Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Episode # 650 - August 6th, 2024 👽

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ComixFan said...

Good to see some "normal" relationship talk in bed at 2 a.mn.! Nothing says "we're in a relationship" than talking about saving for a trip to Roswell to become/see space aliens!

Marriage or relationships- in their everyday manifestations!

Good for Eduardo and Darren!

Who knew Darren was such a worry wort?! LOL

RBS7079 said...

....well, although I was hoping to see Price walking funny through the B&B halls after his 'Thump-A-Thon' with Jason, It was probably best, because I don't want my comment to get removed like the last time....

....hey, I gotta filthy mind, It's hard to curtail it in WRITING! ...ha-HAAA!!

....but, Darren & Eduardo's realistic 'Pillow Talk' was quite adorable; Ed discussing about savings, his lack of funds, and sharing Darren's 'geekitudinal' interests, are showing that the Boy is IN this relationship, and is shaping up to be the 2nd most mature One, in the B&B (behind businessmen Drew & Lance).....

....I also like that they're in sleepwear, and not n-ude; It shows that the 'Hot' period has cooled, and they're 'sleeping' together...as a COUPLE.....

....not 'thumping' all the Room, like Price! ...Ice it DOWN, Pricie, Baby! ....People are tryin' to SLEEP! ...ha-HAA!


Greg Fox said...

RBS7079, hold on... you had a comment removed? By who? I didn't remove any comments of yours. I will check with Wildcat, but I can't imagine he would've removed one of yours, either!

RBS7079 said...

@Greg Fox:

....I most certainly DID! ..I was the 1st comment on Ep.# 649(Morning Coffee approved), alluded to the "F" word several times, and spelled one out phonetically...So, I guessed that's what got it pulled....

...It's all good, though....just make Price look "Freshly F", when we see him next, OK, Bubby!?? ...ha-HAAA!!


Frank said...

I too was expecting a different "pillow talk" episode, and at first glance thought it was Price/Jason (before I noticed a beard and tattoo). It's nice to see Darren and Ed making plans for their future, anticipating they'll remain connected. Eduardo seems to barely tolerate Darren's comic / geek interests, but makes the effort nevertheless. Many are perhaps relieved this couple's middle night talks is cheerful, without "PTSD" or guilt relating to Darren's high school love (or Richard barging in). RBS7079 you had a comment removed? WTF did you write?

RBS7079 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RBS7079 said...


"..RBS7079 you had a comment removed? WTF did you write?" ...I just WRITE! ..ha-HAA! ...and, had another One removed again, replying to YOU!

....methinks my 'slang' slung a bit TOO close for the censors! ..ha-HAA!


Wildcat said...

Definitely did not delete any comment by RBS. Have never deleted any comments by him. And have not deleted any comments by anyone for a few months at least. Greg - check the comments log. No deletions.

Greg Fox said...

Okay, the mystery of the missing comments may be solved! After both I and Wildcat confirmed that neither of us had deleted any comments by RBS7079, I took another look at the comments log. This essentially shows a history of all the comments on the blog, going back years.

I specifically looked at all the comments from the previous episode, (which is where RBS7079 said his comment had been deleted). And I found an extra comment by RBS7079 that had NOT been published. Why? Well, when I hovered over it, a check mark appeared that asked "Not spam"? Whoa! This was a feature of Blogger than neither I, (not Wildcat, as I later discovered), were even aware of!

So, here's the deal: apparently, Blogger has some sort of automated "spam detector" that filters out comments that it judges to be spam. It doesn't delete them... it just leaves them there in the comments log for moderators to approve them. HOWEVER, it doesn't even have ANY indication this was a "flagged spam" comment unless you hover your cursor over the little upper right hand tiny corner of the comment! So, I never would've known about this feature! (And by the way, it's not very good at detecting spam, as the REAL spam has managed to get through periodically without any problems). I'm guessing it was either something in the text of RBS7079's comment, or perhaps that he'd commented multiple times on that post, that triggered the spam detector.

In any case, I have restored the comment to its rightful place, and both Wildcat and I are now aware of this feature. Do let us know if one of your comments goes missing, as this is not something that will come to our attention otherwise. Thanks so much, everyone! And Happy National Peach Month!!! (Drew is celebrating...) 🍑

RBS7079 said...

....told ya! ..ha-HAA!! ....I know my way of writing can cause seizures (to read), but Coffee in the Morning (or Red Wine i the Evening) gets me GOIN'!

....Thanks for the lookout, Sir Greg...I'll try to curtail my foul(ish) language, henceforth....BUTT, talkin' about Drew's juicy 'Peaches' may get me started all OVER...so to SPEAK! ...ha-HAAA!!


Jack said...

THIS is why they remain my favorite couple in the strip. No drama, no fuss or muss, just two people who want to be together and compromise. a WELCOME change from Price, etc. Plus, they're both minorities


ComixFan said...

I would be curious to know what niche interests Eduardo has - What if he liked pickle ball? Or hulu hooping? {Never happen - but just imagine!} LOL

Mi Ci said...

I can't stand Eduardo or Jeremy. 2 annoying pain in the butts. eduardo is a jerk and jeremy is just an ignorant asshole.