Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Episode # 411 - May 12th, 2015

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Neil said...

No more matchmaker dates for Jake. I can't say I blame him.

I wonder if Eduardo's sort of date is a date at all and whether it actually exists, for that matter.

Troy said...

Obviously, Jake has not dated much and is thinking more like a serial monogamist.

Dating is when you are seeing multiple people--not just one.

Going steady is when you are seeing one person.

Then you get engaged

Then you get married.

Amazing how some people just miss those steps and jump from dating to married. No wonder a lot of gay relationships fail.

Ardenwolfe said...

Gotta love Richard. ;)

Sean said...

Love to see where this story is going, but also had to point out: is this a previously unseen hair color for Richard? Chartreuse? LOVE IT!

Behrmark said...

Poor Jake. I totally feel for him.

Unknown said...

I want to feel bad for Jake, but he has to realize that that tehy just made out, and under the effect of alcohol to boot. I'm not saying there's no future there, but they never decided they were being exclusive. I'd love to see them get together, but they have a lot to work on if they plan on being together for the long haul.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel bad for Jake at all. Eduardo is a bottom and so too is Jake. Two bottoms can not be in a relationship. Eduardo is looking for a dominant man and Jake is way too passive! Most gay men like dominant men....This is not a good storyline at all! IT's a total mismatch....Not every hook up is meant to be a relationship

ST said...

Anonymous, where was it stated in this storyline that Jake is a bottom? I just looked at all of the episodes since he arrived, and am I missing something? Because it's not there.