Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Episode # 372 - November 12th, 2013

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Blue Lightning said...

How many people live at the B&B now?

ShaunNJ said...

Interesting development. I think Breyer gives Drew a run for the money in the hotness factor. But what's happening with Lance, Drew (and Price)?

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Breyer is all that hot. Plus he's not hung so....

Sean said...

Gotta love a man who wears bicycle shorts to the ice rink!

Luca said...

mmmm yep, definitely the temptation of threesome storyline! :P

magickmagus said...

Anonymous, you are so superficial.

Anonymous said...

NO I'm not. Tell me that you wouldn't rather have a HUNG man as opposed to a peeny weeny!

Ean said...

Yeah, it's obvious where this is headed. It's been established how into only being with each other Kyle and Breyer are, so Michael's just going to cause tension if he won't back off, which of course he won't.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Richard's going to say about this?

Mark said...

Not sure I like where this is going. We all know Saint Kyle would clutch his pearls at the very idea of a threesome, so why invite a guy to stay with you who is so obviously on the make for your boyfriend? Either Kyle's phenomenally bad at picking up sexual cues, or he's deliberately inviting drama just so he can act morally outraged when Michael tries to bang Breyer.

Anonymous said...

This development may put to the test how strong Breyer and Kyle's relationship really is. I hope it doesn't take the classic route of the cheating lover. I like Kyle and Breyer together.

Anonymous said...

I'm even uncomfortable about how casually everyone parades around naked with each other in that B&B. Michael doesn't need to get any kind of eyeful of Breyer. UGH. I might have to give this story a miss.

Luca said...

I think what Mark said :P

But I hope it won't be like that. I hope that the skater will make a pass at both of them, who will be somehow tempted by the idea but that will eventually reject because it will be bad for the couple.
So I hope it will be dealt more deeply (and more realistically) than just moral outrage from one side to another, or just an artifice to create a problem in a "perfect couple".

There's also another possibility, that Michael arrives at the B&B with the idea of hitting on Breyer but then his attention is diverted towards another host of the B&B... for now I still go for the threesome though.

Anonymous said...

I welcome the opportunity for some new characters at the B&B. Its obvious he won't be around long he's a professional skater and has to move constantly. Who knows, he may be a love interest for Richard?

Anonymous said...

But why would they even have to be tempted?

I think it could be a good thing that it brings up the discussion of monogamy versus having any type of open relationship you don't really want else be judged by gay culture.
There's nothing wrong with only wanting to be with who you love, and that's for sure the case with Kyle and Breyer. It's not either of them to want to be with others sexually.
I like Kyle's character, and I resent that people think he goes looking for excuses to be self-righteous. Greg's not characterized him that way as far as I've seen.
I think it was clear that Kyle was just starstruck and so he'd be happy to have Michael stay at the B&B. And Michael wasn't coming off as anything other than a flirtatious personality there. Nothing serious on first impression.
It could all go a number of ways, but always based in the truths about Kyle and Breyer and their feelings and relationship. I trust Greg.

diana green said...

I'd like to offer another point. I don't think Michael's physique is right for a skater of that caliber. Look at any of the great male skaters- almost all of them are thin and tall.
I get artistic license and all that, but this is more or less the same body type Greg uses for most of his male characters, and it's inconsistent with the storyline.

Anonymous said...

Agreed on the physique. Way too much bulk to be hurtling in the air gracefully. I chalk it up to artistic license. Now for balance, that second to last panel... sexy man.