Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Episode # 624 - August 8th, 2023 🥍

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Karmakat said...

The PERFECT example of someone that acts like he knows everything but knows NOTHING AT ALL...freaking Price Prick...

ComixFan said...

Great strip lambasting Ivy League school attitudes! FWIW, Dartmouth has a reputation - so I've heard - as counting alums who are among the douche-iest, most bro-ish attitude-of-entitlement-scumbags of them all! And what's with the lacrosse stick and running around in his underwear?

Even Ivy grads have standards! It's amazing how many people pick one time in their lives - high school, college, or when their kids were little, or whenever, to inhabit for the rest of their lives! It's like their lives stopped at that period and never moved on.

Having said all that, Levi continues to be an intriguing character with potential for hidden depths. Losing your job due to reputational smears and fraud on the part of your employer is an intense experience - and yet Levi is dealing with it. I doubt Price would do so well. He has had was too much coddling and unearned support throughout his life.

Enjoying the stories in the strip and the characters!
PS Price needs to do some lat pulldowns to work on his width! He's pretty narrow through the torso! Also, he needs to put some bent over and upright rows for balance!

Levi needs to do some cardio and clean up his diet with more veggies and fewer carbs - he's got a bit of a belly there for such a young man! Not quite up to the House standards - which are unrealistically high, I admit!

RBS7079 said...

.....I was gonna start my comment, but I'm in SHOCK, right now....KARMAKAT!!! ....Bubby, It's truly so NICE to see you again! ...blinkin' eyes, and ALL!! ...ha-HAAA!!

....Price may be a stuck up 'Prick', but I wouldn't mind 'pricking' HIM, in those lace-up shorts! ...lookit that tight ASS! (pnl. 7) ...alright, back to the story....

....I LOOOOOVE the name 'Jason' (has a sweet, but nasty in the sack vibe, to it)....but 'Jase' here, seems REEEEAL young; He seems apt to take Levi's case, but he also seems to be threat to the relationship of Darren & Eduardo....

Darren, a Cop, Jason, a Lawyer...watch out, Ed.....

...now, I'm gonna cause some ire, here...don't hit me....

....who's loving the 'husky' vibe of Levi's Body!? ...It's kinda throwin' me off...I'm SO used to everyone looking like a MARVEL Superhero (Drew, Brad, Price & Darren can easily get a call), but...Greg showing Levi to be short & 'pouchy' is making me feel like I'm 'shaming' him....which, I'm NOT....

...I LOVE that his longer, shaggy hair is back, but...I wanna see a hot Bod, attached to that great, juicy ASS!

..which, I've yet to see again....who's with me!?? ...ha-HAA!!


RBS7079 said...


....so, I was RIGHT! ...Levi's Bod WAS throwin' us off!! ..we're SPOILED around these parts, ain't we, Comix!?? ...and, I used to be a Personal Trainer, GOOD EYE on Price's lats! ...ha-HAAA!!

Frank said...

Despite his sexy outfit and fit muscular body, Price comes off looking pretty bad in this episode. Start with his rude interruption of Levi's private meeting with an attorney. Uninvited, boasting of his elite Dartmouth degree and connections, and simultaneously insulting someone he doesn't know. It certainly seems like overt racism (or minimum, unconscious bias) to assume the man couldn't possibly have an Ivy League law degree (Jason quite adeptly knocked Price down a couple pegs). Even had he not had an Ivy law degree, an education from schools like Stanford, U Michigan, Univ. of Chicago, NYU, Fordham, Vanderbilt or Northwestern (hell, even Hofstra) would be nothing to sneeze at.

Since Price literally locked Levi out in the bitter cold, and only "rescued" him out of concern for his own image amongst the housemates, he probably shouldn't cross paths with Levi. I suspect Greg might be setting up a romance between Price and Jason; the interaction has parallels with Lance and Drew's first meeting. Time will tell.

RBS7079 said...


...ding, ding DING, Frank....Price has ALWAYS been a 'prick', but Greg seems to take pleasure into making him almost, 'comedic-ally prick-ish'...

...but, he did NOT come off good in ANY way, during the 'Blizzard' arc, and seemed to hurt his chances of getting romantically involved with Brad, for GOOD...I love a good 'villain', but Price has become not a good PERSON....

....but, he can wiggle around me, in those shorts! ...ha-HAA!!


JM said...


Joule said...

Love the fact of jason putting Price in his place, love how Jason ended it "Mr. Kingsbury it was an EXPERIENCE meeting you" as Latrice Royal says "The Shade of it all!!!" hahaha.....

I'm still hoping for a Kyle & Levi romance but I have a feeling a love trianle is on the horizon, just not sure who the players are going to be, so far I'm thinking Kyle,Brad & Coach "Dennis" Carver or Kyle, Levi, & Brad or Kyle, Levi & Coach either way Kyle's going to be involed

@RBS7079.....Don't start none won't be none, leave my boys Darren & Eduardo out of it, Lance & Drew can't be the only longterm relationship at the B&B.

Ridor said...

I did not graduate from Dartmouth College. I fucked someone who graduated from there. Later, he asked me to accommodate him to Hanover, New Hampshire and I walked away being incredibly impressed with the school. There is a reason on why I order the Big G shirt for myself each year from Dartmouth College.

You have to be there to see it, it is not what people wanted to claim it as snobby thing - it is not. I'm disabled and I had a wild time.

Price is nowhere close to that type of what I saw at Dartmouth.

WranglerMan said...

Ditto @Karmakat!

But Price has such a beautiful butt!!!

MaxLeopold said...

Where did Price's left Nipple go in the 6th Picture?
It is a bit off, no? ;-)

ForPrice said...

I've been watching the 1980s version of Dynasty and partly I think that Price's character and they way he speaks sort of resembles Adam Carrington.

RBS7079 said...

@ MaxLeopold:

....I think it's makin' a RUN for it, it's trying to hide under his ARMPIT! ...ha-HAAA!! ...and, can we talk about how Jason's left forearm 'melts' on top of his Right One, in the same panel!?? ...ha-HAAA!!

...forgive me, Sir Greg, not knockin' your Art, but we can josh around in the comments a bit, can't we!?? ...ha-HAAA!!


RBS7079 said...


....makes sense, Adam ALWAYS came off a like a QUEEN! ..also made sense, that Gordon Thompson (the Actor who played him), came out....at 72!!!

....Gordon, honey, we KNEW....your 'shade' PRECEDED you! ...ha-HAAA!!

ComixFan said...


Thanks for the props as a personal trainer - yes, we are "spoiled for choice" with all the built dudes in this strip!

I wonder though - has any story line ever featured someone in the strip who is an actual bodybuilder? In all their huge, jacked, bulging-muscled, body dysmorphic glory?!?

THAT would give the guys a run for their money - maybe he could challenge the guys (Price!) to a physical contest that WASN'T bodybuilding - and still beat him. Like clean Price's clock in a Lacrosse game! Price would be left defeated, downcast and horny - while having to admit the bodybuilder's superiority in something Price thought he dominated!

Just an idea.....��


RBS7079 said...


....y'know, I read your comment, and although it WOULD be cool for a 'real' Bodybuilder to show up at the B&B, but... I think, in Greg's 'World', their Bodies are just, 'that way'....

...everyone at the B&B (to an extent) resembles a Superhero, in the guise of a 'normal' Person...we RARELY ever see them work out, train accordingly, eat accordingly, etc.; SO, having someone actually stronger than THEM show up, would be a misnomer...

...BUT! ...I would love to see Greg tackle a Body dysmorphia plotline, that remains a BIG topic in the Gay community today...Out of ALL the characters, I see JEREMY being the One, who would have that issue, the most....

...It could....COULD...also be Richard, but I think he would deal more with the 'effeminate' bias within the community, better... Greg has SO many characters here, that he could take to 'topical' situations, but, it relies on HIM.....

...Hell, I'm still waiting to see Levi's fat BOOTY again! ..ha-HAAA!! ..Toodles!!