Hey, we're sorry.... this episode is no longer posted online. But you can see it in the third Kyle's B&B
book collection "Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: Hot Off the Griddle". (This is the first Kyle's B&B book
to feature FULL COLOR episodes!). By the way, if you prefer Kyle's B&B in black & white,
there is also a special black & white edition available of the third book, too!
Both are easily available to order on Amazon. Just click on either of the banner links below to get there!
Additionally, if you want to see the strip from the very beginning, you can order the first two book collections,
"Kyle's Bed & Breakfast" and "Kyle's Bed & Breakfast: A Second Bowl of Serial".
Both are also easily available from Amazon by clicking on the banner links below:
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I used to see that happen in the office I worked at. It's a bit scary to see just how fast a rumor can not only spread but mutate in the space of a couple of hours. :)
One of the funniest episodes in a long time! Good work!
Oh, that's classic stuff right there!! Nicely done! Thanks, Greg, for always keeping us entertained!!!
Loved the pumpkins. Other details I noticed were Lance in black socks, and Kyle in a rugby shirt. The panel with Lance and Brad in front of the mirror was drawn with exquisite naturalness.
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