Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Episode # 611 - February 7th, 2023

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RBS7079 said...

...Oh, my God..... I was gonna toot my own horn, for (somewhat) guessing the Levi story-line (in Ep #610, I guessed Brad & Kyle would find a freezing Levi, in the back of his Car)...but, THOSE LAST THREE PANELS.....WOW....

...We take for granted (at times) what Greg Fox gives us for free on this website, but we DO have to acknowledge his talents, here...; my heart BROKE for Levi, just by Greg's art...the shading, Levi's sad eyes / features, the visible cold breath, his closed legs on the bench, staying warm....OUCH...

...It a very sad situation when you're alone in this World, and you feel that No One cares, and you have to rely on YOU...It's always important to have just ONE Person, to 'see you through'...

...Levi thinking about Hawaii, because of Kyle's Coffee (along w/ Darren & Drew, feverishly searching him) is showing that he has a NEW HOME, and, it's not just at the B&B...I do hope Levi is Gay, because he DOES need someone in his Life (romantically),to give him a new beginning....Kyle MAY provide it....

..Oh, I can just THROTTLE Price right now....GREAT Job, Sir Greg....CHOW.....

magickmagus said...

If he falls asleep, he'll freeze to death. Great cliffhanger. Greg.

magickmagus said...

Have you noticed that steam is coming out of the mouths of the characters when it's cold? Great attention to detail, Greg!

Mi Ci said...

after watching the last of us episode 3, i dont think i can take any more heartbreaking sadness if something happens to levi.

Ridor said...

C'mon!!! Why leave us like that?!?

WranglerMan said...


Perhaps Greg is leaving us like that to make us think about the very real problem of homelessness in this country, especially at this time of year.

I'm a believer in Price, but I sure hope karma is a bitch to him!!

Behrmark said...

As usual, the artwork is detailed and exquisite...but the writing! Greg you certainly have outdone yourself. I felt the frantic emotions of Kyle, Drew, and Darren as they search for Levi. I felt Levi's near hopelessness as he slowly starts to succumb to the cold.

Writing like this deserves a Pulitzer. Seriously good stuff.

RBS7079 said...

....I think I'm goin' nuts, because I'm already anticipating the conclusion of this story, hoping that they find Levi!.... I woke up this morning to make some coffee, and my first thought of the DAY, was....

"...Levi...my BABY...." ...over a FICTIONAL CHARACTER! ...ha-HAAA!! ...Thank GOD the 'thrill' is back, in Greg's storylines!!


RustedElk said...

Levi :'(

Anthony said...

I hope Levi is found before he gets frostbite or has to be hospitalized.