Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Episode # 665 - March 4th, 2025 ☘️

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RBS7079 said...


1.... bring back Kyle's 'gelled' Hairdo, NOW! .....this 'Broccoli' cut makes him look WAY Younger, I thought it was a TEENAGER when I first pulled up the strip on my Computer! .....He won't 'gel' (visually) with Masculine looking MEN like Mannis, Drew, Brad & Darren....

2. .....I reeeeally hope there will 'be' something about "Fletch" that will entice us to WAIT to read about ; Richard has dated Black Men (Kristian), Older Men, fey Men, Euro Men.....WHAT is it about this Cat, that keeps him so SECRETIVE!??

3. ....I wonder if this Story arc will be about the (rising) perils of (Gay) online dating.....Gay Pornstar Lance Changer did an Interview once, and said his.....umm....."content"....was used the MOST, to 'Catfish' Gay Men......and, straight WOMEN.......on online dating sites, for moolah & Gifts..... and, it's on the RISE.....

....and, speaking of 'rise', WHEN are we gonna get a peek at Eduardo in his teeny Black bikinis, again!? ....If I'm gonna have to wait every other Week, gimme sumpthin' to LOOK at, not 'Broccoli Hair'! ....ha-HAAA!


RBS7079 said...

.....OOPS, I wrote Lance 'Changer', instead of CHARGER.....had to fix that, in case anyone wanted to do some....ummmm....'research'! ....ha-HAAA!

JM said...

The broccoli haircut is awful. Makes you look like someone dumped Top Ramen on your head.

Can't wait to see what's wrong with "Felcher." Maybe he looks exactly like Kyle, and that opens up a whole creepy can of worms.

Frank said...

Fletcher is a growing mystery, especially hearing Richard is cautious about introducing him even to Kyle, likely the least judgmental housemate. So what might the secret be? Fletcher is:

a) covered in prison / gang ink
b) imaginary
c) doppelganger for Breyer
d) porn actor
e) Republican
f) doppelganger for Kyle
g) senior citizen
h) married
i) trans
j) little person
k) too good to be true; he's scamming Richard (for what - who knows?)

Only one of the above is a negative attribute though any would be surprising and might generate gossip. Richard seemed taken aback that Kyle knew his business; perhaps Richard might now learn to be more discreet about others.

Shaun said...

We think alike.

RBS7079 said...

.....y'know Frankie, I'm gonna go with "F"......

....It would explain why Kyle was left out the loop, AND also explain why the 'broccoli cut' was introduced to us, today....to differentiate the (suspected) 2 'Kyles'! ...I broke the CODE! ...HA-HAA!! ....CHOW-CHOW!

RBS7079 said...

...hmmmm....I think I may change my MIND, Frankie.....I'll go with, "C" .....

.....We all know about Rich hitting on Breyer (and getting thrown out the B&B),and of his jealousies of Kyle getting all the Hot Daddies....if he got a doppelganger of Breyer, of COURSE that would make Rich wait a tad before introduction.....

....aaaaand, Breyer has been out of sight for some time, now.....how will it make Kyle react, and affect his romantic standing with Dennis!? ....hmmmmm..... CHOW-CHOW-CHOW......