. But, my main point stands that if that is true then it is not a believable progression of Breyer's character given how infidelity disgusted him awhile ago and that he took COVID safety protocols seriously.
Breyer's movie adventure looks more callous now than when it happened. He "assumed" Kyle would see it while he was away... Has he ever heard of texting? Phones? Email? We the readers know Kyle better than Breyer because we know Kyle would NEVER see a movie without him. Breyer's mother abandoned him and his father was a lout, so who is Breyer visiting in Canada??
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