Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Episode # 626 - September 5th, 2023 🏊‍♂️

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ComixFan said...

I remember Mark Spitz - and his famous poster posing with all of his then-record 7 gold metals!

He was kind of a jerk, personality-wise, but he was a great swimmer! Michael Phelps has eclipsed his gold medal records now, but Mark was certainly a leader!

So many of those Olympic medalists in the 1980s and 1990s have gone on to epic status in my mind and in many others - Dorothy Hamill, figure skating, with her iconic hair bob, Bart Connor and the entire U.S. Men's Gymnastic team - giving a whole new impetus to Men's gymnastics, the U.S. Hockey team that beat the then-world dominating Russians, and, of course, multiple U.S. men's basketball teams - all dominating the field!

Good memories!

P.S. I hope Darren doesn't have a mental meltdown, with all this foreshadowing!


RBS7079 said...

"....I can remember seeing Mark Spitz in those Speedos as a pre-teen and not understanding the fluttery feelings they induced...Ah, the innocence of youth...." ....AND, the lusty thoughts they STILL incur, as an ADULT! ...ha-HAAA!!

...Oh, the GOOD Ol' days of HOT (70's) MEN....let's run down a Top Ten list of mine, shall we!??

10. LOU FERRIGNO ("Incredible Hulk")- ...bouncin' tits, green skin, & tight Jeans, what MORE can a (Gay) ASK for!?

9. STEVE GUTTENBERG ("Can't Stop The Music") - ...boyish features, HOT 'lil Bod, and the "BJ" on the Lieutenant under the podium scene in "Police Academy" shows he's NOT afraid of 'typecasting'....

8. ED ASNER ("Mary Tyler Moore Show")- ...yeah, "Lou Grant"! ....the Gay world's 1st REAL (70's) "Daddy", and still held in HIGH regard...

7. HOWARD HESSEMAN ("WKRP") - ...The Gay's 1st "Hound Dog" hottie; hot n' hairy Bod, funny, COOL as hell, and played a DJ...and actually WAS One! ...and, introduced The Gay's to the 'handlebar mustache'.....

6. GARY SANDY ("WKRP") ...and, Gary introduced us to how to wear TIGHT JEANS! ..in One episode, his Jeans were so tight, you could see the KEY-RING in his back pocket! ...had good Hair, too...

5. MARK SPITZ- ....Gold chains, a Speedo, a mustache...and, the Gay World begats an ICON, who literally changed the (Gay) World in how Gay Men can look like MEN....all, in a tiny piece of fabric!! ...ha-HAAA!!

4. TONY DANZA - ...for those, that like 'em dumb N' Italian....Tony actually BETTER in his mid 30's; those thighs..that ASS... that energy...bada-BING, bada SCHWING! ; )

3. MAX GAIL ("Barney Miller") ....AND, for those who like 'em dumb N' Polish....that Episode where the Air conditioning went out of the Police Office, and 'Wojo' was DRENCHED in tight clothing, wrecked me...those BUNS, ay-yi-YI....

2. BO & LUKE DUKE ("Dukes Of Hazzard") ...ah, the Duo who sent Tight Jeans on beefy Men into U.S. Homes! ....and, they knew how to color co-ordinate, too, Luke in darker, Bo in lighter!

....and, me Top Boy...

1. PAUL MICHAEL GLASER ("Starsky", of "Skarsky & Hutch") ....black curly hair, HOT 'lil Bod, hothead personality, caring,funny, a COP who knows how to wiggle that ASS, and... One of the 1st celebrities to acknowledge the AIDS crisis as a reality to EVERYONE....

....how's 'bout you (mature) Kids putting in YOUR Top 70's Man!? ...there were MANY.... ; )

RBS7079 said...

....Oh, goodness, I got SO wrapped up in 70's Speedos (and Hot Men), that I forgot to comment on the STRIP! ...ha-HAA!!

....well, It's WONDERFUL to see Drew again!! ....he was been very absent for FAR too long (the search scene for Levi during the blizzard was welcome, though...)...But, he has ALWAYS been the mature 'voice of reason' that everyone listens to (when they're not LOOKIN'..) aside from Kyle, So, hopefully Darren will adhere to his advice....

...In all honesty, this PTSD thing seems so 'sudden' to put on him, after the long buildup of introducing him, & watching the blossoming relationship w/ Eduardo...But, I can attest (by my own Father) that PTSD does 'sneak up' on People who had some form of trauma....let's hope it's handled respectfully, within this story-line.....

...and, speakin' of 'handled', I love Drew's shorter, styled haircut, and how the Speedos hang on his hips, in Panel 9... I'll 'handle' HIM, lemmetellya! ...ha-HAAA!!


jjt said...

I don't like Darren. There, I said it.

RBS7079 said...


..yes, you did...

...now, if you'll allow, I'll give my take to the recent addition to the "B&B", while Joule gets the nunchucks.... ; )

...Darren has been the most welcome addition to the B&B since Drew, and today's post, shows why; Darren walks with a 'quiet strength', he's unassuming, but he's commanding...he's Comic Book-'nerdy', but has a cool, 'Dude'-like vibe...

...He's welcoming, stays to himself, stands up for anyone he feels is threatening anyone close to him (his concern about Levi to Kyle in the beginning, showed that), & is complimentary to Others...Mannis, Drew, & Brad took to him, immediately...makes PERFECT sense, to why he's studying to be a Cop...

....Ed has yet to say "I Love You" to him, but, it's coming...AND, his union with Ed has become the (2nd) most mature relationship in the B&B's HISTORY (aside from Lance & Drew)...he's a Good Man...

...AND, he's got the most rockin' BOD, juiciest ASS, and the thickest, heaviest BULGE outta EVERYONE at the B&B....EVER! ....makes ME a Fan.....


ComixFan said...


I agree with your '70s list, especially Lou Ferrigno! He brought a whole new meaning to huge, muscular characters, from the Hulk on tv to Hercules in the movies!

Now to add to the '70s list:
1. MIKE MENTZER - Mr. Universe 1978 with a never surpassed perfect score! His iconic poster is on many a gym and bedroom wall - including mine! as inspiration. Like Ferrigno, but much handsomer and more articulate! Too bad he never made any movies!
2. FRANK ZANE - the epitome of balanced, bulging aesthetic muscular development! Many of the characters in this strip look like their bodies are clones of his, with different heads!
3. TOM PLATZ - Set a new record for SIZE in his THIGHS (much as Ferrigno did for CHEST and MENTZER did for TRICEPS and AHNULD did for the Side Chest pose and double biceps).

As for Darren, I agree with you that he has one of the more balanced, centered personalities in the whirling storm of over the top personalities in the B&B. Interesting to see how his story develops.


RBS7079 said...


...W@W, Comixfan has a thing for "The Zane"!!! ....loved that Man's BODY....I loooooved how he just....'stood'...near the Beach, with that sexy 'tilt', in his hips, and that thick, shaggy Brunette Hair...

...Platz came off more like a WWF Wrestler to me, but there was NO denyin' them LEGS! ...especially that ASS, in those itty-bitty Shorts!...nice to know the 70's Bodybuilders still have some REACH!

...thooooose, schoolgirl dayyysss.... ; )


ComixFan said...

Not only do I have a "thing" for "The Zane" but, first and foremost, "Mike Mentzer"! My idea of physical perfection - one that long inspired many a workout, especially for triceps!

There was a famous Wayne Gallasch muscle video, called "Posing at Muscle Rocks" where Mike Mentzer slowwly and loving flexed his mammoth arms, with especial attention to his titantic-sized triceps! He then took a bottle of baby oil and carefully and methodically applied it to his arms, chest and legs, before handing the bottle off to his hot blonde cutie girlfriend, Kathy Gelfo, who cheerfully oiled up his wide, muscular back!

Fully oiled up, Mentzer went into a dynamic posing routine!

*UMPF* - and other incoherent noises!

RBS7079 said...


...well, ya almost sold me on Mike, until I reached the word, "...Girlfriend"!! ..ha-HAA!!

...ahhhh, Boys, Boys, BOYS....you can have Mike, but leave me the Bodybuilding 'cuties', from MY era (1984-1989)....

Bob Paris
Lee Labrada
Rich Gaspari (..the Man who showed that Glutes ARE a 'muscle'..)
Franco Columbo
Joe Spinello
Lou Ferrigno
The Barbarian Twins
...and, though not a Bodybuilder...."Ravishing" Rick Rude

....Oh, Comix, ya gotta STOP this, I put my "Muscle & Fitness" Mags in STORAGE, I can't yank it out NOW...

...The MAGS, that is! ...ha-HAAA!!

Mi Ci said...

sorry but darren couldve shown more tact with drew regardless. he came across as a dick. just say look drew, i appreciate your concern but im fine and dont need to talk not butt out and go swim some laps. quite frankly, some of these storylines are stupid and predictable too, the baseball coach thing and richards background check- Richard is some little peddling twink DJ how the heck would he be able to find out things that even the FBI can't figure out. answer he cant

SKnowles said...

I want a Legion shirt like that!