Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Episode # 603 - October 18th, 2022

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RBS7079 said...

LEVI: "....'cause Spandex does not do me any favors..." ...I've sen your ASS, Levi, I beg to differ!! ...ha-HAAA!!

...WELL, 'Bottle Booty' can't be used anymore, because Levi, is his Name; and I'm already in trouble because he's SMOKKKIN' HOT! ..He looks like a huskier version of Gay Pornstar Tegan Zayne (with Red hair)....

...I'm KINDA seeing sparks with Levi & Kyle, BUT....when Levi mentioned '...The Cop...", I've a tingly feeling there may be a NEW addition to the Ed / Darren dynamic that MAY cause a bit O' Drama....

...makes sense he would be called "Levi"...asses look GREAT in 'em, even though we didn't get to see LEVI'S, in this Episode....cue Richard for the MAKEOVER! ...ha-HAA!!


RBS7079 said...

.....OH! ...and P.S.; notice how Greg covered Levi's Ass, in FOUR panels!? ....denying me my cheap thrills, 'eh, Greg!? ...ha-HAA!!


Greg Fox said...

To RBS7079: I'm not sure how to post images within comments, but, here is the URL of the "uncovered" image you are sure to appreciate!


RBS7079 said...

@Greg Fox:

"...but, here's the URL of the "uncovered" image you are sure to appreciate!"

....WOW, whatta SEAT on 'Bottle Booty'!! ...Ya gotta get 'im undressed IMM-EEEDIATELY, Sir Greg...I appreciate, I APPRECIATE! ...ha-HAAA!!

...chow, chow, CHOW!

Scandia said...

A possible new interest for Kyle?

RustedElk said...

wow he dummy thicc